Producción científica de la UPV/EHU sobre cambio climático

Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre “Cambio Climático” en publicaciones científicas
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre “Cambio Climático” en publicaciones científicas
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Hartmann, P; Marcos, A; Barrutia, JM. Carbon tax salience counteracts price effects through moral licensing. 2023. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, 78, 102635.
Marcos, A; Barrutia, JM; Hartmann, P. Moral licensing, identity and eco-leadership: Can public managers' support for a green recovery be undermined? 2023. Public Money & Management, 43:4, 321-330.
Posocco, L; Conversi, D; Watson, I. Editorial: Beyond the frontiers of political science: is good governance possible in cataclysmic times? 2023. Frontiers in Political Science, 5:1282165.
Lupiola, AG. New strategies of the European Union to tackle the double challenge of the climate crisis and energy dependence. 2023. Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 68, 33-67.
Vega-Mas, I; Ascencio-Medina, E; Bozal-Leorri, A; Gonzalez-Murua, C; Marino, D; Gonzalez-Moro, MB. Will crops with biological nitrification inhibition capacity be favored under future atmospheric CO2? 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1245427.
Hartmann, P; Marcos, A; Castro, J; Apaolaza, V. Perspectives: Advertising and climate change - Part of the problem or part of the solution? 2023. International Journal of Advertising, 42(2), 430-457.
Quesada-Ganuza, L; Garmendia, L; Alvarez, I; Roji, E. Vulnerability assessment and categorization against heat waves for the Bilbao historic area. 2023. Sustainable Cities and Society, 98, 104805.
Briz, E; Garmendia, L; Marcos, I; Gandini, A. Improving the Resilience of Historic Areas Coping with Natural and Climate Change Hazards: Interventions Based on Multi-Criteria Methodology. 2023. International Journal of Architectural Heritage.
Vega-Bayo, A; Mariel, P; Meyerhoff, J; Corsi, AM; Chovan, M. Climate change adaptation preferences of winemakers from the Rioja wine appellation. 2023. Journal of Choice Modelling, 48, 100434.
Jebari, A; Del Prado, A; Pardo, G; Alvaro-Fuentes, J. Climate change effects on northern Spanish grassland-based dairy livestock systems. 2023. Plant and Soil.
Arriaga, O; Wawrzynkowski, P; Ibañez, H; Muguerza, N; Díez, I; Perez-Ruzafa, I; Gorostiaga, JM; Quintano, E; Becerro, MA. Short-term response of macroalgal communities to ocean warming in the Southern Bay of Biscay. 2023. Marine Environmental Research, 190, 106098.
Muerza, AF; Garcés, MJP. Effect of COVID-19 on the communication of the climate crisis: Basque public radio and television (EITB) as a case study. 2023. Revista Española de Comunicación en Salud, 14(1), 35-47.
Doblas-Rodrigo, A; Gallejones, P; Artetxe, A; Merino, P. Role of livestock-derived amendments in soil organic carbon stocks in forage crops. 2023. Science of The Total Environment, 901, 165931.
Munoz, I; Hernández, P; Pérez-Iribarren, E; García-Gusano, D; Arrizabalaga, E. How can cities effectively contribute towards decarbonisation targets? A downscaling method to assess the alignment of local energy plans with national strategies. 2023. Energy Strategy Reviews, 49, 101137.
Miranda-Apodaca, J; Artetxe, U; Aguado, I; Martin-Souto, L; Ramirez-Garcia, A; Lacuesta, M; Becerril, JM; Estonba, A; Ortiz-Barredo, A; Hernández, A; Zarraonaindia, I; Pérez-López, U. Stress Response to Climate Change and Postharvest Handling in Two Differently Pigmented Lettuce Genotypes: Impact on Alternaria alternata Invasion and Mycotoxin Production. 2023. Plants, 12(6), 1304.
Dal, T; Ramli, I; Garaizar, J. Effect of climate change on nature and human health with a special focus on infectious diseases in the Mediterranean region. 2023. Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 17:1501-1510.
