UPV/EHU Scientific production on health and well-being

Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 3.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
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Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 3.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Soubelet-Fagoaga, I; Arnoso-Martinez, M; Guerendiain-Gabas, I; Martinez-Moreno, E; Ortiz, G. (Tele)Work and Care during Lockdown: Labour and Socio-Familial Restructuring in Times of COVID-19. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12087.
Postigo-Martin, P; Cantarero-Villanueva, I; Lista-Paz, A; Castro-Martin, E; Arroyo-Morales, M; Seco-Calvo, J. A COVID-19 Rehabilitation Prospective Surveillance Model for Use by Physiotherapists. 2021. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(8), 1691.
de Manuel, BF; Mendez-Fernandez, L; Pena, L; Ametzaga-Arregi, I. A new indicator of the effectiveness of urban green infrastructure based on ecosystem services assessment. 2021. Basic and Applied Ecology, 53, 12-25.
Tyler, CM; McKee, GB; Alzueta, E; Perrin, PB; Kingsley, K; Baker, FC; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. A Study of Older Adults' Mental Health across 33 Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5090.
Ugarriza, I; Reyes, E; Prieto, L; Uria, U; Carrillo, L; Vicario, JL. An Approach to the Synthesis of a Hepatitis C Virus Inhibitor through a Proline-Catalyzed 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Using Acrolein. 2021. Synthesis.
Pascual-Jose, B; Badia, JD; Mugica, A; Addiego, F; Muller, AJ; Ribes-Greus, A. Analysis of plasticization and reprocessing effects on the segmental cooperativity of polylactide by dielectric thermal spectroscopy. 2021. Polymer, 223, 123701.
Ghasemy, M; Derahvasht, A; Apraiz, JC. Antecedents and consequences of wandering scholars' affect: the case of multi-cultural Malaysia in the internationalization era. 2021. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Perez-Tejada, J; Labaka, A; Vegas, O; Larraioz, A; Pescador, A; Arregi, A. Anxiety and depression after breast cancer: The predictive role of monoamine levels. 2021. European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 52, 101953.
Erkoreka, L; Zamalloa, I; Rodriguez, S; Munoz, P; Mendizabal, I; Zamalloa, MI; Arrue, A; Zumarraga, M; Gonzalez-Torres, MA. Attachment anxiety as mediator of the relationship between childhood trauma and personality dysfunction in borderline personality disorder. 2021. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy.
de Rivera, L; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Dosil-Santamaria, M; de Rivera-Monterrey, L. Autogenic Training Improves the Subjective Perception of Physical and Psychological Health and of Interpersonal Relational Abilities: An Electronic Field Survey During the COVID-19 Crisis in Spain. 2021. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:616426.
Poyraz, S; Belveren, S; Aydinoglu, S; Ulger, M; de Cozar, A; Retamosa, MD; Sansano, JM; Dondas, HA. Biological properties and conformational studies of amphiphilic Pd(II) and Ni(II) complexes bearing functionalized aroylaminocarbo-N-thioylpyrrolinate units. 2021. Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 17, 2812-2821.
Nieto-Garai, JA; Arboleya, A; Otaegi, S; Chojnacki, J; Casas, J; Fabrias, G; Contreras, FX; Krausslich, HG; Lorizate, M. Cholesterol in the Viral Membrane is a Molecular Switch Governing HIV-1 Env Clustering. 2021. Advanced Science, 8(3), 2003468.
Nieva, JL; Torralba, J; De la Arada, I; Insausti, S; Largo, E; Tascon, I; Garcia-Porras, M; Ubarretxena-Belandia, I; Apellaniz, B. Cholesterol-Mediated Conformational Plasticity Restrains Immunogenicity and Promotes Membrane Fusion by an HIV Sequence Juxtaposed to the Lipid Envelope. 2021. Biophysical Journal, 120(3), 48A-49A.
