UPV/EHUren aldaketa klimatikoari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including the keyword “climate change”.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
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Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including the keyword “climate change”.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Jodar, J; Gonzalez-Ramon, A; Martos-Rosillo, S; Heredia, J; Herrera, C; Urrutia, J; Caballero, Y; Zabaleta, A; Antiguedad, I; Custodio, E; Lamban, J. Snowmelt as a determinant factor in the hydrogeological behaviour of high mountain karst aquifers: The Garces karst system, Central Pyrenees (Spain). 2020. Science of The Total Environment, 748, 141363.
Gandini, A; Garmendia, L; Prieto, I; Alvarez, I; San-Jose, JT. A holistic and multi-stakeholder methodology for vulnerability assessment of cities to flooding and extreme precipitation events. 2020. Sustainable Cities and Society, 63, 102437.
Akyazi, T; Alvarez, I; Alberdi, E; Oyarbide-Zubillaga, A; Goti, A; Bayon, F. Skills Needs of the Civil Engineering Sector in the European Union Countries: Current Situation and Future Trends. 2020. Applied Sciences, 10(20), 7226.
Garcia-Angulo, D; Heres, AM; Fernandez-Lopez, M; Flores, O; Sanz, MJ; Rey, A; Valladares, F; Yuste, JC. Holm oak decline and mortality exacerbates drought effects on soil biogeochemical cycling and soil microbial communities across a climatic gradient. 2020. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 149, 107921.
Urbikain, MK. Energy efficient solutions for retrofitting a residential multi-storey building with vacuum insulation panels and low-E windows in two European climates. 2020. Journal of Cleaner Production, 269, 121459.
Valencia, E; de Bello, F; Galland, T; Adler, PB; Leps, J; E-Vojtko, A; van Klink, R; Carmona, CP; Danihelka, J; Dengler, J; Eldridge, DJ; Estiarte, M; Garcia-Gonzalez, R; Garnier, E; Gomez-Garcia, D; Harrison, SP; Herben, T; Ibanez, R; Jentsch, A; Juergens, N; Kertesz, M; Klumpp, K; Louault, F; Marrs, RH; Ogaya, R; Onodi, G; Pakeman, RJ; Pardo, I; Partel, M; Peco, B; Penuelas, J; Pywell, RF; Rueda, M; Schmidt, W; Schmiedel, U; Schuetz, M; Skalova, H; Smilauer, P; Smilauerova, M; Smit, C; Song, MH; Stock, M; Val, J; Vandvik, V; Ward, D; Wesche, K; Wiser, SK; Woodcock, B; Young, TP; Yu, FH; Zobel, M; Gotzenberger, L. Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. 2020. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 (39) 24345-24351.
Prieto, D; Arranz, K; Urrutxurtu, I; Navarro, E; Urrutia, MB; Ibarrola, I. Variable Capacity for Acute and Chronic Thermal Compensation o f Physiological Rates Contributes to Inter-Individual Differences in Growth Rate in Mussels (Mytilus galloproyincialis). 2020. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 812.
Pizarro-Irizar, C; Gonzalez-Eguino, M; van der Gaast, W; Arto, I; Sampedro, J; van de Ven, DJ. Assessing stakeholder preferences on low-carbon energy transitions. 2020. Energy Sources, Part B: Economics, Planning, and Policy, 15(10-12), 455-491.
Deckmyn, G; Flores, O; Mayer, M; Domene, X; Schnepf, A; Kuka, K; Van Looy, K; Rasse, DP; Briones, MJI; Barot, S; Berg, M; Vanguelova, E; Ostonen, I; Vereecken, H; Suz, LM; Frey, B; Frossard, A; Tiunov, A; Frouz, J; Grebenc, T; Opik, M; Javaux, M; Uvarov, A; Vinduskova, O; Krogh, PH; Franklin, O; Jimenez, J; Yuste, JC. KEYLINK: towards a more integrative soil representation for inclusion in ecosystem scale models. I. review and model concept. 2020. PeerJ, 8:e9750.
Morozova, SM; Lozinskaya, EI; Sardon, H; Suarez-Garcia, F; Vlasov, PS; Vaudemont, R; Vygodskii, YS; Shaplov, AS. Ionic Polyureas-A Novel Subclass of Poly(Ionic Liquid)s for CO(2)Capture. 2020. Membranes, 10(9), 240.
Etxebarria, M; Oregi, X; Grijalba, O; Hernandez, RJ. Relationship Between Energy Demand, Indoor Thermal Behaviour and Temperature-Related Health Risk Concerning Passive Energy Refurbishment Interventions. 2020. Environmental and Climate Technologies, 42(2), 348-363.
