UPV/EHU Scientific production on health and well-being

Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 3.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 3.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Latasa, I; Laurenz, A. The Residual Spaces of Developmental Urbanism as Opportunity for Green Cities and Improvement of Human Wellbeing. 2023. Land 12(4), 764.
Monge-Ganuzas, M; Gurrutxaga, IA; Muguruza, IA; Telleria, I. A participative method to build bridges between sustainability science and anticipatory governance at Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve (Basque Country). 2023. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 13(2), 490-535.
Rodríguez-Vidal, I; Otaegi, J; Armengod, U. Evaluating the Feasibility of Hybrid Ventilation in Educational Spaces: A Simulation Study in the Basque Country Climate. 2023. Environmental and Climate Technologies 27(1)532-544.
Frietsch, M; Zafra-Calvo, N; Ghoddousi, A; Loos, J. Advancing protected area effectiveness assessments by disentangling social-ecological interactions: A case study from the Luangwa Valley, Zambia. 2023. Conservation Science and Practice 5(8), e12974.
Ferreira, V; Albariño, R; Larrañaga, A; LeRoy, CJ; Masese, FO; Moretti, MS. Ecosystem services provided by small streams: an overview. 2023. Hydrobiologia 850(12-13), 2501-2535.
Rockstroem, J; Gupta, J; Qin, DH; Lade, SJ; Abrams, JF; Andersen, LS; McKay, DAI; Bai, XM; Bala, G; Bunn, SE; Ciobanu, D; DeClerck, F; Ebi, K; Gifford, L; Gordon, C; Hasan, S; Kanie, N; Lenton, TM; Loriani, S; Liverman, DM; Mohamed, A; Nakicenovic, N; Obura, D; Ospina, D; Prodani, K; Rammelt, C; Sakschewski, B; Scholtens, J; Stewart-Koster, B; Tharammal, T; van Vuuren, D; Verburg, PH; Winkelmann, R; Zimm, C; Bennett, EM; Bringezu, S; Broadgate, W; Green, PA; Huang, L; Jacobson, L; Ndehedehe, C; Pedde, S; Rocha, J; Scheffer, M; Schulte-Uebbing, L; de Vries, W; Xiao, CD; Xu, C; Xu, XW; Zafra-Calvo, N; Zhang, X. Safe and just Earth system boundaries. 2023. Nature 619(7968), 102-111.
Pascual, U; Balvanera, P; Anderson, CB; Chaplin-Kramer, R; Christie, M; González-Jiménez, D; Martin, A; Raymond, CM; Termansen, M; Vatn, A; Athayde, S; Baptiste, B; Barton, DN; Jacobs, S; Kelemen, E; Kumar, R; Lazos, E; Mwampamba, TH; Nakangu, B; O'Farrell, P; Subramanian, SM; van Noordwijk, M; Ahn, S; Amaruzaman, S; Amin, AM; Arias-Arévalo, P; Arroyo-Robles, G; Cantú-Fernández, M; Castro, AJ; Contreras, V; De Vos, A; Dendoncker, N; Engel, S; Eser, U; Faith, DP; Filyushkina, A; Ghazi, H; Gómez-Baggethun, E; Gould, RK; Guibrunet, L; Gundimeda, H; Hahn, T; Harmácková, ZV; Hernández-Blanco, M; Horcea-Milcu, AI; Huambachano, M; Wicher, NLH; Aydin, CI; Islar, M; Koessler, AK; Kenter, JO; Kosmus, M; Lee, HR; Leimona, B; Lele, S; Lenzi, D; Lliso, B; Mannetti, LM; Merçon, J; Monroy-Sais, AS; Mukherjee, N; Muraca, B; Muradian, R; Murali, R; Nelson, SH; Nemogá-Soto, GR; Ngouhouo-Poufoun, J; Niamir, A; Nuesiri, E; Nyumba, TO; Özkaynak, B; Palomo, I; Pandit, R; Pawlowska-Mainville, A; Porter-Bolland, L; Quaas, M; Rode, J; Rozzi, R; Sachdeva, S; Samakov, A; Schaafsma, M; Sitas, N; Ungar, P; Yiu, E; Yoshida, Y; Zent, E. Diverse values of nature for sustainability. 2023. Nature 620(7975), 813-823.
Peña, M; Sarrionandia, A. Mental health, violence, suicide, self-harm, and HIV in series and films of Netflix: content analysis and its possible impacts on society. 2023. Frontiers in Communication 8:1243394.
