UPV/EHUren aldaketa klimatikoari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including the keyword “climate change”.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
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Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including the keyword “climate change”.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Apaolaza, V; Paredes, MR; Hartmann, P; Barrutia, JM; Echebarria, C. How does mindfulness relate to proenvironmental behavior? The mediating influence of cognitive reappraisal and climate change awareness. 2022. Journal of Cleaner Production, 357, 131914.
Hartmann, P; Marcos, A; Castro, J; Apaolaza, V. Perspectives: Advertising and climate change - Part of the problem or part of the solution?. 2022. International Journal of Advertising.
Doblas-Rodrigo, A; Gallejones, P; Artetxe, A; Rosa, E; del Hierro, O; Merino, P. Grassland contribution to soil organic carbon stock under climate change scenarios in Basque Country (Spain). 2022. Regional Environmental Change, 22:34.
Cearreta, A. The Anthropocene perspective: A geological approach to climate change. 2022. Metode Science Studies Journal, 12, 107-113.
Arias, A; Otamendi-Irizar, I; Grijalba, O; Oregi, X; Hernandez-Minguillon, RJ. Surveillance and Foresight Process of the Sustainable City Context: Innovation Potential Niches and Trends at the European Level. 2022. Sustainability, 14(14), 8795.
Susini, S; Menendez, M; Eguia, P; Blanco, JM. Climate Change Impact on the Offshore Wind Energy Over the North Sea and the Irish Sea. 2022. Frontiers in Energy Research, 10:881146.
Ricote, MU. Main Novelties of the Basque Law for Natural Heritage Conservation. 2022. Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental, 124, 49-71.
Barrutia, JM; Echebarria, C. Harnessing social interaction and intellectual capital in intergovernmental networks. 2022. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 23(3), 639-665.
Tamayo, WS; Zabala, RU; Landin, SA. Taxation at the service of sustainable fisheries in international waters: the importance of tax incentives for Spanish tuna vessel crews. 2022. Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros-REEAP, 258, 105-134.
Muguerza, N; Arriaga, O; Diez, I; Becerro, MA; Quintano, E; Gorostiaga, JM. A spatially-modelled snapshot of future marine macroalgal assemblages in southern Europe: Towards a broader Mediterranean region?. 2022. Marine Environmental Research, 176, 105592.
Williams, DS; Balaban, O; Ilhan, A; Paker, H; Sahin, U; Yildirim, BS; Turhan, E; Uncu, BA; Olazabal, M. A policy content analysis for evaluating urban adaptation justice in İstanbul. 2022. Environmental Science & Policy, 136, 476-485.
Latasa, I; Laurenz, A; Sadaba, J. Urban Green Infrastructure as a Strategy to Address Urban Energy Efficiency and Sustainability. A Case Study of Milagrosa (Pamplona). 2022. Sustainability, 14(1), 28.
Bendou, O; Gutierrez-Fernandez, I; Marcos-Barbero, EL; Bueno-Ramos, N; Miranda-Apodaca, J; Gonzalez-Hernandez, AI; Morcuende, R; Arellano, JB. Physiological and Antioxidant Response to Different Water Deficit Regimes of Flag Leaves and Ears of Wheat Grown under Combined Elevated CO2 and High Temperature. 2022. Plants-Basel,11(18), 2384.
Martinez-Goni, XS; Robredo, A; Perez-Lopez, U; Munoz-Rueda, A; Mena-Petite, A. Sorghum bicolor prioritizes the recovery of its photosynthetic activity when re-watered after severe drought stress, while manages to preserve it under elevated CO2 and drought. 2022. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science.
Iriarte, A; Villate, F; Uriarte, I; Bidegain, G; Barroeta, Z. Shifts in neritic copepod communities off the Basque coast (southeastern Bay of Biscay) between 1998 and 2015. 2022. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 79(3), 830-843.
Zarrabeitia-Bilbao, E; Morales-i-Gras, J; Rio-Belver, RM; Garechana-Anacabe, G. Green energy: identifying development trends in society using Twitter data mining to make strategic decisions. 2022. Profesional de la información, 31(1), e310114.
Muguerza, N; Diez, I; Quintano, E; Gorostiaga, JM. Decades of biomass loss in the shallow rocky subtidal vegetation of the south-eastern Bay of Biscay. 2022. Marine Biodiversity, 52:28.
Otaegi, J; Hernandez, RJ; Oregi, X; Martin-Garin, A; Rodriguez-Vidal, I. Comparative Analysis of the Effect of the Evolution of Energy Saving Regulations on the Indoor Summer Comfort of Five Homes on the Coast of the Basque Country. 2022. Buildings, 12(7), 1047.
