UPV/EHUren desberdintasunak murrizteari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak desberdintasunak murriztearen gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak desberdintasunak murriztearen gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
Amiano, I; San-Jose, L; Goiria, JG. Company Valuation in entities of the Social Economy. Expected Social Value of the Basque Country Mining Museum. 2021. CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, 101, 33-56.
Martin, U; Bacigalupe, A; Carrillo, MJ. COVID-19 and gender: certainties and uncertainties in monitoring the pandemic. 2021. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 95, e202104066.
Otamendi-Irizar, I; Grijalba, O; Arias, A; Pennese, C; Hernandez, R. Effective Implementation of Urban Agendas through Urban Action Structures (UAS): The Case of the Basque Country. 2021. Sustainability, 13(11), 6059.
Gonzalez-Rabago, Y; La Parra, D; Puigpinos-Riera, R; Pons-Vigues, M. How to measure the migration status of the child and young population? Studies on health and inequalities in health in Europe. 2021. Gaceta Sanitaria, 35(1), 81-90.
Unanue-Arza, S; Solis-Ibinagagoitia, M; Diaz-Seoane, M; Mosquera-Metcalfe, I; Idigoras, I; Bilbao, I; Portillo, I. Inequalities and risk factors related to non-participation in colorectal cancer screening programmes: a systematic review. 2021. European Journal of Public Health, 31(2), 346-355.
Jesus, TS; Bhattacharjya, S; Papadimitriou, C; Bogdanova, Y; Bentley, J; Arango-Lasprilla, JC; Kamalakannan, S. Lockdown-Related Disparities Experienced by People with Disabilities during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Scoping Review with Thematic Analysis. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(12), 6178.
Villegas, C; Ibabe, I; Arnoso, A. People at risk of social exclusion: mental health, structural-economic factors and sociocultural factors (Personas en riesgo de exclusion social: salud mental, factores economico-estructurales y socio-culturales). 2021. International Journal of Social Psychology, 36(1), 122-148.
Gonzalez-Rabago, Y; Cabezas-Rodriguez, A; Martin, U. Social Inequalities in Health Determinants in Spanish Children during the COVID-19 Lockdown. 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(8), 4087.
Ahedo, M; Hoekstra, J; Etxezarreta, A. Socially oriented cooperative housing as alternative to housing speculation. Public policies and societal dynamics in Denmark, the Netherlands and Spain. 2021. Review of Social Economy.
Espinosa, AM; Diaz-Emparanza, I. The Long-term Relationship Between International Labour Migration and Unemployment in Spain. 2021. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 22, 145-166.
Tíscar-González, V., Santiago-Garín, J., Moreno-Casbas, T., Zorrilla-Martínez, I., Nonide-Robles, M., Portuondo-Jiménez, J. Perceptions and experiences of 7-8 year old schoolchildren in the Basque Country during the COVID-19 health alert [Percepciones y vivencias de escolares de 7 a 8 años del País Vasco durante la alerta sanitaria COVID-19]. 2021. Gaceta Sanitaria.
Martín Roncero, U., González-Rábago, Y. Unwanted loneliness, health and social inequalities throughout the life cycle [Soledad no deseada, salud y desigualdades sociales a lo largo del ciclo vital]. 2021. Gaceta Sanitaria, 35(5), 432-437.