Garaigordobil, M. Educational Psychology: The Key to Prevention and Child-Adolescent Mental Health. 2023. Psicothema 35(4), 327-339.
Campo-García, A; Bacigalupe, A; Cabezas-Rodríguez, A. Gender perspectives in mental health plans in Spain: a pending task?. 2023. Gaceta Sanitaria 37, 102311.
Zubiri-Esnaola, H; Racionero-Plaza, S; Fernández-Villardón, A; Carbonell, S. It was Very Liberating. Dialogic Literary Gatherings Supporting Mental Health Literacy. Community Ment Health Journal 59(5), 869-880.
Etxebarria-Perez-De-Nanclares, O; Morales, MTV; Gomez, RG; López-Vélez, AL. Trans reality in the educational system: A systematic review. 2023. Revista de Psicodidáctica 28(2), 104-114.
Mondragon, NI; Munitis, AE; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Sancho, NB. The voices of youths in COVID-19 times: exploring young people's emotional representations. 2023. Psychology & Health.
Espin, A; Núñez-Cortés, R; Irazusta, J; Rodriguez-Larrad, A; Torres-Unda, J; Vinstrup, J; Jakobsen, MD; Andersen, LL. Mental health and vitality predict spinal pain in healthcare workers. 2023. Occupational Medicine 73(8), 464-469.
Merayo-Sereno, B; Fernández-Rivas, A; De Oliveira-Silva, KL; Sánchez-Andérez, FJ; Sesma-Pardo, E; Vivanco-González, E; González-Torres, MA. The experience of parents faced with the admission of their adolescent to a child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient unit. A qualitative study with focus groups. 2023. Current Psychology 42, 6142-6152.
Martinez-Mendia, X; de la Hera, AB; Roncero, UM; Barbuscia, A. Gender inequalities in the consumption of anxiolytics and hypnosedatives by adolescents in Spain: a cross-sectional study. 2023. Revista Española de Salud Pública 97:e202311082.
Saura, P; García-Virumbrales, J; Carrasco, JP; Pérez-Carasol, M; Colomer, L; Camacho-Rubio, J; Zorilla, I; Vilella, E. Spanish mental health residents' perspectives about residency education on the genetics of psychiatric disorders: A cross-sectional survey. 2023. Clinical Genetics 104(4), 427-433.
Expósito-Campos, P; Pérez-Fernández, JI; Salaberria, K. Empirically supported affirmative psychological interventions for transgender and non-binary youth and adults: A systematic review. 2023. Clinical Psychology Review 100, 102229.
Mar, J; Larrañaga, I; Ibarrondo, O; González-Pinto, A; Hayas, CL; Fullaondo, A; Izco-Basurko, I; Alonso, J; Zorrilla, I; Fernández-Sevillano, J; de Manuel, E. Cost-utility analysis of the UPRIGHT intervention promoting resilience in adolescents. 2023. BMC Psychiatry 23, 178.
Ibabe, I; Arnoso, A; Elgorriaga, E; Asla, N. Evaluation report of early intervention program in situation of child-to-parent abuse: parents and children as participants. 2023. Journal of Family Studies 29(1), 77-96.
Gurrutxaga, M. Spatial planning needs in the nursing home sector in Spain (2021–2050); [Necesidades de planificación territorial en el sector de las residencias de mayores en España (2021–2050)]. 2023. Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles 98.
Aranbarri, A; Aizpitarte, A; Arranz-Freijo, E; Fano, E; de Miguel, MS; Stahmer, AC; Ibarluzea, JM. What influences early cognitive development? Family context as a key mediator. 2023. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 84, 101480.
Nuñez-Cortés, R; Espin, A; Calatayud, J; Pérez-Alenda, S; Cruz-Montecinos, C; López-Bueno, R; Vinstrup, J; Jakobsen, MD; Andersen, LL. Can Vitality and Mental Health Influence Upper Extremity Pain? A Prospective Cohort Study of 1185 Female Hospital Nurses. 2023. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 13(10), 2192-2201.
Tous-Espelosin, M; Crone, D; de Azua, SR; Iriarte-Yoller, N; Sampedro, A; Maldonado-Martin, S. 'It Helped Me to Disconnect My Mind from the Problems': The Subjective Experiences of People with Schizophrenia Taking Part in a Concurrent Exercise Program. 2023. Issues in Mental Health Nursing 44(8), 717-725.