Ponti, R; Sannolo, M. The importance of including phenology when modelling species ecological niche. 2022. Ecography, e06143.
Marco, Z; Elena, A; Anna, S; Silvia, T; Andrea, C. Spatio-temporal cross-validation to predict pluvial flood events in the Metropolitan City of Venice. 2022. Journal of Hydrology, 612, 128150.
Alvarez-Morezuelas, A; Barandalla, L; Ritter, E; Lacuesta, M; de Galarreta, JIR. Physiological response and yield components under greenhouse drought stress conditions in potato. 2022. Journal of Plant Physiology, 278, 153790.
Lopez-Idiaquez, D; Teplitsky, C; Gregoire, A; Fargevieille, A; del Rey, M; de Franceschi, C; Charmantier, A; Doutrelant, C. Long-Term Decrease in Coloration: A Consequence of Climate Change?. 2022. The American Naturalist, 200(1).
Moraes, RPL; Reguero, BG; Mazarrasa, I; Ricker, M; Juanes, JA. Nature-Based Solutions in Coastal and Estuarine Areas of Europe. 2022. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:829526.
Payros, A; Martinez-Braceras, N; Agirrezabala, LM; Dinares-Turell, J; Rosales, I. The effects of astronomically forced climate change on hemipelagic carbonate sedimentation in a tectonically active setting: the Albian Miono Formation in Castro Urdiales (Cantabria, N Spain). 2022. Journal of Iberian Geology, 48, 405-423.
Vazquez-Calle, K; Guillen-Mena, V; Quesada-Molina, F. Analysis of the Embodied Energy and CO2 Emissions of Ready-Mixed Concrete: A Case Study in Cuenca, Ecuador. 2022. Materials, 15(14), 4896.
Monroy, S; Larranaga, A; Martinez, A; Perez, J; Molinero, J; Basaguren, A; Pozo, J. Temperature Sensitivity of Microbial Litter Decomposition in Freshwaters: Role of Leaf Litter Quality and Environmental Characteristics. 2022. Microbial Ecology.
Borja, A; Elliott, M; Basurko, OC; Muerza, AF; Micheli, F; Zimmermann, F; Knowlton, N. #OceanOptimism: Balancing the Narrative About the Future of the Ocean. 2022. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9:886027.
Abadie, LM; Polanco-Martinez, JM. Sensitivities of heat-wave mortality projections: Moving towards stochastic model assumptions. 2022. Environmental Research, 204, 111895.
Bonato, M; Sambo, B; Sperotto, A; Lambert, JH; Linkov, I; Critto, A; Torresan, S; Marcomini, A. Prioritization of Resilience Initiatives for Climate-Related Disasters in the Metropolitan City of Venice. 2022. Risk Analysis, 42(5), 931-952.
Guevara-Ramirez, W; Martinez-de-Alegria, I; Rio-Belver, RM. Evolution of the conceptualization of hydrogen through knowledge maps, energy return on investment (EROI) and national policy strategies. 2022. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy.
Guevara-Ramirez, W; Martinez-de-Alegria, I; Rio-Belver, RM; Alvarez-Meaza, I. Strategic management of patents on electrochemical conversion fuel cells and batteries in Latin America as a mechanism for moving towards energy sustainability. 2022. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry.
Alonso, A; Monroy, S; Bosch, J; Perez, J; Boyero, L. Amphibian loss alters periphyton structure and invertebrate growth in montane streams. 2022. Journal of Animal Ecology, 91(11), 2329-2337.
Rubio-Rios, J; Perez, J; Salinas, MJ; Fenoy, E; Boyero, L; Casas, JJ. Climate-induced plasticity in leaf traits of riparian plants. 2022. Diversity and Distributions, 28(4), 859-876.
Enriquez-Urzelai, U; Nicieza, AG; Montori, A; Llorente, GA; Urrutia, MB. Physiology and acclimation potential are tuned with phenology in larvae of a prolonged breeder amphibian. 2022. Oikos, 2022(3), e08566.
Ingole, V; Dimitrova, A; Sampedro, J; Sacoor, C; Acacio, S; Juvekar, S; Roy, S; Moraga, P; Basagana, X; Ballester, J; Anto, JM; Tonne, C. Local mortality impacts due to future air pollution under climate change scenarios. 2022. Science of The Total Environment, 823, 153832.