Gundogdu, K; Iturriza, AO; Orruño, M; Montánchez, I; Eguiraun, H; Martinez, I; Arana, I; Kaberdin, VR. Addressing the Joint Impact of Temperature and pH on Vibrio harveyi Adaptation in the Time of Climate Change. 2023. Microorganisms, 11(4), 1075.
Hernandez-Cruz, P; Uriarte, I; Hidalgo-Betanzos, JM; Antepara, I; Flores-Abascal, I. A novel strategy to guarantee a minimum indoor temperature in social housing buildings. 2023. Journal of Building Engineering, 76, 107230.
Latasa, I; Laurenz, A. The Residual Spaces of Developmental Urbanism as Opportunity for Green Cities and Improvement of Human Wellbeing. 2023. Land, 12(4), 764.
López, I; Gómez-Cornejo, J; Aranzabal, I; García, LE; Mazón, J. Photovoltaic Local Energy Communities-Design of New Energy Exchange Modalities-Case Study: Tolosa. 2023. Energies, 16(10), 4000.
Brugnach, M; van den Hoek, R. Embracing ambiguity in climate change adaptation for more effective responses to new uncertain shorescapes conditions. 2023. Marine Policy, 152, 105626.
Ponti, R; Sannolo, M. The importance of including phenology when modelling species ecological niche. 2023. Ecography, 2023(4), e06143.
Azkorra-Larrinaga, Z; Romero-Anton, N; Martin-Escudero, K; Lopez-Ruiz, G. Environmentally Sustainable Green Roof Design for Energy Demand Reduction. 2023. Buildings, 13(7), 1846.
Lizundia, I; Uranga, EJ; Azcona, L. A Methodology to Regulate Transformation of a City's Appearance Due to Energy Efficiency Building Renovations: A Case Study: Errenteria (Spain). 2023. Heritage, 6(9), 6112-6131.
Ferreira, V; Graça, MAS; Elosegi, A. A meta-analysis of drought effects on litter decomposition in streams. 2023. Hydrobiologia, 850(8), 1715-1735.
Abadie, LM; Moral, MP. A method for selecting a climate model: an application for maximum daily temperature in Southern Spain. 2023. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 152, 773-786.
Bernal-Ibáñez, A; Cacabelos, E; Quintano, E; Gestoso, I. Prior stress by marine heatwaves and micro-habitat fragmentation drive the colonisation of epifaunal assemblages in marine forests. 2023. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 722, 89-105.
Azkorra-Larrinaga, Z; Romero-Antón, N; Martín-Escudero, K; Lopez-Ruiz, G; Giraldo-Soto, C. Evaluation of the Thermal Performance of Two Passive Facade System Solutions for Sustainable Development. 2023. Sustainability, 15(24), 16737.
Navarro, D; Cantergiani, C; Abajo, B; de Salazar, IG; Feliu, E. Territorial vulnerability to natural hazards in Europe: a composite indicator analysis and relation to economic impacts. 2023. Natural Hazards.
Ruíz, AM; Boedo, MJM; Gala, AG; Rodríguez, BAE; Bergese, SD. Zero emissions. A shared responsibility. Gas capture and recycling project at Cruces University Hospital. 2023. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 97:e202301001.
Ferrans, P; Reyes-Silva, JD; Krebs, P; Temprano, J. Flood Management with SUDS: A Simulation-Optimization Framework. 2023. Water, 15(3), 426.
Donnini, M; Santangelo, M; Gariano, SL; Bucci, F; Peruccacci, S; Alvioli, M; Althuwaynee, O; Ardizzone, F; Bianchi, C; Bornaetxea, T; Brunetti, MT; Cardinali, M; Esposito, G; Grita, S; Marchesini, I; Melillo, M; Salvati, P; Yazdani, M; Fiorucci, F. Landslides triggered by an extraordinary rainfall event in Central Italy on September 15, 2022. 2023. Landslides, 20(10), 2199-2211.
