Producción científica de la UPV/EHU sobre cambio climático

Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre “Cambio Climático” en publicaciones científicas
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre “Cambio Climático” en publicaciones científicas
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Gandini A., Prieto I., Garmendia L., San-José J.-T., Egusquiza A. Adaptation to flooding events through vulnerability mapping in historic urban areas. 2018. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, XLII-3/W4, 221-226.
Aguirre-Rubí J., Luna-Acosta A., Ortiz-Zarragoitia M., Zaldibar B., Izagirre U., Ahrens M.J., Villamil L., Marigómez I. Assessment of ecosystem health disturbance in mangrove-lined Caribbean coastal systems using the oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae as sentinel species. 2018. Science of the Total Environment, 618, 718-735.
Pettinotti, L; de Ayala, A; Ojea, E. Benefits From Water Related Ecosystem Services in Africa and Climate Change. 2018. Ecological Economics, 149, 294-305.
Granda, E; Alla, AQ; Laskurain, NA; Loidi, J; Sanchez-Lorenzo, A; Camarero, JJ. Coexisting oak species, including rear-edge populations, buffer climate stress through xylem adjustments. 2018. Tree Physiology, 38(2), 59-172.
Bilbao, MN; Del Ser, J; Perfecto, C; Salcedo-Sanz, S; Portilla-Figueras, JA. Cost-efficient deployment of multi-hop wireless networks over disaster areas using multi-objective meta-heuristics. 2018. Neurocomputing, 271, 8-27.
Quintano, E; Diez, I; Muguerza, N; Figueroa, FL; Gorostiaga, JM. Depth influence on biochemical performance and thallus size of the red alga Gelidium comeum. 2018. Marine Ecology-An Evolutionary Perspective, 39(1):e12478.
Munoz, I; Abril, M; Casas-Ruiz, JP; Casellas, M; Gomez-Gener, L; Marce, R; Menendez, M; Obrador, B; Sabater, S; von Schiller, D; Acuna, V. Does the severity of non-flow periods influence ecosystem structure and function of temporary streams? A mesocosm study. 2018. Freshwater Biology, 63(7), 613-625.
Arce, MI; von Schiller, D; Bengtsson, MM; Hinze, C; Jung, H; Alvess, RJE; Urich, T; Singer, G. Drying and Rainfall Shape the Structure and Functioning of Nitrifying Microbial Communities in Riverbed Sediments. 2018. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:2794.
Morellon, M; Aranbarri, J; Moreno, A; Gonzalez-Samperiz, P; Valero-Garces, BL. Early Holocene humidity patterns in the Iberian Peninsula reconstructed from lake, pollen and speleothem records. 2018. Quaternary Science Reviews, 181, 1-18.
Arevalo, E; Panserat, S; Seiliez, I; Larranaga, A; Bardonnet, A. Effect of food shortage and temperature on age 0+salmonids: a contribution to predict the effects of climate change. 2018. Journal of Fish Biology, 92(3), 642-652.
Vieweg, I; Bilbao, E; Meador, JP; Cancio, I; Bender, ML; Cajaraville, MP; Nahrgang, J. Effects of dietary crude oil exposure on molecular and physiological parameters related to lipid homeostasis in polar cod (Boreogadus saida). 2018. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C - Toxicology & Pharmacology, 206-207, 54-64.
Ferreira, J; Herrera, R; Labidi, J; Esteves, B; Domingos, I. Energy and environmental profile comparison of TMT production from two different companies - a Spanish/Portuguese case study. 2018. iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry, 11, 155-161.
Doukas, H; Nikas, A; Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Arto, I; Anger-Kraavi, A. From Integrated to Integrative: Delivering on the Paris Agreement. 2018. Sustainability, 10(7), 2299.
Mzoughi F., Bouallegue S., Garrido A.J., Garrido I., Ayadi M. Fuzzy Gain Scheduled PI-Based Airflow Control of an Oscillating Water Column in Wave Power Generation Plants. 2018. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
Niedermayr, A; Schaller, L; Mariel, P; Kieninger, P; Kantelhardt, J. Heterogeneous Preferences for Public Goods Provided by Agriculture in a Region of Intensive Agricultural Production: The Case of the Marchfeld. 2018. Sustainability, 10(6), 2061.