Bohringer, C; Garcia-Muros, X; Gonzalez-Eguino, M. Who bears the burden of greening electricity?. 2022. Energy Economics, 105, 105705.
Sanchez-Mareno, S; Yuste, JC. Forest dieback switches the relationships between microfaunal bacterivore guilds and soil nutrients. 2022. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 172, 108763.
Encinas-Valero, M; Esteban, R; Heres, AM; Becerril, JM; Garcia-Plazaola, JI; Artexe, U; Vivas, M; Solla, A; Moreno, G; Yuste, JC. Photoprotective compounds as early markers to predict holm oak crown defoliation in declining Mediterranean savannahs. 2022. Tree Physiology, 42(2), 208-224.
Olavarrieta, CE; Sampedro, MC; Vallejo, A; Stefelova, N; Barrio, RJ; De Diego, N. Biostimulants as an Alternative to Improve the Wine Quality from Vitis vinifera (cv. Tempranillo) in La Rioja. 2022. Plants, 11(12), 1594.
Marino, D; Canas, RA; Betti, M. Is plastidic glutamine synthetase essential for C-3 plants? A tale of photorespiratory mutants, ammonium tolerance and conifers. 2022. New Phytologist, 234(5), 1559-1565.
Menatti, L; Bich, L; Saborido, C. Health and environment from adaptation to adaptivity: a situated relational account. 2022. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 44:38.
Payros, A; Pujalte, V; Schmitz, B. Mid-latitude alluvial and hydroclimatic changes during the Paleocene- Eocene Thermal Maximum as recorded in the Tremp-Graus Basin, Spain. 2022. Sedimentary Geology, 435, 106155.
Wilgosh, B; Sorman, AH; Barcena, I. When two movements collide: Learning from labour and environmental struggles for future Just Transitions. 2022. Futures, 137, 102903.
Ferrans, P; Torres, MN; Temprano, J; Sanchez, JPR. Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) modeling supporting decision-making: A systematic quantitative review. 2022. Science of The Total Environment, 806, 150447.
Cazcarro, I; Garcia-Gusano, D; Iribarren, D; Linares, P; Romero, JC; Arocena, P; Arto, I; Banacloche, S; Lechon, Y; Miguel, LJ; Zafrilla, J; Lopez, LA; Langarita, R; Cadarso, MA. Energy-socio-economic-environmental modelling for the EU energy and post-COVID-19 transitions. 2022. Science of The Total Environment, 805, 150329.
Goonesekera, SM; Olazabal, M. Climate adaptation indicators and metrics: State of local policy practice. 2022. Ecological Indicators, 145, 109657.
Encinas-Valero, M; Esteban, R; Heres, AM; Vivas, M; Fakhet, D; Aranjuelo, I; Solla, A; Moreno, G; Yuste, JC. Holm oak decline is determined by shifts in fine root phenotypic plasticity in response to belowground stress. 2022. New Phytologist, 235(6), 2237-2251.
Balbi, S; Bagstad, KJ; Magrach, A; Sanz, MJ; Aguilar-Amuchastegui, N; Giupponi, C; Villa, F. The global environmental agenda urgently needs a semantic web of knowledge. 2022. Environmental Evidence, 11:5.
Heres, AM; Polanco-Martinez, JM; Petritan, IC; Petritan, AM; Yuste, JC. The stationary and non-stationary character of the silver fir, black pine and Scots pine tree-growth-climate relationships. 2022. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 325, 109146.
Williams, M; Leinfelder, R; Barnosky, AD; Head, MJ; McCarthy, FMG; Cearreta, A; Himson, S; Holmes, R; Waters, CN; Zalasiewicz, J; Turner, S; McGann, M; Hadly, EA; Stegner, MA; Pilkington, PM; Kaiser, J; Berrio, JC; Wilkinson, IP; Zinke, J; Delong, KL. Planetary-scale change to the biosphere signalled by global species translocations can be used to identify the Anthropocene. Palaeontology, 65(4), e12618.
Gardoki, J; Morellon, M; Leira, M; Ezquerra, FJ; Remondo, J; Tinner, W; Canales, ML; van der Horst, A; Morales-Molino, C. Abrupt diatom responses to recent climate and land use changes in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). 2022. Journal of Paleolimnology.
Amani, RK; Riera, B; Imani, G; Batumike, R; Zafra-Calvo, N; Cuni-Sanchez, A. Climate Change Perceptions and Adaptations among Smallholder Farmers in the Mountains of Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. 2022. Land, 11(5), 628.