Pérez-Díaz, S; Ruiz-Alonso, M; López-Sáez, JA; Alday, A; Cava-Almuzara, A. Environmental dynamics of the western European Mediterranean landscape during the Pleistocene to Holocene transition. 2023. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.
Kumar, P; Aishwarya; Srivastava, PK; Pandey, MK; Anand, A; Biswas, JK; Drews, M; Dobriyal, M; Singh, RK; de la sen, M; Singh, SS; Pandey, AK; Kumar, M; Rani, M. Nitrogen dioxide as proxy indicator of air pollution from fossil fuel burning in New Delhi during lockdown phases of COVID-19 pandemic period: impact on weather as revealed by Sentinel-5 precursor (5p) spectrometer sensor. 2023. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Granado, I; Hernando, L; Uriondo, Z; Fernandes-Salvador, JA. A fishing route optimization decision support system: The case of the tuna purse seiner. 2023. European Journal of Operational Research, 312(2), 718-732.
Martínez-Goñi, XS; Robredo, A; Pérez-López, U; Muñoz-Rueda, A; Mena-Petite, A. Sorghum bicolor prioritizes the recovery of its photosynthetic activity when re-watered after severe drought stress, while manages to preserve it under elevated CO2 and drought. 2023. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 209(2), 217-227.
Herrero, A; González-Gascueña, R; González-Díaz, P; Ruiz-Benito, P; Andivia, E. Reduced growth sensitivity to water availability as potential indicator of drought-induced tree mortality risk in a Mediterranean Pinus sylvestris L. forest. 2023. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 6: 1249246.
Iriarte-Chiapusso, MJ; Ayerdi, M; Garcia-Ibaibarriaga, N; Pérez-Fernández, AJ; Villaluenga, A; Arrizabalaga-Iriarte, J; Lejonagoitia-Garmendia, L; Arrizabalaga, A. Upper Palaeolithic hunter-gatherer societies in the Basque Country (Iberian Peninsula) in the light of palaeoenvironmental dynamics in the last Glacial Period: cultural adaptations and the use of biotic resources. 2023. Annals of Glaciology.
Hernandis, S; Ibarrola, I; Tena-Medialdea, J; Albentosa, M; Prado, P; Vázquez-Luis, M; García-March, JR. Physiological responses of the fan mussel Pinna nobilis to temperature: ecological and captivity implications. 2023. Mediterranean Marine Science, 24(2), 259-271.
González-Santacruz, N; Muñoz-Marzagon, P; Bartolomé, M; Moreno, A; Huidobro, J; Faria, SH. Effects of impurities on the ice microstructure of Monte Perdido Glacier, Central Pyrenees, NE Spain. 2023. Annals of Glaciology.
Addabbo, N; Clemente, MF; Quesada-Ganuza, L; Khalek, RA; Labattaglia, F; Nocerino, G; Prall, M; Ruggiero, A; Stoffels, S; Tersigni, E; Verde, S; Visconti, C; Leone, MF. A Framework for Climate Resilient Urban Design: The Case of Porte de Montreuil, Paris. 2023. Sustainability, 15(18), 13857.
Cunha, M; Cruz, I; Benito, D; Ruiz, P; Pereira, E; Izagirre, U; Freitas, R. The influence of temperature on the effects of lead and lithium in Mytilus galloprovincialis through biochemical, cell and tissue levels: Comparison between mono and multi-element exposures. 2023. Science of The Total Environment, 902, 165786.
Santangelo, M; Althuwaynee, O; Alvioli, M; Ardizzone, F; Bianchi, C; Bornaetxea, T; Brunetti, MT; Bucci, F; Cardinali, M; Donnini, M; Esposito, G; Gariano, SL; Grita, S; Marchesini, I; Melillo, M; Peruccacci, S; Salvati, P; Yazdani, M; Fiorucci, F. Inventory of landslides triggered by an extreme rainfall event in Marche-Umbria, Italy, on 15 September 2022. 2023. Scientific Data, 10(1), 427.