Varouchakis, EA; Kaminska-Chuchmala, A; Kowalik, G; Spanoudaki, K; Grana, M. Combining Geostatistics and Remote Sensing Data to Improve Spatiotemporal Analysis of Precipitation. 2021. Sensors, 21(9), 31-32.
de la Arada, I; Torralba, J; Tascon, I; Colom, A; Ubarretxena-Belandia, I; Arrondo, JLR; Apellaniz, B; Nieva, JL. Conformational plasticity underlies membrane fusion induced by an HIV sequence juxtaposed to the lipid envelope. 2021. Scientific Reports, 11, 1278.
Oriol, X; Miranda, R; Amutio, A. Correlates of Bullying Victimization and Sexual Harassment: Implications for Life Satisfaction in Late Adolescents. 2021. Journal of School Nursing, 37(3), 202-208.
Martinez-Pampliega, A; Herrero, M; Cormenzana, S; Corral, S; Sanz, M; Merino, L; Iriarte, L; de Alda, IO; Alcaniz, L; Alvarez, I. Custody and Child Symptomatology in High Conflict Divorce: An Analysis of Latent Profiles. 2021. Psicothema, 33(1), 95-102.
Santos, D; Mateos-Perez, E; Cantero, M; Gamez-Guadix, M. Cyberbullying in Adolescents: Resilience as a Protective Factor of Mental Health Outcomes. 2021. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 24(6), 414-420.
Pardini, F; Iregui, A; Faccia, P; Amalvy, J; Gonzalez, A; Irusta, L. Development and characterization of electrosprayed microcaspules of poly epsilon-caprolactone with citronella oil for mosquito-repellent application. 2021. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization, 26(6), 497-516.
Garcia-Zamalloa, A; Vicente, D; Arnay, R; Arrospide, A; Taboada, J; Castilla-Rodriguez, I; Aguirre, U; Mugica, N; Aldama, L; Aguinagalde, B; Jimenez, M; Bikuna, E; Basauri, MB; Alonso, M; Perez-Trallero, E. Diagnostic accuracy of adenosine deaminase for pleural tuberculosis in a low prevalence setting: A machine learning approach within a 7-year prospective multi-center study. 2021. Plos One,16(11):e0259203.
Bermejo-Martins, E; Luis, EO; Sarrionandia, A; Martinez, M; Garces, MS; Oliveros, EY; Cortes-Rivera, C; Belintxon, M; Fernandez-Berrocal, P. Different Responses to Stress, Health Practices, and Self-Care during COVID-19 Lockdown: A Stratified Analysis. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(5), 2253.
Subiza-Perez, M; Garcia-Baquero, G; Babarro, I; Anabitarte, A; Delclos-Alio, X; Vich, G; Roig-Costa, O; Miralles-Guasch, C; Lertxundi, N; Ibarluzea, J. Does the perceived neighborhood environment promote mental health during pregnancy? Confirmation of a pathway through social cohesion in two Spanish samples. 2021. Environmental Research, 197, 111192.
Esnaola-Gonzalez, I; Bermudez, J; Fernandez, I; Arnaiz, A. EEPSA as a core ontology for energy efficiency and thermal comfort in buildings. 2021. Applied Ontology, 16(2), 193-228.
Markotegi, M; Irazusta, J; Sanz, B; Rodriguez-Larrad, A. Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and psychoaffective health of older adults in a physical exercise program. 2021. Experimental Gerontology, 155, 111580.
Esain, I; Gil, SM; Dunabeitia, I; Rodriguez-Larrad, A; Bidaurrazaga-Letona, I. Effects of COVID-19 Lockdown on Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Adults Who Regularly Exercise. 2021. Sustainability, 13(7), 3771.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Santamaria, MD; Mondragon, NI; Santxo, NB. Emotional state of school and university teachers in northern Spain in the face of COVID-19. 2021. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 95: 15 de febrero, e202102030.