Balogun, MA; Anumah, AO; Adegoke, KA; Maxakato, NW. Environmental health impacts and controlling measures of anthropogenic activities on groundwater quality in Southwestern Nigeria. 2022. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194:384.
Emmer, A; Allen, SK; Carey, M; Frey, H; Huggel, C; Korup, O; Mergili, M; Sattar, A; Veh, G; Chen, TY; Cook, SJ; Correas-Gonzalez, M; Das, S; Moreno, AD; Drenkhan, F; Fischer, M; Immerzeel, WW; Izagirre, E; Joshi, RC; Kougkoulos, I; Knapp, RK; Li, DF; Majeed, U; Matti, S; Moulton, H; Nick, F; Piroton, V; Rashid, I; Reza, M; de Figueiredo, AR; Riveros, C; Shrestha, F; Shrestha, M; Steiner, J; Walker-Crawford, N; Wood, JL; Yde, JC. Progress and challenges in glacial lake outburst flood research (2017-2021): a research community perspective. 2022. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(9), 3041-3061.
Nikas, A; Xexakis, G; Koasidis, K; Acosta-Fernandez, J; Arto, I; Calzadilla, A; Domenech, T; Gambhir, A; Giljum, S; Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Herbst, A; Ivanova, O; Van Sluisveld, MAE; Van de Ven, DJ; Karamaneas, A; Doukas, H. Coupling circularity performance and climate action: From disciplinary silos to transdisciplinary modelling science. 2022. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30, 269-277.
Abreu, A; Bourgois, E; Gristwood, A; Trouble, R; Acinas, SG; Bork, P; Boss, E; Bowler, C; Budinich, M; Chaffron, S; de Vargas, C; Delmont, TO; Eveillard, D; Guidi, L; Iudicone, D; Kandels, S; Morlon, H; Lombard, F; Pepperkok, R; Karlusich, JJP; Piganeau, G; Regimbeau, A; Sommeria-Klein, G; Stemmann, L; Sullivan, MB; Sunagawa, S; Wincker, P; Zablocki, O; Arendt, D; Bilic, J; Finn, R; Heard, E; Rouse, B; Vamathevan, J; Casotti, R; Cancio, I; Cunliffe, M; Kervella, AE; Kooistra, WHCF; Obst, M; Pade, N; Power, DM; Santi, I; Tsagaraki, TM; Vanaverbeke, J. Priorities for ocean microbiome research. 2022. Nature Microbiology, 7, 937-947.
Waters, CN; Williams, M; Zalasiewicz, J; Turner, SD; Barnosky, AD; Head, MJ; Wing, SL; Wagreich, M; Steffen, W; Summerhayes, CP; Cundy, AB; Zinke, J; Fialkiewicz-Koziel, B; Leinfelder, R; Haff, PK; McNeill, JR; Rose, NL; Hajdas, I; McCarthy, FMG; Cearreta, A; Galuszka, A; Syvitski, J; Han, YM; An, ZS; Fairchild, IJ; do Sul, JAI; Jeandel, C. Epochs, events and episodes: Marking the geological impact of humans. 2022. Earth-Science Reviews, 234, 104171.
Lilia, B; Hennig, R; Hirschfeld, P; Profeta, G; Sanna, A; Zurek, E; Pickett, WE; Amsler, M; Dias, R; Eremets, MI; Heil, C; Hemley, RJ; Liu, HY; Ma, YM; Pierleoni, C; Kolmogorov, AN; Rybin, N; Novoselov, D; Anisimov, V; Oganov, AR; Pickard, CJ; Bi, TG; Arita, R; Errea, I; Pellegrini, C; Requist, R; Gross, EKU; Margine, ER; Xie, SR; Quan, YD; Hire, A; Fanfarillo, L; Stewart, GR; Hamlin, JJ; Stanev, V; Gonnelli, RS; Piatti, E; Romanin, D; Daghero, D; Valenti, R. The 2021 room-temperature superconductivity roadmap. 2022. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 34(18), 183002.
Baca, M; Popovic, D; Lemanik, A; Banuls-Cardona, S; Conard, NJ; Cuenca-Bescos, G; Desclaux, E; Fewlass, H; Garcia, JT; Hadravova, T; Heckel, G; Horacek, I; Knul, MV; Lebreton, L; Lopez-Garcia, JM; Luzi, E; Markovic, Z; Lenardic, JM; Murelaga, X; Noiret, P; Petculescu, A; Popov, V; Rhodes, SE; Ridush, B; Royer, A; Stewart, JR; Stojak, J; Talamo, S; Wang, XJ; Wojcik, JM; Nadachowski, A. Ancient DNA reveals interstadials as a driver of common vole population dynamics during the last glacial period. 2022. Journal of Biogeography, 50(1), 183-196.