Legardón, A; García-Plazaola, JI. Gesneriads, a Source of Resurrection and Double-Tolerant Species: Proposal of New Desiccation- and Freezing-Tolerant Plants and Their Physiological Adaptations. 2023. Biology, 12(1), 107.
Rodríguez, A; Durán, J; Yuste, JC; Valladares, F; Rey, A. The effect of tree decline over soil water content largely controls soil respiration dynamics in a Mediterranean woodland. 2023. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 333, 109398.
Guevara-Ramírez, W; Martínez-de-Alegría, I; Río-Belver, RM; Alvarez-Meaza, I. Strategic management of patents on electrochemical conversion fuel cells and batteries in Latin America as a mechanism for moving towards energy sustainability. 2023. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 53(4), 625-644.
Clavera-Gispert, R; Quintana-Seguí, P; Palazón, L; Zabaleta, A; Cenobio, O; Barella-Ortiz, A; Beguería, S. Streamflow trends of the Pyrenees using observations and multi-model approach (1980-2013). 2023. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 46, 101322.
Sambo, B; Bonato, M; Sperotto, A; Torresan, S; Furlan, E; Lambert, JH; Linkov, I; Critto, A. Framework for multirisk climate scenarios across system receptors with application to the Metropolitan City of Venice. 2023. Risk Analysis, 43(11), 2241-2261.
Monroy, S; Larrañaga, A; Martínez, A; Pérez, J; Molinero, J; Basaguren, A; Pozo, J. Temperature Sensitivity of Microbial Litter Decomposition in Freshwaters: Role of Leaf Litter Quality and Environmental Characteristics. 2023. Microbial Ecology, 85(3), 839-852.
Guevara-Ramírez, W; Martínez-de-Alegría, I; Río-Belver, RM. Evolution of the conceptualization of hydrogen through knowledge maps, energy return on investment (EROI) and national policy strategies. 2023. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 25(1), 69-91.
López-Ballesteros, A; Rodríguez-Caballero, E; Moreno, G; Escribano, P; Heres, AM; Yuste, JC. Topography modulates climate sensitivity of multidecadal trends of holm oak decline. 2023. Global Change Biology, 29(22), 6336-6349.
Roman, A; Tovar-Sanchez, A; Fernandez-Marin, B; Navarro, G; Barbero, L. Characterization of an antarctic penguin colony ecosystem using high-resolution UAV hyperspectral imagery. 2023. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 125, 103565.
Martínez-Sabando, J; Coin, F; Melillo, JH; Goyanes, S; Cerveny, S. A Review of Pectin-Based Material for Applications in Water Treatment. 2023. Materials, 16(6), 2207.
Gamboa, L; Lafuente, AS; Morera-Herreras, T; Garcia, M; Aguirre, C; Lertxundi, U. Analysis of heat stroke and heat exhaustion cases in EudraVigilance pharmacovigilance database. 2023. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 79(5), 679-685.
Ruiz-Minguela, P; Noble, DR; Nava, V; Pennock, S; Blanco, JM; Jeffrey, H. Estimating Future Costs of Emerging Wave Energy Technologies. 2023. Sustainability, 15(1), 215.
Contreras, JS; Ruiz, AM; Campos-Celador, A; Fjellheim, EM. Energy Colonialism: A Category to Analyse the Corporate Energy Transition in the Global South and North. 2023. Land, 12(6), 1241.
Katamadze, A; Vergara-Díaz, O; Uberegui, E; Yoldi-Achalandabaso, A; Araus, JL; Vicente, R. Evolution of wheat architecture, physiology, and metabolism during domestication and further cultivation: Lessons for crop improvement. 2023. Crop Journal, 11(4), 1080-1096.
Ruiz-Blas, F; Muñoz-Hisado, V; Garcia-Lopez, E; Moreno, A; Bartolomé, M; Leunda, M; Martinez-Alonso, E; Alcázar, A; Cid, C. The hidden microbial ecosystem in the perennial ice from a Pyrenean ice cave. 2023. Frontiers in Microbiology, 14:1110091.