Ibabe, I; Arnoso, A; Elgorriaga, E; Asla, N. Evaluation report of early intervention program in situation of child-to-parent abuse: parents and children as participants. 2021. Journal of Family Studies.
Lopez-Laval, I; Mielgo-Ayuso, J; Terrados, N; Calleja-Gonzalez, J. Evidence-based post exercise recovery in combat sports: a narrative review. 2021. The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 61(3), 386-400.
Barreto-Zarza, F; de Miguel, MS; Ibarluzea, J; Gonzalez-Safont, L; Rebagliato, M; Arranz-Freijo, EB. Family Context Assessment in Middle Childhood: A Tool Supporting Social, Educational, and Public Health Interventions. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3)1094.
Rujas, E; Leaman, DP; Insausti, S; Carravilla, P; Garcia-Porras, M; Largo, E; Morillo, I; Sanchez-Eugenia, R; Zhang, L; Cui, H; Iloro, I; Elortza, F; Julien, JP; Eggeling, C; Zwick, MB; Caaveiro, JMM; Nieva, JL. Focal accumulation of aromaticity at the CDRH3 loop mitigates 4E10 polyreactivity without altering its HIV neutralization profile. 2021. iScience, 24(9), 102987.
Sabater, S; Elosegi, A; Ludwig, R. Framing biophysical and societal implications ofmultiple stressor effects on river networks. 2021. Science of The Total Environment, 753, 141973.
Bacigalupe, A; Martin, U. Gender inequalities in depression/anxiety and the consumption of psychotropic drugs: Are we medicalising women's mental health?. 2021. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 49(3), 317-324.
Lopez-Atanes, M; Pijoan-Zubizarreta, JI; Gonzalez-Briceno, JP; Leones-Gil, EM; Recio-Barbero, M; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Segarra, R; Saenz-Herrero, M. Gender-Based Analysis of the Psychological Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Workers in Spain. 2021. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12:692215.
Forslund, MV; Perrin, PB; Sigurdardottir, S; Howe, EI; van Walsem, MR; Arango-Lasprilla, JC; Lu, J; Aza, A; Jerstad, T; Roe, C; Andelic, N. Health-Related Quality of Life Trajectories across 10 Years after Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury in Norway. 2021. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(1), 157.
Kucukoglu, O; Sowa, JP; Mazzolini, GD; Syn, WK; Canbay, A. Hepatokines and adipokines in NASH-related hepatocellular carcinoma. 2021. Journal of Hepatology, 74(2), 442-457.
Alzueta, E; Perrin, P; Baker, FC; Caffarra, S; Ramos-Usuga, D; Yuksel, D; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives: A study of psychological correlates across 59 countries. 2021. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 77(3), 556-570.
Gonzalez-Rabago, Y; La Parra, D; Puigpinos-Riera, R; Pons-Vigues, M. How to measure the migration status of the child and young population? Studies on health and inequalities in health in Europe. 2021. Gaceta Sanitaria, 35(1), 81-90.
Canive, M; Badia-Bringue, G; Vazquez, P; Gonzalez-Recio, O; Fernandez, A; Garrido, JM; Juste, RA; Alonso-Hearn, M. Identification of loci associated with pathological outcomes in Holstein cattle infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis using whole-genome sequence data. 2021. Scientific Reports, 11, 20177.
Haddad, M; Abbes, Z; Mujika, I; Chamari, K. Impact of COVID-19 on Swimming Training: Practical Recommendations during Home Confinement/Isolation. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4767.
Anabitarte, A; Garcia-Baquero, G; Andiarena, A; Lertxundi, N; Urbieta, N; Babarro, I; Ibarluzea, J; Lertxundi, A. Is Brief Exposure to Green Space in School the Best Option to Improve Attention in Children?. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(14), 7484.
Ohayagha, C; Perrin, PB; Cariello, AN; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. Is Helping Really Helping? Health-Related Quality of Life after TBI Predicting Caregiver Depression Symptom Trajectories in Latin America. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(3), 1247.