González, L; Estarlich, M; Murcia, M; Barreto-Zarza, F; Santa-Marina, L; Simó, S; Larrañaga, MI; Ruiz-Palomino, E; Ibarluzea, J; Rebagliato, M. Poverty, social exclusion, and mental health: the role of the family context in children aged 7-11 years INMA mother-and-child cohort study. 2023. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 32(2), 235-248.
Duñabeitia, I; González-Devesa, D; Varela-Martínez, S; Diz-Gómez, JC; Ayán-Pérez, C. Effect of physical exercise in people with hypothyroidism: systematic review and meta-analysis. 2023. Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation.
Subiza-Perez, M; Garcia-Baquero, G; Fernandez-Somoano, A; Riano, I; Gonzalez, L; Delgado-Saborit, JM; Guxens, M; Fossati, S; Vrijheid, M; Fernandes, A; Ibarluzea, J; Lertxundi, N. Social inequalities, green and blue spaces and mental health in 6-12 years old children participating in the INMA cohort. 2023. Health & Place 83, 103104.
Galindo-Domínguez, H; Iglesias, DL. Bullying victimization and suicidal ideation in adolescents: The moderation effect of family, teachers and peers support. 2023. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 40(12), 4050-4074.
Rico-González, M. Developing Emotional Intelligence through Physical Education: A Systematic Review. 2023. Perceptual and Motor Skills 130(3), 1286-1323.
Sánchez-Valdeón, L; Bello-Corral, L; Mayo-Iscar, A; Fernández-Lázaro, D; Seco-Calvo, J. Impact of discontinuing non-pharmacological interventions on cognitive impairment in dementia patients by COVID-19 lockdown. A pilot observational, longitudinal, retrospective study carried out in an adult day center in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2023. Frontiers in Medicine 10:1204151.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Dosil-Santamaria, M; Mondragon, NI; Gorrotxategi, MP; Olaya, B; Santabárbara, J. The emotional state of young people in northern Spain after one year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic. 2023. The European Journal of Psychiatry 37(2), 109-116.
Subiza-Pérez, M; Anabitarte, A; Babarro, I; Jimeno-Romero, A; Delclós, C; Vich, G; Delclòs-Alió, X; Rueda-García, C; Miralles-Guasch, C; Lertxundi, A. On pathways and agreement: Objective and perceived accounts of neighbourhood attributes and their associations with mental health during pregnancy. 2023. Landscape and Urban Planning 230, 104612.
Pedruzo, B; Catalan, A; Aymerich, C; Bordenave, M; Estevez, O; Gómez, DA; Herrero, J; Laborda, M; Mancebo, G; Martínez, A; Pacho, M; Paniagua, A; Pérez, JL; González-Torres, MA. Pyschological impact of COVID-19 lockdown on a population with serious mental illness. A prospective cohort study. 2023. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 16, 59-67.
Espin, A; Irazusta, J; Celaya, IS; Lajas, AM; González-Templado, V; Rodriguez-Larrad, A. Effects of a videoconference-based therapeutic exercise intervention on the musculoskeletal pain of eldercare workers: protocol for the ReViEEW randomized controlled trial. 2023. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 24, 463.
Sánchez, DM; Lobo, NG. Urban Forest Tweeting: Social Media as More-Than-Human Communication in Tokyo's Rinshinomori Park. 2023. Land 12(4), 727.
Sagastibeltza, N; Salazar-Ramirez, A; Martinez, R; Jodra, JL; Muguerza, J. Automatic detection of the mental state in responses towards relaxation. 2023. Neural Computing and Applications 35(8), 5679-5696.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Fernandez, IL; Idoiaga-Mondragon, N; Olaya, B; Cornelius-White, JHD; Santabárbara, J. Post-Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Meta-Analysis and Intervention Approaches to Ensure Mental Health and Well-Being. 2023. Sustainability 15(6), 5272.
Liozidou, A; Varela, V; Vlastos, DD; Giogkaraki, E; Alzueta, E; Perrin, PB; Ramos-Usuga, D; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. Forced social isolation and lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic: depression, anxiety, trauma-distress and coping mechanisms of a Greek sample. 2023. Journal of Public Health-Heidelberg.