Soria, AR; Liesa, CL; Navarrete, R; Rodriguez-Lopez, JP. Sedimentology and stratigraphic architecture of Barremian synrift barrier island-estuarine depositional systems from blended field and drone-derived data. 2023. Sedimentology, 70(6), 1812-1855.
Ulloa-Yáñez, AA; Figueroa-Muñoz, G; Núñez, D; Boyero, L; Ríos-Escalante, PD; Martin, J; Jaque, X; Esse, C; Correa-Araneda, F. Preliminary records of abundance and morphometry of the tiger crab, Aegla concepcionensis (Schmitt, 1942) (Anomura, Aeglidae) in a lake of southern Chile. 2023. Crustaceana, 96(8), 751-765.
Almenara, N; Gueret, R; Huertas-Alonso, AJ; Veettil, UT; Sipponen, MH; Lizundia, E. Lignin-Chitosan Gel Polymer Electrolytes for Stable Zn Electrodeposition. 2023. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 11(6), 2283-2294.
Ashley, M; Murillas, A; Muench, A; Marta-Pedroso, C; Rodwell, L; Rees, S; Rendle, E; Basic, T; Copp, GH; Díaz, E; Nachón, DJ; Lambert, P; Lassalle, G. An evidence base of ecosystems services provided by diadromous fish in the European Atlantic Area. 2023. Ecosystem Services, 64, 101559.
del-Canto, A; Sanz-Saez, A; Sillero-Martínez, A; Mintegi, E; Lacuesta, M. Selected indigenous drought tolerant rhizobium strains as promising biostimulants for common bean in Northern Spain. 2023. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14:1046397.
Flores-Rentería, D; Delgado-Balbuena, J; Campuzano, EF; Yuste, JC. Seasonal controlling factors of CO2 exchange in a semiarid shrubland in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico. 2023. Science of The Total Environment, 858, 159918.
Pampín, M; Casanova, A; Fernández, C; Blanco, A; Hermida, M; Vera, M; Pardo, BG; Coimbra, RM; Cao, A; Iglesias, D; Carballal, MJ; Villalba, A; Martínez, P. Genetic markers associated with divergent selection against the parasite Marteilia cochillia in common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) using transcriptomics and population genomics data. 2023. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10:1057206.
Attia, S; Benzidane, C; Rahif, R; Amaripadath, D; Hamdy, M; Holzer, P; Koch, A; Maas, A; Moosberger, S; Petersen, S; Mavrogianni, A; Hidalgo-Betanzos, JM; Almeida, M; Akander, J; Bakhtiari, HK; Kinnane, O; Kosonen, R; Carlucci, S. Overheating calculation methods, criteria, and indicators in European regulation for residential buildings. 2023. Energy and Buildings, 292, 113170.
Pérez, J; Cornejo, A; Alonso, A; Guerra, A; García, G; Nieto, C; Correa-Araneda, F; Rojo, D; Boyero, L. Warming overrides eutrophication effects on leaf litter decomposition in stream microcosms. 2023. Environmental Pollution, 332, 121966.
Beeckman, F; Drozdzecki, A; De Knijf, A; Corrochano-Monsalve, M; Bodé, S; Blom, P; Goeminne, G; González-Murua, C; Laecker, S; Boeckx, P; Stevens, CV; Audenaert, D; Beeckman, T; Motte, H. Drug discovery-based approach identifies new nitrification inhibitors. 2023. Journal of Environmental Management, 346, 118996.
Massagué, J; Escudero, M; Alastuey, A; Mantilla, E; Monfort, E; Gangoiti, G; García-Pando, CP; Querol, X. Spatiotemporal variations of tropospheric ozone in Spain (2008-2019). 2023. Environment International, 176, 107961.
del Prado, A; Lynch, J; Liu, S; Ridoutt, B; Pardo, G; Mitloehner, F. Animal board invited review: Opportunities and challenges in using GWP* to report the impact of ruminant livestock on global temperature change. 2023. Animal, 17(5), 100790.