Martinez-Pampliega, A; Herrero, M; Sanz, M; Corral, S; Cormenzana, S; Merino, L; Iriarte, L; de Alda, IO; Alcaniz, L; Alvarez, I. Is the Egokitzen post-divorce intervention program effective in the community context?. 2021. Children and Youth Services Review, 129, 106220.
Giner-Murillo, M; Atienza-Carbonell, B; Cervera-Martinez, J; Bobes-Bascaran, T; Crespo-Facorro, B; De Boni, RB; Esteban, C; Garcia-Portilla, MP; Gomes-da-Costa, S; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Jaen-Moreno, MJ; Kapczinski, F; Ponce-Mora, A; Sarramea, F; Tabares-Seisdedos, R; Vieta, E; Zorrilla, I; Balanza-Martinez, V. Lifestyle in Undergraduate Students and Demographically Matched Controls during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(15), 8133.
Santabarbara, J; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Idoiaga, N; Olaya, B; Bueno-Novitol, J. Meta-Analysis of Prevalence of Depression in Dental Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. 2021. Medicina, 57(11), 1278.
Anso, I; Basso, LGM; Wang, L; Marina, A; Paez-Perez, ED; Jager, C; Gavotto, F; Tersa, M; Perrone, S; Contreras, FX; Prandi, J; Gilleron, M; Linster, CL; Corzana, F; Lowary, TL; Trastoy, B; Guerin, ME. Molecular ruler mechanism and interfacial catalysis of the integral membrane acyltransferase PatA. 2021. Science Advances, 7(42), eabj4565.
Benedicto, A; Garcia-Kamiruaga, I; Arteta, B. Neuropilin-1: A feasible link between liver pathologies and COVID-19. 2021. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 27(24), 3516-3529.
Takeuchi, M; Vidigal, PT; Guerra, MT; Hundt, MA; Robert, ME; Olave-Martinez, M; Aoki, S; Khamphaya, T; Kersten, R; Kruglov, E; Rodriguez, RD; Banales, JM; Nathanson, MH; Weerachayaphorn, J. Neutrophils interact with cholangiocytes to cause cholestatic changes in alcoholic hepatitis. 2021. Gut, 70(2), 342-356.
Moreno-Calvete, MC; Ballesteros-Rodriguez, FJ. Non-pharmacological strategies for self-directed and interpersonal violence in people with severe mental illness: a rapid overview of systematic reviews. 2021. BMJ Open, 11(1):e043576.
Villegas, C; Ibabe, I; Arnoso, A. People at risk of social exclusion: mental health, structural-economic factors and sociocultural factors (Personas en riesgo de exclusion social: salud mental, factores economico-estructurales y socio-culturales). 2021. International Journal of Social Psychology, 36(1), 122-148.
Utzet, M; Llorens, C; Morina, D; Moncada, S. Persistent inequality: evolution of psychosocial exposures at work among the salaried population in Spain between 2005 and 2016. 2021. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health,94(4), 621-629.
Gonzalez-Castro, JL; Ubillos-Landa, S; Puente-Martinez, A; Gracia-Leiva, M; Arias-Rodriguez, GM; Paez-Rovira, D. Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms Among Polyvictimized Women in the Colombian Armed Conflict: The Mediating Role of Social Acknowledgment. 2021. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:741917.
Gonzalez, L; Estarlich, M; Murcia, M; Barreto-Zarza, F; Santa-Marina, L; Simo, S; Larranaga, MI; Ruiz-Palomino, E; Ibarluzea, J; Rebagliato, M. Poverty, social exclusion, and mental health: the role of the family context in children aged 7-11 years INMA mother-and-child cohort study. 2021. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
Santabarbara, J; Idoiaga, N; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Bueno-Notivol, J. Prevalence of Anxiety in Dental Students during the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Meta-Analysis. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(20), 10978.