Diez-Solinska, A; Azkona, G; Muñoz-Culla, M; Beitia-Oyarzabal, G; Goñi-Balentziaga, O; Gómez-Lazaro, E; Vegas, O. The role of sociability in social instability stress: Behavioral, neuroendocrine and monoaminergic effects. 2023. Physiology & Behavior 270, 114306.
Mar, J; Larrañaga, I; Ibarrondo, O; González-Pinto, A; las Hayas, C; Fullaondo, A; Izco-Basurko, I; Alonso, J; Zorrilla, I; Vilagut, G; Mateo-Abad, M; de Manuel, E. Incidence of mental disorders in the general population aged 1-30 years disaggregated by gender and socioeconomic status. 2023. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology 58(6), 961-971.
García-García, J; Mañas, A; González-Gross, M; Espin, A; Ara, I; Ruiz, JR; Ortega, FB; Casajús, JA; Rodriguez-Larrad, A; Irazusta, J. Physical activity, sleep, and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A one-year longitudinal study of Spanish university students. 2023. Heliyon 99:e19338.
Robledo-Martín, J; Acea-López, L; Pérez-Urdiales, I; Alcolea-Cosín, MT; Bellon, F; Oter-Quintana, C; Blanco-Blanco, J; Pastor-Bravo, MD; Rubinat-Arnaldo, E; Briones-Vozmediano, E. From students to nurses under pressure: Nursing students' entry into employment during the first COVID-19 wave. 2023. Journal of Clinical Nursing 32(19-20), 7209-7226.
Irigoyen-Otiñano, M; Nicolau-Subires, E; González-Pinto, A; Adrados-Pérez, M; Buil-Reiné, E; Ibarra-Pertusa, L; Albert-Porcar, C; Arenas-Pijoan, L; Sanchez-Cazalilla, M; Torterolo, G; Puigdevall-Ruestes, M; Llorca-Bofí, V. Characterstics of patients treated for suicidal behavior during the pandemic in a psychiatric emergency department in a Spanish province. 2023. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental 16, 68-75.
Gámez-Guadix, M; Mateos-Pérez, E; Alcázar, MA; Martínez-Bacaicoa, J; Wachs, S. Stability of the online grooming victimization of minors: Prevalence and association with shame, guilt, and mental health outcomes over one year. 2023. Journal of Adolescence 95(8), 1715-1724.
Bully, P; Artieta-Pinedo, I; Paz-Pascual, C; Garcia-Alvarez, A; Group, E; Espinosa, M. Development and evaluation of the psychometric properties of a digital questionnaire for the self-management of health and well-being in the postpartum period. 2023. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 23(1), 610.
Fajardo-Bullon, F; Esnaola, I; Hermans, K; Anderson, I. The influence of sociodemographic variables and traumatic life events on the alcohol consumption of homeless people in Spain. 2023. Current Psychology.
Sáenz-Herrero, M; Recio-Barbero, M; López-Atanes, M; Santorcuato, A; Bacigalupe, A; Segarra, R. Gender differences in the management of acute psychiatric episodes in the emergency department: a cross-sectional analysis of the 2017-2019 triennium. 2023. Archives of Women's Mental Health 26, 777-783.
Cabrera-Suárez, BM; Lahortiga-Ramos, F; Sayon-Orea, C; Hernández-Fleta, JL; González-Pinto, A; Molero, P; Vega-Pérez, R; Sánchez-Villegas, A. Effect of a dietary intervention based on the Mediterranean diet on the quality of life of patients recovered from depression: Analysis of the PREDIDEP randomized trial. 2023. Experimental Gerontology 175, 112149.
Butjosa, A; Usall, J; Vila-Badia, R; Mezquida, G; Cuesta, MJ; Rodríguez-Toscano, E; Amoretti, S; Lobo, A; González-Pinto, A; Espliego, A; Corripio, I; Vieta, E; Baeza, I; Bergé, D; Bernardo, M. Impact of traumatic life events on clinical variables of individuals with first-episode psychosis and healthy controls. 2023. International Journal of Social Psychiatry 69(1):134-145.
Pater, R; Garmendia, J; Gallais, B; Graham, C; Voet, N. 267th ENMC International workshop: psychological interventions for improving quality of life in slowly progressive neuromuscular disorders. 2023. Neuromuscular Disorders 33(7), 562-569.