Tumajer, J.; Serra-Maluquer, X.; Gazol, A.; González de Andrés, E.; Colangelo, M.; Sangüesa-Barreda, G.; Olano, J.M.; Rozas, V.; García-Plazaola, J.I.; Fernández-Marín, B.; Imbert, J.B.; Coll, L.; Ameztegui, A.; Espelta, J.M.; Alla, A.Q.; Campelo, F.; Camarero, J.J. Bimodal and unimodal radial growth of Mediterranean oaks along a coast-inland gradient. 2022. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 327, 109234.
Kokemohr, L.; Escobar, N.; Mertens, A.; Mosnier, C.; Pirlo, G.; Veysset, P.; Kuhn, T. Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment of European beef production systems based on a farm-level optimization model. 2022. Journal of Cleaner Production, 379, 134552.
González-Pérez, M.; Asensio, F.J.; San Martín, J.I.; Oñederra, O.; Zamora, I.; Saldaña, G. Design of a bi-directional DC/DC converter for EV chargers oriented to V2G applications. 2022. Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal, 20, 198-203.
Huérfano, X.; Estavillo, J.M.; Torralbo, F.; Vega-Mas, I.; González-Murua, C.; Fuertes-Mendizábal, T. Dimethylpyrazole-based nitrification inhibitors have a dual role in N2O emissions mitigation in forage systems under Atlantic climate conditions. 2022. Science of the Total Environment, 807, 150670.
Chaplin-Kramer, R.; Neugarten, R.A.; Sharp, R.P.; Collins, P.M.; Polasky, S.; Hole, D.; Schuster, R.; Strimas-Mackey, M.; Mulligan, M.; Brandon, C.; Diaz, S.; Fluet-Chouinard, E.; Gorenflo, L.J.; Johnson, J.A.; Kennedy, C.M.; Keys, P.W.; Longley-Wood, K.; McIntyre, P.B.; Noon, M.; Pascual, U.; Reidy Liermann, C.; Roehrdanz, P.R.; Schmidt-Traub, G.; Shaw, M.R.; Spalding, M.; Turner, W.R.; van Soesbergen, A.; Watson, R.A. Mapping the planet’s critical natural assets. 2022. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
Lokhandwala, Z. Environmental Ethics in Islam and Greener Shifts Away From Fossil Fuel Dependence in the Middle East. 2022. Environmental Constitutionalism in the Anthropocene: Values, Principles and Actions, 86-103.
Laura, Q.-G.; Leire, G.; Eduardo, R.; Irantzu, Á.; Estibaliz, B.; Alessandra, G. How are heat waves putting at risk historic urban areas? First steps for developing risk assessment methodologies. 2022. REHABEND, 1114-1121.
Gago, E.J.; Berrizbeitia, S.E. Effects of land use composition and pattern on land surface temperature: an urban heat island study in the megacities of Scotland, UK, using time series of landsat TM/ETM + data. 2022. Global Urban Heat Island Mitigation, 109-129.
Quesada-Ganuza, L.; Garmendia, L.; Alvarez, I.; Briz, E.; Gandini, A.; Olazabal, M. The Risk of Heat Waves to Historic Urban Areas. A GIS-Based Model for Developing a Risk Assessment Methodology. 2022. Advanced Structured Materials, 179, 47-60.
Briz, E.; Garmendia, L.; Quesada-Ganuza, L.; Villaverde, A.; Alvarez, I.; Egusquiza, A. Prioritization Methodology for Resilience Enhancement of Historic Areas Facing Climate Change-Related Hazards. 2022. Advanced Structured Materials, 179, 3-14.
Loidi, J.; Marcenò, C. The Temperate Deciduous Forests of the Northern Hemisphere. A review. 2022. Mediterranean Botany, 43, e75527.
Muneer, T.; Jadraque Gago, E.; Etxebarria Berrizbeitia, S. Introduction. 2022. Green Energy and Technology, 1-20.
Arias, A.; Grijalba, O.; Oregi, X.; Otamendi-Irizar, I.; Hernandez, R. Analysis of the scope and implementation of the strategies promoted by local urban agenda in relation to European and national trends. The case of the Basque Country. 2022. International Journal of Transport Development and Integration, 6(1), 58-65.
Zielinski, T.; Kotynska-Zielinska, I.; Garcia-Soto, C. A Blueprint for Ocean Literacy: EU4Ocean. 2022. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(2), 926.