Additional training

Additional training

Procedure for assigning and registering additional Doctoral training courses

Approved at the Permanent Council meeting held on 01/07/2024

In accordance with Chapter II. Access, admission and enrolment of the Regulations for Managing Official Doctoral Studies, admission to the doctoral programmes may include the requirement of studying specific additional training that may be suggested from among the official master's degree programmes available at the UPV/EHU. The admission requirements and criteria, as well as the design of the additional training, shall be established in the doctoral programme's verified report.

The aforementioned additional training must be completed within the initial stage of the thesis, preferably in the first year of enrolment, and in any case, before finishing the second year.

When assigning additional training, it is important to bear in mind that completion of said training within the established time period is a necessary condition to be able to submit a doctoral thesis. It is also the responsibility of the Doctoral Programme's Academic Commission to first contact the Academic Commission of the Master's Degree in question to verify the requirements that the students must meet, to be able to study those master's degree subjects that they wish to take as additional training, as well as to get approval to register the doctoral student. A form (docx, 439 Kb) is provided for this purpose.

Procedure for formalising additional training:

  1. The Doctoral Programme's Academic Commission reviews all admission applications, and may admit candidates on the condition that they complete a series of ADDITIONAL TRAINING credits, to be selected from among the official master's degree options available at the UPV/EHU.
  2. The Doctoral Programme's Academic Commission contacts the Academic Commission of the Master's Degree in question, to get prior approval to register the doctoral student, and they must fill in and sign the relevant form.
  3. The Doctoral Programme's Academic Commission sends the Doctoral Programme's administrative officer a list of admitted candidates, adding (where applicable): (a) the subject(s) assigned as additional training; (b) the qualification(s) of official master's degree to which each of the assigned subjects belongs; (c) form(s) duly filled in with the approval of the Academic Commission or Commissions of the Master's Degree(s) in question.
  4. The Doctoral Programme's administrative officer will notify each candidate individually, by email, of the resolution regarding admission to the programme. In this message, the candidate will be told whether or not they need to complete additional training, and if so, what they are.
  5. The candidate must ratify their wish to register in the doctoral programme, by replying to the received message. This ratification represents acceptance of the requirement to complete additional training.
  6. Once the candidate has ratified their registration, the Doctoral Programme's administrative officer will contact the new doctoral student to formalise the registration of additional training. The student must inform the administrative officer as to whether they wish to register in the current academic year or the next.
  7. The Doctoral Programme's administrative officer will then enrol the student in the subjects that have been selected for the current academic year, leaving the remaining assigned subjects for enrolment in the following academic year.