Vidaller, I; Izagirre, E; del Rio, LM; Alonso-González, E; Rojas-Heredia, F; Serrano, E; Moreno, A; López-Moreno, JI; Revuelto, J. The Aneto glacier's (Central Pyrenees) evolution from 1981 to 2022: ice lossobserved from historic aerial image photogrammetry and remote sensingtechniques. 2023. Cryosphere, 17(8), 3177-3192.
Hasan, S; Zeyad, M; Ahmed, SMM; Anubhove, MST. Optimization and planning of renewable energy sources based microgrid for a residential complex. 2023. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 42(5), e14124.
Sambo, B; Sano, M; Sperotto, A; Zanetti, M; Torresan, S; Lambert, JH; Linkov, I; Critto, A. Sensitivity analysis for a participatory approach to enhance the climate resilience of Venice, Italy. 2023. Risk Analysis.
Gill, DA; Blyth, J; Bennétt, N; Evans, L; Brown, K; Turner, RA; Baggio, JA; Baker, D; Ban, NC; Brun, V; Claudet, J; Darling, E; Di Franco, A; Estradivari; Epstein, G; Gray, NJ; Gurney, GG; Horan, RP; Jupiter, SD; Lau, JD; Lazzari, N; Lestari, P; Mahajan, SL; Mangubhai, S; Naggea, J; Selig, ER; Whitney, CK; Zafra-Calvo, N; Muthiga, NA. Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities. 2023. One Earth, 6(2), 118-130.
Lézin, C; Maillard, A; Odonne, F; Sierro, FJ; Chanier, F; Gaullier, V; Colinet, G; Chueca, LJ; Chavagnac, V; Raad, F. New constraints on the Messinian salinity crisis from the north-eastern Ibiza island event records. 2023. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 153, 106254.
Dong, JY; Wang, XF; Bidegain, G; Sun, X; Bian, XD; Zhang, XM. Assessment of the benthic ecological quality status (EcoQs) of Laizhou Bay (China) with an integrated AMBI, M-AMBI, BENTIX, BO2A and feeding evenness index. 2023. Ecological Indicators, 153, 110456.
Gardoki, J; Morellón, M; Leira, M; Ezquerra, FJ; Remondo, J; Tinner, W; Canales, ML; van der Horst, A; Morales-Molino, C. Abrupt diatom responses to recent climate and land use changes in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain). 2023. Journal of Paleolimnology, 69(3), 213-230.
Yang, XL; Zhang, XM; Zhang, PD; Bidegain, G; Dong, JY; Hu, CY; Li, M; Zhang, ZX; Guo, H. Ensemble habitat suitability modeling for predicting optimal sites for eelgrass (Zostera marina) in the tidal lagoon ecosystem: Implications for restoration and conservation. 2023. Journal of Environmental Management, 330, 117108.
Urban, B; Krahn, KJ; Kasper, T; García-Moreno, A; Hutson, JM; Villaluenga, A; Turner, E; Gaudzinski-Windheuser, S; Farghaly, D; Tucci, M; Schwalb, A. Spatial interpretation of high-resolution environmental proxy data of the Middle Pleistocene Palaeolithic faunal kill site Schoningen 13 II-4, Germany. 2023. Boreas, 52(3), 440-458.
Encinas-Valero, M; Esteban, R; Heres, AM; Vivas, M; Solla, A; Moreno, G; Corcobado, T; Odriozola, I; Garbisu, C; Epelde, L; Yuste, JC. Alteration of the tree-soil microbial system triggers a feedback loop that boosts holm oak decline. 2023. Functional Ecology.
Bernal-Wormull, JL; Moreno, A; Bartolomé, M; Arriolabengoa, M; Pérez-Mejías, C; Iriarte, E; Osácar, C; Spötl, C; Stoll, H; Cacho, I; Edwards, RL; Cheng, H. New insights into the climate of northern Iberia during the Younger Dryas and Holocene: The Mendukilo multi-speleothem record. 2023. Quaternary Science Reviews, 305, 108006.