Tomas, M; Lopez, LA; Monsalve, F. Carbon footprint, municipality size and rurality in Spain: Inequality and carbon taxation. 2020. Journal of Cleaner Production, 266, 121798.
Subiza-Perez, M; Marina, LS; Irizar, A; Gallastegi, M; Anabitarte, A; Urbieta, N; Babarro, I; Molinuevo, A; Vozmediano, L; Ibarluzea, J. Explaining social acceptance of a municipal waste incineration plant through sociodemographic and psycho-environmental variables. 2020. Environmental Pollution, 263, Part A, 114504.
Aranbarri, J; Alcolea, M; Badal, E; Vila, S; Allue, E; Iriarte-Chiapusso, MJ; Sebastian, M; Magri, D; Gonzalez-Samperiz, P. Holocene history of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) woodlands in the Ebro Basin (NE Spain): Climate-biased or human-induced?. 2020. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 279, 104240.
Casas, X; Niederberger, M; Lizundia, E. A Sodium-Ion Battery Separator with Reversible Voltage Response Based on Water-Soluble Cellulose Derivatives. 2020. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(26), 29264-29274.
Bose, AK; Gessler, A; Bolte, A; Bottero, A; Buras, A; Cailleret, M; Camarero, JJ; Haeni, M; Heres, AM; Hevia, A; Levesque, M; Linares, JC; Martinez-Vilalta, J; Matias, L; Menzel, A; Sanchez-Salguero, R; Saurer, M; Vennetier, M; Ziche, D; Rigling, A. Growth and resilience responses of Scots pine to extreme droughts across Europe depend on predrought growth conditions. 2020. Global Change Biology, 26(8), 4521-4537.
Gago, EJ; Berrizbeitia, SE; Torres, RP; Muneer, T. Effect of Land Use/Cover Changes on Urban Cool Island Phenomenon in Seville, Spain. 2020. Energies, 13(12), 3040.
Cardenas-Arenas, A; Quindimil, A; Davo-Quinonero, A; Bailon-Garcia, E; Lozano-Castello, D; De-La-Torre, U; Pereda-Ayo, B; Gonzalez-Marcos, JA; Gonzalez-Velasco, JR; Bueno-Lopez, A. Design of active sites in Ni/CeO2 catalysts for the methanation of CO2 : tailoring the Ni-CeO2 contact. 2020. Applied Materials Today, 19, 100591.
Sorman, AH; Garcia-Muros, X; Pizarro-Irizar, C; Gonzalez-Eguino, M. Lost (and found) in Transition: Expert stakeholder insights on low-carbon energy transitions in Spain. 2020. Energy Research & Social Science, 64, 101414.
Gonzalez-Garcia, A; Palomo, I; Gonzalez, JA; Lopez, CA; Montes, C. Quantifying spatial supply-demand mismatches in ecosystem services provides insights for land-use planning. 2020. Land Use Policy, 94, 104493.
Carballal, MJ; Cao, A; Iglesias, D; Gonzalez, AI; Villalba, A. Temporal dynamics of infection of cockles Cerastoderma edule with the protistan parasite Minchinia tapetis (Rhizaria: Haplosporida) in Galicia (NW Spain). 2020. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 172, 107349.
Arevalo, E; Larranaga, A; Bardonnet, A. Comparison of food availability and performances of first-feeding alevins through spring with the occurrence of a flood. 2020. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, 29(4), 693-704.
Muguerza, N; Bustamante, M; Diez, I; Quintano, E; Tajadura, FJ; Saiz-Salinas, JI; Gorostiaga, JM. Long-term surveys reveal abrupt canopy loss with immediate changes in diversity and functional traits. 2020. Marine Biology, 167, 61.
Abadie, LM; de Murieta, ES; Galarraga, I. The Costs of Sea-Level Rise: Coastal Adaptation Investments vs. Inaction in Iberian Coastal Cities. 2020. Water, 12(4), 1220.
Boyero, L; Lopez-Rojo, N; Bosch, J; Alonso, A; Correa-Araneda, F; Perez, J. Microplastics impair amphibian survival, body condition and function. 2020. Chemosphere, 244, 125500.
Martinez-Mena, M; Carrillo-Lopez, E; Boix-Fayos, C; Almagro, M; Franco, NG; Diaz-Pereira, E; Montoya, I; de Vente, J. Long-term effectiveness of sustainable land management practices to control runoff, soil erosion, and nutrient loss and the role of rainfall intensity in Mediterranean rainfed agroecosystems. 2020. Catena, 187, 104352.
Ulazia, A; Ibarra-Berastegi, G. Problem-Based Learning in University Studies on Renewable Energies: Case of a Laboratory Windpump. 2020. Sustainability, 12(6), 2495.