Arroita, M; Flores, L; Larranaga, A; Chauvet, E; Elosegi, A. Hydrological contingency: drying history affects aquatic microbial decomposition. 2018. Aquatic Sciences, 80: 31.
Sampedro, J; Arto, I; Gonzalez-Eguino, M. Implications of Switching Fossil Fuel Subsidies to Solar: A Case Study for the European Union. 2018. Sustainability, 10(1), 50.
Espinosa M.P., Pizarro-Irizar C. Is renewable energy a cost-effective mitigation resource? An application to the Spanish electricity market. 2018. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 94, 902-914.
Zabaleta A., Garmendia E., Mariel P., Tamayo I., Antiguedad I. Land cover effects on hydrologic services under a precipitation gradient. 2018. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, 5227-5241.
Echebarria, C; Barrutia, JM; Eletxigerra, A; Hartmann, P; Apaolaza, V. Local sustainability processes worldwide: a systematic review of the literature and research agenda. 2018. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 61(8), 1289-1317.
Sarrionandia E., Salcedo I. Macrofungal diversity of holm-oak forests at the northern limit of their distribution range in the Iberian Peninsula. 2018. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 33(1), 23-31.
Peraza-Castro, M; Ruiz-Romera, E; Meaurio, M; Sauvage, S; Sanchez-Perez, JM. Modelling the impact of climate and land cover change on hydrology and water quality in a forest watershed in the Basque Country (Northern Spain). 2018. Ecological Engineering, 122, 315-326.
Bobadilla, MC; Martinez, RF; Lorza, RL; Gomez, FS; Gonzalez, EPV. Optimizing Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Support Vector Machines. 2018. Energies, 11(11), 2995.
Miranda-Apodaca, J; Yoldi-Achalandabaso, A; Aguirresarobe, A; del Canto, A; Perez-Lopez, U. Similarities and differences between the responses to osmotic and ionic stress in quinoa from a water use perspective. 2018. Agricultural Water Management, 203, 344-352.
Mendizabal, M; Heidrich, O; Feliu, E; Garcia-Blanco, G; Mendizabal, A. Stimulating urban transition and transformation to achieve sustainable and resilient cities. 2018. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 94, 410-418.
Gandini A., Garmendia L., San Mateos R., Prieto I., Sanjosé J.-T., Piñero I. The historic city in the climate change. Mives methodology approach. 2018. Rehabend.
Miranda-Apodaca, J; Perez-Lopez, U; Lacuesta, M; Mena-Petite, A; Munoz-Rueda, A. The interaction between drought and elevated CO2 in water relations in two grassland species is species-specific. 2018. Journal of Plant Physiology, 220, 193-202.
Bernhardt, ES; Heffernan, JB; Grimm, NB; Stanley, EH; Harvey, JW; Arroita, M; Appling, AP; Cohen, MJ; McDowell, WH; Hall, RO; Read, JS; Roberts, BJ; Stets, EG; Yackulic, CB. The metabolic regimes of flowing waters. 2018. Limnology and Oceanography, 63(S1), S99-S118.
van de Ven, DJ; Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Arto, I. The potential of behavioural change for climate change mitigation: a case study for the European Union. 2018. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 23(6), 853-886.
Lekube, J; Garrido, AJ; Garrido, I. Variable speed control in wells turbine-based oscillating water column devices: optimum rotational speed. 2018. 6th International Conference on Power Science and Engineering (ICPSE 2017).
Laskurain, NA; Aldezabal, A; Odriozola, I; Camarero, JJ; Olano, JM. Variation in the Climate Sensitivity Dependent on Neighbourhood Composition in a Secondary Mixed Forest. 2018. Forests, 9(1), 43.
Gandini, A; Egusquiza, A; Garmendia, L; San-Jose, JT. Vulnerability assessment of cultural heritage sites towards flooding events. 2018. Florence Heri-Tech – The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 364, conference 1.