UPV/EHUren desberdintasunak murrizteari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak desberdintasunak murriztearen gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak desberdintasunak murriztearen gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
Saralegi, A; Rojo, N; Alvarez, J; Encinas, L; Amurrio, J. Strategies to Improve Hazardous Waste Management at the Faculty of Engineering Vitoria-Gasteiz UPV/EHU. 2020. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(4), 22-32.
Mosquera, I; Mendizabal, N; Martin, U; Bacigalupe, A; Aldasoro, E; Portillo, I. Inequalities in participation in colorectal cancer screening programmes: a systematic review. 2020. European Journal of Public Health, 30(3), 558-567.
Dominguez-Berjon, MF; Perez, G; Gotsens, M; Genova, R; Martin, U; Ruiz-Ramos, M. Socioeconomic Inequalities in Small-for-Gestational-Age Births Before and During the Economic Crisis: An Ecologic Study of Trends in 13 Spanish Cities. 2020. International Journal of Health Services.
Sole-Auro, A; Martin, U; Rodriguez, AD. Educational Inequalities in Life and Healthy Life Expectancies among the 50-Plus in Spain. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(10), 3558.
Machon, M; Mosquera, I; Larranaga, I; Martin, U; Vergara, I. Socioeconomic inequalities in health among the elderly population in Spain. 2020. Gaceta Sanitaria, 34(3), 276-288.
Mosquera, I; Machon, M; Vergara, I; Larranaga, I; Martin, U. Social inequalities in health among the elderly population: review of indicators used in Spain. 2020. Gaceta Sanitaria, 34(3), 297-304.
Innerarity, D; Colomina, C. Truth in algorithmic democracies. 2020. Revista CIDOB d'afers internacionals, 124, 11-23.
Castillo, JAQ. An archaeology of “small worlds”: social inequality in early medieval Iberian rural communities. 2020. Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, 12(1), 3-27.
Martín Roncero, U., González-Rábago, Y. Unwanted loneliness, health and social inequalities throughout the life cycle [Soledad no deseada, salud y desigualdades sociales a lo largo del ciclo vital]. 2020. Gaceta Sanitaria.