Santabarbara, J; Bueno-Notivol, J; Lipnicki, DM; Olaya, B; Perez-Moreno, M; Gracia-Garcia, P; Idoiaga-Mondragon, N; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N. Prevalence of anxiety in health care professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid systematic review (on published articles in Medline) with meta-analysis. 2021. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 107, 110244.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Mondragon, NI; Bueno-Notivol, J; Perez-Moreno, M; Santabarbara, J. Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression, and Stress among Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Rapid Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis. 2021. Brain Sciences, 11(9), 1172.
Montiel, I; Ortega-Baron, J; Basterra-Gonzalez, A; Gonzalez-Cabrera, J; Machimbarrena, JM. Problematic online gambling among adolescents: A systematic review about prevalence and related measurement issues. 2021. Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 10(3), 566-586.
Muela, A; Aliri, J; Balluerka, N; Presa, B; Eguren, A. Promoting adherence to psychopharmacological treatment among prisoners with mental health problems: Follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. 2021. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 74, 101668.
Santamaria, MD; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Rodriguez, IR; Alboniga-Mayor, JJ; Gorrotxategi, MP. Psychological impact of COVID-19 on a sample of Spanish health professionals. 2021. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 14(2), 106-112.
Kolakowsky-Hayner, SA; Goldin, Y; Kingsley, K; Alzueta, E; Arango-Lasprilla, JC; Perrin, PB; Baker, FC; Ramos-Usuga, D; Constantinidou, F. Psychosocial Impacts of the COVID-19 Quarantine: A Study of Gender Differences in 59 Countries. 2021. Medicina, 57(8), 789.
Soler-Garcia, A; Gamell, A; Santiago, B; Monsonis, M; Cobo-Vazquez, E; Bustillo-Alonso, M; Tagarro, A; Perez-Gorricho, B; Espiau, M; Piqueras, AI; Korta-Murua, JJ; Rodriguez-Molino, P; Lobato, Z; Perez-Porcuna, T; Tebruegge, M; Noguera-Julian, A. QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus Assay Specificity in Children and Adolescents With Suspected Tuberculosis-A Multicenter Cross-sectional Study in Spain. 2021. Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 40(9), E348-E351.
Las-Hayas, C; Mateo-Abad, M; Vergara, I; Izco-Basurko, I; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Gabrielli, S; Mazur, I; Hjemdal, O; Gudmundsdottir, DG; Knoop, HH; Olafsdottir, AS; Fullaondo, A; Gonzalez, N; Mar-Medina, J; Krzyzanowski, D; Morote, R; Anyan, F; Ledertoug, MM; Tidmand, L; Arnfjord, UB; Kaldalons, I; Jonsdottir, BJ; Keenoy, ED. Relevance of well-being, resilience, and health-related quality of life to mental health profiles of European adolescents: results from a cross-sectional analysis of the school-based multinational UPRIGHT project. 2021. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Gimenez-Llort, L; Martin-Gonzalez, JJ; Maurel, S. Secondary Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic in Fatigue, Self-Compassion, Physical and Mental Health of People with Multiple Sclerosis and Caregivers: The Teruel Study. 2021. Brain Sciences, 11(9), 12-33.
De Jaegher, H. Seeing and inviting participation in autistic interactions. 2021. Transcultural Psychiatry.
Yuksel, D; McKee, GB; Perrin, PB; Alzueta, E; Caffarra, S; Ramos-Usuga, D; Arango-Lasprilla, JC; Baker, FC. Sleeping when the world locks down: Correlates of sleep health during the COVID-19 pandemic across 59 countries. 2021. Sleep Health, 72(2), 134-142.
Caillat, C; Guilligay, D; Torralba, J; Friedrich, N; Nieva, JL; Trkola, A; Chipot, CJ; Dehez, FL; Weissenhorn, W. Structure of HIV-1 gp41 with its membrane anchors targeted by neutralizing antibodies. 2021. eLife, 10:e65005.