Villamor, E; Akizu-Gardoki, O; Azurza, O; Urkidi, L; Campos-Celador, A; Basurko, I; Hinojal, IB. European Cities in the Energy Transition: A Preliminary Analysis of 27 Cities. 2020. Energies, 13(6), 1315.
Jorgensen, SL; Termansen, M; Pascual, U. Natural insurance as condition for market insurance: Climate change adaptation in agriculture. 2020. Ecological Economics, 169, 106489.
Kleemann, J; Schroter, M; Bagstad, KJ; Kuhlicke, C; Kastner, T; Fridman, D; Schulp, CJE; Wolff, S; Martinez-Lopez, J; Koellner, T; Arnhold, S; Martin-Lopez, B; Marques, A; Lopez-Hoffman, L; Liu, JG; Kissinger, M; Guerra, CA; Bonn, A. Quantifying interregional flows of multiple ecosystem services - A case study for Germany. 2020. Global Environmental Change, 61, 102051.
Villarino, E; Irigoien, X; Villate, F; Iriarte, A; Uriarte, I; Zervoudaki, S; Carstensen, J; O'Brien, TD; Chust, G. Response of copepod communities to ocean warming in three time-series across the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. 2020. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 636, 47-61.
Correa-Araneda, F; Tonin, AM; Perez, J; Alvarez, K; Lopez-Rojo, N; Diaz, A; Esse, C; Encina-Montoya, F; Figueroa, R; Cornejo, A; Boyero, L. Extreme climate events can slow down litter breakdown in streams. 2020. Aquatic Sciences, 82, 25.
Albizua, A; Zaga-Mendez, A. Changes in institutional and social-ecological system robustness due to the adoption of large-scale irrigation technology in Navarre (Spain). 2020. Environmental Policy and Governance, 30(4), 167-181.
Alvarez-Fernandez, E; Becares, J; Pardo, JFJ; Agirre-Uribesalgo, A; Alvarez-Alonso, D; Aparicio, MT; Barrera-Mellado, I; Carral, P; Carriol, RP; Cubas, M; Cueto, M; Douka, K; Elorza, M; Fernandez-Gomez, MJ; Gabriel, S; Garcia-Ibaibarriaga, N; Iriarte-Chiapusso, MJ; Llave, C; Maestro, A; Martin-Jarque, S; Portero, R; Suarez-Bilbao, A; Tarrino, A; Teira, LC; Uzquiano, P; Arias, P. Palaeoenvironmental and chronological context of human occupations at El Cierro cave (Northern Spain) during the transition from the late Upper Pleistocene to the early Holocene. 2020. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 29, 102138.
Montanchez, I; Kaberdin, VR. Vibrio harveyi: A brief survey of general characteristics and recent epidemiological traits associated with climate change. 2020. Marine Environmental Research, 154, 104850.
Subiza-Perez, M; Marina, LS; Irizar, A; Gallastegi, M; Anabitarte, A; Urbieta, N; Babarro, I; Molinuevo, A; Vozmediano, L; Ibarluzea, J. Who feels a greater environmental risk? Women, younger adults and pro-environmentally friendly people express higher concerns about a set of environmental exposures. 2020. Environmental Research, 181, 108918.
Rubio, I; Ganzedo, U; Hobday, AJ; Ojea, E. Southward re-distribution of tropical tuna fisheries activity can be explained by technological and management change. 2020. Fish and Fisheries, 21(3), 511-521.
Yang, JY; Medlyn, BE; De Kauwe, MG; Duursma, RA; Jiang, MK; Kumarathunge, D; Crous, KY; Gimeno, TE; Wujeska-Klause, A; Ellsworth, DS. Low sensitivity of gross primary production to elevated CO2 in a mature eucalypt woodland. 2020. Biogeosciences, 17, 265-279.
Camargo, J; Barcena, I; Soares, PM; Schmidt, L; Andaluz, J. Mind the climate policy gaps: climate change public policy and reality in Portugal, Spain and Morocco. 2020. Climatic Change, 161, 151-169.
Suarez, M; Gomez-Baggethun, E; Onaindia, M. Assessing socio-ecological resilience in cities. 2020. The Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience, 197-216.
Cakir, R; Raimonet, M; Sauvage, S; Paredes-Arquiola, J; Grusson, Y; Roset, L; Meaurio, M; Navarro, E; Sevilla-Callejo, M; Lechuga-Crespo, JL; Pascual, JJG; Bodoque, JM; Sanchez-Perez, JM. Hydrological Alteration Index as an Indicator of the Calibration Complexity of Water Quantity and Quality Modeling in the Context of Global Change. 2020. Water, 12(1), 115.