Feng, LY; Wang, LQ; Ma, Y; Duan, WL; Martin-Saldaña, S; Zhu, Y; Zhang, XP; Zhu, B; Li, CW; Hu, SB; Bao, MJ; Wang, T; Zhu, Y; Yang, F; Bu, YZ. Engineering self-healing adhesive hydrogels with antioxidant properties for intrauterine adhesion prevention. 2023. Bioactive Materials 27, 82-97.
Bister, L; Eibich, P; Rutigliano, R; Kühn, M; van Hedel, K. Selection into maternity leave length and long-run maternal health in Germany. 2023. Journal of Social Policy.
Puigvert, L; Racionero-Plaza, S; de Aguileta, GL; Tellado, I; Molina, S; Pulido-Rodríguez, MA; Ugalde, L; Flecha, R. Disdainful Hookups: a Powerful Social Determinant of Health. 2023. Journal of Urban Health 100, 870-877.
Shyam, S; Gómez-Martínez, C; Paz-Graniel, I; Gaforio, JJ; Martínez-González, MA; Corella, D; Fitó, M; Martínez, JA; Alonso-Gómez, AM; Wärnberg, J; Vioque, J; Romaguera, D; López-Miranda, J; Estruch, R; Tinahones, FJ; Santos-Lozano, JM; Serra-Majem, JL; Bueno-Cavanillas, A; Tur, JA; Sánchez, VM; Pintó, X; Ramos, M; Vidal, J; Alcarria, MM; Daimiel, L; Ros, E; Fernandez-Aranda, F; Nishi, SK; Regata, OG; Toledo, E; Sorli, JV; Castañer, O; Garcia-Rios, A; Valls-Enguix, R; Perez-Farinos, N; Zulet, MA; Rayó-Gago, E; Casas, R; Rivera-Izquierdo, M; Tojal-Sierra, L; Damas-Fuentes, M; Buil-Cosiales, P; Fernández-Carrion, R; Goday, A; Peña-Orihuela, PJ; Compañ-Gabucio, L; Diez-Espino, J; Tello, S; González-Pinto, A; de la O, V; Delgado-Rodríguez, M; Babio, N; Salas-Salvadó, J. Coronavirus disease 2019 is associated with long-term depressive symptoms in Spanish older adults with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome. 2023. Psychological Medicine.
Pacho, M; Aymerich, C; Pedruzo, B; de Pablo, GS; Sesma, E; Bordenave, M; Dieguez, R; Lopez-Zorroza, I; Herrero, J; Laborda, M; Fernandez-Rivas, A; Garcia-Rizo, C; Gonzalez-Torres, MA; Catalan, A. Substance use during pregnancy and risk of postpartum depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2023. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14:1264998.
Laczkovics, C; Blüml, V; Kapusta, N; Hoffmann-Lamplmair, D; Casini, E; Bazan, M; Torres, MAG; Lendvay, J; Normandin, L; Nowacki, H; Snigur, V; Doering, S; Yeomans, F; Clarkin, J; Preti, E. Videoconferencing psychotherapy from a psychodynamic point of view. A qualitative analysis. 2023. Frontiers in Psychiatry 14: 1235478.
Lopez-Garcia, SC; Downie, ML; Kim, JS; Boyer, O; Walsh, SB; Nijenhuis, T; Papizh, S; Yadav, P; Reynolds, B; Decramer, S; Besouw, M; Carrascosa, MP; La Scola, C; Trepiccione, F; Ariceta, G; Hummel, A; Dossier, C; Sayer, JA; Konrad, M; Keijzer-Veen, MG; Awan, A; Basu, B; Chauveau, D; Madariaga, L; Koster-Kamphuis, L; Furlano, M; Zacchia, M; Marzuillo, P; Tse, Y; Dursun, I; Pinarbasi, AS; Tramma, D; Hoorn, EJ; Gokce, I; Nicholls, K; Eid, LA; Sartz, L; Riordan, M; Hooman, N; Printza, N; Bonny, O; Sancho, PA; Schild, R; Sinha, R; Guarino, S; Jimenez, VM; Peña, LR; Belge, H; Devuyst, O; Wlodkowski, T; Emma, F; Levtchenko, E; Knoers, NVAM; Bichet, DG; Schaefer, F; Kleta, R; European NDI Consortium; Bockenhauer, D. Treatment and long-term outcome in primary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. 2023. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation 38(10), 2120-2130.