Ahmad, S; Ullah, A; Akgul, A; De la Sen, M. Study of HIV Disease and Its Association with Immune Cells under Nonsingular and Nonlocal Fractal-Fractional Operator. 2021. Complexity, 2021, 1904067.
Singh, A; Malhotra, S; Bimal, D; Bouchet, LM; Wedepohl, S; Calderon, M; Prasad, AK. Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Biological Activities of Pyrimidine-Based Cationic Amphiphiles. 2021. ACS Omega, 61, 103-112.
Han, JL; Konno, H; Sato, T; Soloshonok, VA; Izawa, K. Tailor-made amino acids in the design of small-molecule blockbuster drugs. 2021. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 220, 113448.
Santamaria, MD; Mondragon, NI; Santxo, NB; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N. Teacher stress, anxiety and depression at the beginning of the academic year during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2021. Global Mental Health, 8, E14.
Lewinska, M; Santos-Laso, A; Arretxe, E; Alonso, C; Zhuravleva, E; Jimenez-Aguero, R; Eizaguirre, E; Pareja, MJ; Romero-Gomez, M; Arrese, M; Suppli, MP; Knop, FK; Oversoe, SK; Villadsen, GE; Decaens, T; Carrilho, FJ; De Oliveira, CPMS; Sangro, B; Macias, RIR; Banales, JM; Andersen, JB. The altered serum lipidome and its diagnostic potential for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver (NAFL)-associated hepatocellular carcinoma. 2021. EBIOMedicine, 73, 103661.
Merayo-Sereno, B; Fernandez-Rivas, A; De Oliveira-Silva, KL; Sanchez-Anderez, FJ; Sesma-Pardo, E; Vivanco-Gonzalez, E; Gonzalez-Torres, MA. The experience of parents faced with the admission of their adolescent to a child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit. A qualitative study with focus groups. 2021. Current Psychology.
Tamarit, A; Schoeps, K; Peris-Hernandez, M; Montoya-Castilla, I. The Impact of Adolescent Internet Addiction on Sexual Online Victimization: The Mediating Effects of Sexting and Body Self-Esteem. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 4226.
Valero, E; Martin, U; Bacigalupe, A; Utzet, M. The impact of precarious jobs on mental health: a gender-sensitive literature review. 2021. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 94(4), 577-589.
Paredes, MR; Apaolaza, V; Fernandez-Robin, C; Hartmann, P; Yanez-Martinez, D. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on subjective mental well-being: The interplay of perceived threat, future anxiety and resilience. 2021. Personality and Individual Differences, 170, 110455.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Santxo, NB; Mondragon, NI; Santamaria, MD. The Psychological State of Teachers During the COVID-19 Crisis: The Challenge of Returning to Face-to-Face Teaching. 2021. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:620718.
Bermejo-Martins, E; Luis, EO; Fernandez-Berrocal, P; Martinez, M; Sarrionandia, A. The role of emotional intelligence and self-care in the stress perception during COVID-19 outbreak: An intercultural moderated mediation analysis. 2021. Personality and Individual Differences, 177, 110679.
Sancho, NB; Mondragon, NI; Santamaria, MD; Munitis, AE. The Well-being of children in lock-down: Physical, emotional, social and academic impact. 2021. Children and Youth Services Review, 127, 106085.
Racionero-Plaza, S; Leon, JAP; Iglesias, MM; Ugalde, L. Toxic Nightlife Relationships, Substance Abuse, and Mental Health: Is There a Link? A Qualitative Case Study of Two Patients. 2021. Frontiers in Psychology, 11:608219.