Grassi, G; Schwingshackl, C; Gasser, T; Houghton, RA; Sitch, S; Canadell, JG; Cescatti, A; Ciais, P; Federici, S; Friedlingstein, P; Kurz, WA; Sanchez, MJS; Viñas, RA; Alkama, R; Bultan, S; Ceccherini, G; Falk, S; Kato, E; Kennedy, D; Knauer, J; Korosuo, A; Melo, J; McGrath, MJ; Nabel, JEMS; Poulter, B; Romanovskaya, AA; Rossi, S; Tian, HQ; Walker, AP; Yuan, WP; Yue, X; Pongratz, J. Harmonising the land-use flux estimates of global models and nationalinventories for 2000-2020. 2023. Earth System Science Data, 15(3), 1093-1114.
Soto, I; Ahmed, DA; Beidas, A; Oficialdegui, FJ; Tricarico, E; Angeler, DG; Amatulli, G; Briski, E; Datry, T; Dohet, A; Domisch, S; England, J; Feio, MJ; Forcellini, M; Johnson, RK; Jones, JI; Larrañaga, A; L'Hoste, L; Murphy, JF; Schäfer, RB; Shen, LQ; Kouba, A; Haubrock, PJ. Long-term trends in crayfish invasions across European rivers. 2023. Science of The Total Environment, 867, 161537.
Haase, P; Bowler, DE; Baker, NJ; Bonada, N; Domisch, S; Marquez, JGR; Heino, J; Hering, D; Jähnig, SC; Schmidt-Kloiber, A; Stubbington, R; Altermatt, F; Alvarez-Cabria, M; Amatulli, G; Angeler, DG; Archambaud-Suard, G; Jorrin, IA; Aspin, T; Azpiroz, I; Bañares, I; Ortiz, JB; Bodin, CL; Bonacina, L; Bottarin, R; Canedo-Argüelles, M; Csabai, Z; Datry, T; de Eyto, E; Dohet, A; Dörflinger, G; Drohan, E; Eikland, KA; England, J; Eriksen, TE; Evtimova, V; Feio, MJ; Ferréol, M; Floury, M; Forcellini, M; Forio, MAE; Fornaroli, R; Friberg, N; Fruget, JF; Georgieva, G; Goethals, P; Graça, MAS; Graf, W; House, A; Huttunen, KL; Jensen, TC; Johnson, RK; Jones, JI; Kiesel, J; Kuglerová, L; Larrañaga, A; Leitner, P; L'Hoste, L; Lizeé, MH; Lorenz, AW; Maire, A; Arnaiz, JAM; McKie, BG; Millán, A; Monteith, D; Muotka, T; Murphy, JF; Ozolins, D; Paavola, R; Paril, P; Peñas, FJ; Pilotto, F; Polasek, M; Rasmussen, JJ; Rubio, M; Sánchez-Fernández, D; Sandin, L; Schäfer, RB; Scotti, A; Shen, LZQ; Skuja, A; Stoll, S; Straka, M; Timm, H; Tyufekchieva, VG; Tziortzis, I; Uzunov, Y; van der Lee, GH; Vannevel, R; Varadinova, E; Várbíro, G; Velle, G; Verdonschot, PFM; Verdonschot, RCM; Vidinova, Y; Wiberg-Larsen, P; Welti, EAR. The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt. 2023. Nature, 620, 582-588.
Baca, M; Popovic, D; Lemanik, A; Bañuls-Cardona, S; Conard, NJ; Cuenca-Bescós, G; Desclaux, E; Fewlass, H; Garcia, JT; Hadravova, T; Heckel, G; Horácek, I; Knul, MV; Lebreton, L; López-García, JM; Luzi, E; Markovic, Z; Lenardic, JM; Murelaga, X; Noiret, P; Petculescu, A; Popov, V; Rhodes, SE; Ridush, B; Royer, A; Stewart, JR; Stojak, J; Talamo, S; Wang, XJ; Wójcik, JM; Nadachowski, A. Ancient DNA reveals interstadials as a driver of common vole population dynamics during the last glacial period. 2023. Journal of Biogeography, 50(1), 183-196.
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