UPV/EHU Scientific production on gender equality

Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 5.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 5.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Alonso-Arbiol, I., Mokhtar, G., & Pizarro, J. J. Women’s cycling rides: Collective pathways to optimal experience. 2024. Journal of Leisure Research, 55(5), 642-661.
Alonso-Epelde, E., García-Muros, X., & González-Eguino, M. Climate action from a gender perspective: A systematic review of the impact of climate policies on inequality. 2024. Energy Research & Social Science, 112, 103511.
Antunes, S., Cornago, N., & Lecours, A. Frontrunners but different games? Comparing Catalan and Basque paradiplomacy towards the EU. 2024. Territory Politics Governance, 12(10), 1503-1521.
Arabaolaza Elorza, E., & Ibarretxe Txakartegi, G. La presencia de las mujeres en las orquestas sinfónicas españolas. 2024. Música Hodie, 24.
Azpillaga Larrea, V., Bartau Rojas, I., & Lizasoain Hernández, L. Mejora escolar y coeducación en centros de secundaria de la comunidad autónoma vasca: implicaciones para la orientación educativa. 2024. REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 35(1), 45–62.
Caravantes, P., Elizondo, A., & Lombardo, E. Gendering democracy: feminist parliamentary responses to opposition against gender equality. 2024. Journal of Gender Studies, 1–15.
Chirico, F., Ireland, R. D., Pittino, D., & Sanchez-Famoso, V. Resource orchestration, socioemotional wealth, and radical innovation in family firms: Do multifamily ownership and generational involvement matter?. 2024. Research Policy, 54(1), 105106.
Fernández-Fernández, I., Saéz de Cámara, E., & Imaz, L. What is gained when university leadership revisits and recommits to equality considering the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development?. 2024. Feminismo/s, 43, 245–272.
García-Azpuru, A., Izagirre-Olaizola, J., Etxezarreta-Etxarri, A., & Molina, L. D. Global care chains and empowerment through the social economy: women’s participation in care cooperatives. 2024. CIRIEC-España Revista de Economía Pública Social y Cooperativa, 111, 131-160.
Guridi, I. G. La violencia contra las mujeres en Páradais, de Fernanda Melchor. 2024. Revista Letral, 34, 202-231.
Hermoso-Larzabal, E., López de Arana Pardo, E., & Aristizabal Llorente, P. La identidad de género y la diversidad afectivo-sexual en los Grados de Educación de la Universidad Del País Vasco (UPV/EHU): Una demanda formativa no cumplida. 2024. Revista de Investigación Educativa, 42(1), 147-163.
Insunza, G., Basañez, A., Iradi, J., Aldasoro, J. C., & Cantonnet, M. L. The profession of occupational health and safety technician: Does gender matter?. 2024. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 34(5), 417-433.
Laskibar, X. G., Aranceta, G. I., & Alvarez-Meaza, I. The role of the socio-professional characteristics of university professors in the implementation of sustainability. 2024. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Llobera Ribera, C., Ruiz-Cantero, M.T., García-Calvente, M., Torrell, G., González Bermejo, D., Olmedo, C., Moatassim, E., & Bacigalupe, A. Respuesta a la crisis sanitaria de la COVID-19 desde la perspectiva de género: lecciones aprendidas. 2024. Gaceta Sanitaria, 38, 102358.
Miguélez-Juan, B., & Castelló-Martínez, A. Presencia de profesionales femeninas en la élite creativa de la publicidad. 2024. Revista de Comunicación, 23(2), 193-212.
Novo-Arbona, A., Cabrera, M. S., Martínez-Hernández, E., & Lopetegui, A. E. Rankings in Higher Education: criteria for measuring Gender Equality in Universities. 2024. Sociologia del Lavoro, 131-152.
Oregui-González, E., Azkarate-Morales, A., Lojo-Novo, A., & Bartau-Rojas, I. The Gender Gap in Mathematical Competence and School Effectiveness in the Basque Country (Spain). 2024. International Journal of Educational Psychology, 13(3), 199-218.
Velasco‐Balmaseda, E., De Celis, I. L., & Izaguirre, N. E. Corporate social responsibility as a framework for gender equality: Mapping of gender equality standards for sustainable development. 2024. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 31(3), 1905-1920.