Washif, JA; Farooq, A; Krug, I; Pyne, DB; Verhagen, E; Taylor, L; Wong, D; Mujika, I; Cortis, C; Haddad, M; Ahmadian, O; Al Jufaili, M; Al-Horani, RA; Al-Mohannadi, AS; Aloui, A; Ammar, A; Arifi, F; Aziz, AR; Batuev, M; Beaven, CM; Beneke, R; Bici, A; Bishnoi, P; Bogwasi, L; Bok, D; Boukhris, O; Boullosa, D; Bragazzi, N; Brito, J; Cartagena, RPP; Chaouachi, A; Cheung, SS; Chtourou, H; Cosma, G; Debevec, T; DeLang, MD; Dellal, A; Donmez, G; Driss, T; Duque, JDP; Eirale, C; Elloumi, M; Foster, C; Franchini, E; Fusco, A; Galy, O; Gastin, PB; Gill, N; Girard, O; Gregov, C; Halson, S; Hammouda, O; Hanzlikova, I; Hassanmirzaei, B; Haugen, T; Hebert-Losier, K; Helu, HM; Herrera-Valenzuela, T; Hettinga, FJ; Holtzhausen, L; Hue, O; Dello Iacono, A; Ihalainen, JK; James, C; van Rensburg, DCJ; Joseph, S; Kamoun, K; Khaled, M; Khalladi, K; Kim, KJ; Kok, LY; MacMillan, L; Mataruna-Dos-Santos, LJ; Matsunaga, R; Memishi, S; Millet, GP; Moussa-Chamari, I; Musa, DI; Nguyen, HMT; Nikolaidis, PT; Owen, A; Padulo, J; Pagaduan, JC; Perera, NP; Perez-Gomez, J; Pillay, L; Popa, A; Pudasaini, A; Rabbani, A; Rahayu, T; Romdhani, M; Salamh, P; Sarkar, AS; Schillinger, A; Seiler, S; Setyawati, H; Shrestha, N; Suraya, F; Tabben, M; Trabelsi, K; Urhausen, A; Valtonen, M; Weber, J; Whiteley, R; Zrane, A; Zerguini, Y; Zmijewski, P; Sandbakk, O; Ben Saad, H; Chamari, K. Training During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of 12,526 Athletes from 142 Countries and Six Continents. 2021. Sports Medicine.
Evans, K; Zielinski, T; Chiba, S; Garcia-Soto, C; Ojaveer, H; Park, C; Ruwa, R; Schmidt, JO; Simcock, A; Strati, A; Vu, CT. Transferring Complex Scientific Knowledge to Useable Products for Society: The Role of the Global Integrated Ocean Assessment and Challenges in the Effective Delivery of Ocean Knowledge. 2021. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9:626532.
de Pablo, GS; De Micheli, A; Solmi, M; Oliver, D; Catalan, A; Verdino, V; Di Maggio, L; Bonoldi, I; Radua, J; Boy, OB; Provenzani, U; Ruzzi, F; Calorio, F; Nosari, G; Di Marco, B; Famularo, I; Montealegre, I; Signorini, L; Molteni, S; Filosi, E; Mensi, M; Balottin, U; Politi, P; Shin, JI; Correll, CU; Arango, C; Fusar-Poli, P. Universal and Selective Interventions to Prevent Poor Mental Health Outcomes in Young People: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 2021. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 29(3), 196-215.
Rodrigues, PM; Olaizola, P; Banales, JM. Unscrambling a novel pathogenic role for interleukin-20 in acute hepatitis and bacterial infection: A double-edged sword?. 2021. Journal of Hepatology, 75(1), 22-24.
Singh, M; Bird, S; Charest, J; Huyghe, T; Calleja-Gonzalez, J. Urgent wake up call for the National Basketball Association. 2021. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 17(2), 243-248.
Ballester, L; Alayo, I; Vilagut, G; Almenara, J; Cebria, AI; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Gili, M; Lagares, C; Piqueras, JA; Roca, M; Soto-Sanz, V; Blasco, MJ; Castellvi, P; Forero, CG; Mortier, P; Alonso, J. Validation of an Online Version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) for Alcohol Screening in Spanish University Students. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5213.
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