Diest, APV; Vilagut, G; Alayo, I; Ferrer, M; Amigo, F; Amann, BL; Aragon-Pena, A; Aragones, E; Del Barco, AA; Campos, M; Del Cura-González, I; Espuga, M; González-Pinto, A; Haro, JM; Larrauri, A; López-Fresneña, N; de Salázar, AM; Molina, JD; Ortí-Lucas, RM; Parellada, M; Pelayo-Terán, JM; Pérez-Zapata, A; Pijoan, JI; Plana, N; Puig, T; Rius, C; Rodríguez-Blázquez, C; Sanz, F; Serra, C; Urreta-Barallobre, I; Kessler, RC; Bruffaerts, R; Vieta, E; Pérez-Solá, V; Alonso, J; Mortier, P. Traumatic stress symptoms among Spanish healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective study. 2023. Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences 32:e50.
Tognin, S; Catalan, A; Kempton, MJ; Nelson, B; McGorry, P; Riecher-Rössler, A; Bressan, R; Barrantes-Vidal, N; Krebs, MO; Nordentoft, M; Ruhrmann, S; Sachs, G; Rutten, BPF; van Os, J; de Haan, L; van der Gaag, M; McGuire, P; Valmaggia, LR. Impact of adverse childhood experiences on educational achievements in young people at clinical high risk of developing psychosis. 2023. European Psychiatry 66(1):e16.
Courtet, P; Amiot, O; Baca-Garcia, E; Bellardita, L; Cerveri, G; Clair, AH; De Leo, D; Drapier, D; Fakra, E; Gheysen, F; Giner, L; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Gussoni, G; Haffen, E; Lecardeur, L; Mayoral-Cleries, F; Mennini, FS; Sáiz, PA; Vieta, E; Hidalgo, DA; Volpe, U. Understanding the potential of digital therapies in implementing the standard of care for depression in Europe. 2023. European Psychiatry 66(1):e82.
Zarrabi, A; Perrin, D; Kavoosi, M; Sommer, M; Sezen, S; Mehrbod, P; Bhushan, B; Machaj, F; Rosik, J; Kawalec, P; Afifi, S; Bolandi, SM; Koleini, P; Taheri, M; Madrakian, T; Los, MJ; Lindsey, B; Cakir, N; Zarepour, A; Hushmandi, K; Fallah, A; Koc, B; Khosravi, A; Ahmadi, M; Logue, S; Orive, G; Pecic, S; Gordon, JW; Ghavami, S. Rhabdomyosarcoma: Current Therapy, Challenges, and Future Approaches to Treatment Strategies. 2023. Cancers 15(21), 5269.
Ullah, I; Ahmad, S; Arfan, M; de la Sen, M. Investigation of Fractional Order Dynamics of Tuberculosis under Caputo Operator. 2023. Fractal and Fractional 7(4), 300.
Soler-Garcia, A; Gamell, A; Monsonis, M; Korta-Murua, JJ; Espiau, M; Rincon-Lopez, E; Rodriguez-Molino, P; Perez-Porcuna, T; Bustillo-Alonso, M; Santiago, B; Tebruegge, M; Noguera-Julian, A; Spanish Pediat TB Res Network. The Value of the Second QuantiFERON-TB Gold-Plus Antigen Tube at Diagnosis and at Treatment Completion in Spanish Children With Tuberculosis. 2023. The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 42(11), 1017-1020.
Kreimeyer, H; Vogt, K; Götze, T; Best, J; Götze, O; Weigt, J; Kahraman, A; Özcürümez, M; Kälsch, J; Syn, WK; Sydor, S; Canbay, A; Manka, P. Influence of the Bile Acid Transporter Genes ABCB4, ABCB8, and ABCB11 and the Farnesoid X Receptor on the Response to Ursodeoxycholic Acid in Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis. 2023. Journal of Personalized Medicine 13(7), 1180.
Simao, AL; Palma, CS; Izquierdo-Sanchez, L; Putignano, A; Carvalho-Gomes, A; Posch, A; Zanaga, P; Girleanu, I; Henrique, MM; Araújo, C; Degre, D; Gustot, T; Sahuco, I; Spagnolo, E; Carvalhana, S; Moura, M; Fernandes, DAE; Banales, JM; Romero-Gomez, M; Trifan, A; Russo, FP; Stauber, R; Berenguer, M; Moreno, C; Gonçalves, J; Cortez-Pinto, H; Castro, RE. Cirrhosis is associated with lower serological responses to COVID-19 vaccines in patients with chronic liver disease. 2023. JHEP Reports 5(5), 100697.
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