Halbritter, AH; De Boeck, HJ; Eycott, AE; Reinsch, S; Robinson, DA; Vicca, S; Berauer, B; Christiansen, CT; Estiarte, M; Gr?nzweig, JM; Gya, R; Hansen, K; Jentsch, A; Lee, H; Linder, S; Marshall, J; Pe?uelas, J; Schmidt, IK; Stuart-Ha?ntjens, E; Wilfahrt, P; Vandvik, V; Abrantes, N; Almagro, M; Althuizen, IHJ; Barrio, IC; te Beest, M; Beier, C; Beil, I; Berry, ZC; Birkemoe, T; Bjerke, JW; Blonder, B; Blume-Werry, G; Bohrer, G; Campos, I; Cernusak, LA; Chojnicki, BH; Cosby, BJ; Dickman, LT; Djukic, I; Filella, I; Fuchslueger, L; Gargallo-Garriga, A; Gillespie, MAK; Goldsmith, GR; Gough, C; Halliday, FW; Hegland, SJ; Hoch, G; Holub, P; Jaroszynska, F; Johnson, DM; Jones, SB; Kardol, P; Keizer, JJ; Klem, K; Konestabo, HS; Kreyling, J; Kr?el-Dulay, G; Landh?usser, SM; Larsen, KS; Leblans, N; Lebron, I; Lehmann, MM; Lembrechts, JJ; Lenz, A; Linst?dter, A; Llusi?, J; Macias-Fauria, M; Malyshev, AV; M?nd, P; Marshall, M; Matheny, AM; McDowell, N; Meier, IC; Meinzer, FC; Michaletz, ST; Miller, ML; Muffler, L; Oravec, M; Ostonen, I; Porcar-Castell, A; Preece, C; Prentice, IC; Radujkovic, D; Ravolainen, V; Ribbons, R; Ruppert, JC; Sack, L; Sardans, J; Schindlbacher, A; Scoffoni, C; Sigurdsson, BD; Smart, S; Smith, SW; Soper, F; Speed, JDM; Sverdrup-Thygeson, A; Sydenham, MAK; Taghizadeh-Toosi, A; Telford, RJ; Tielb?rger, K; T?pper, JP; Urban, O; van der Ploeg, M; Van Langenhove, L; Vecerova, K?; Ven, A; Verbruggen, E; Vik, U; Weigel, R; Wohlgemuth, T; Wood, LK; Zinnert, J; Zurba, K. The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx). 2020. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(1), 22-37.
Olofsson, P; Arevalo, P; Espejo, AB; Green, C; Lindquist, E; McRoberts, RE; Sanz, MJ. Mitigating the effects of omission errors on area and area change estimates. 2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 236, 111492.
Arambourou, H; Llorente, L; Moreno-Ocio, I; Herrero, O; Barata, C; Fuertes, I; Delorme, N; Mendez-Fernandez, L; Planello, R. Exposure to heavy metal-contaminated sediments disrupts gene expression, lipid profile, and life history traits in the midge Chironomus riparius. 2020. Water Research, 168, 115165.
Pardo, G., del Prado, A. Guidelines for small ruminant production systems under climate emergency in Europe. 2020. Small Ruminant Research, 193, 106261.
López-Moreno, J.I., García-Ruiz, J.M., Vicente-Serrano, S.M., Alonso-González, E., Revuelto-Benedí, J., Rico, I., Izagirre, E., Beguería-Portugués, S. Critical discussion of: “A farewell to glaciers: Ecosystem services loss in the Spanish Pyrenees”. 2020. Journal of Environmental Management, 275, 111247.
Dietzenbacher, E., Cazcarro, I., Arto, I. Towards a more effective climate policy on international trade. 2020. Nature Communications, 11, 1130.
Keller, P.S., Catalán, N., von Schiller, D., Grossart, H.-P., Koschorreck, M., Obrador, B., Frassl, M.A., Karakaya, N., Barros, N., Howitt, J.A., Mendoza-Lera, C., Pastor, A., Flaim, G., Aben, R., Riis, T., Arce, M.I., Onandia, G., Paranaíba, J.R., Linkhorst, A., del Campo, R., Amado, A.M., Cauvy-Fraunié, S., Brothers, S., Condon, J., Mendonça, R.F., Reverey, F., Rõõm, E.-I., Datry, T., Roland, F., Laas, A., Obertegger, U., Park, J.-H., Wang, H., Kosten, S., Gómez, R., Feijoó, C., Elosegi, A., Sánchez-Montoya, M.M., Finlayson, C.M., Melita, M., Oliveira Junior, E.S., Muniz, C.C., Gómez-Gener, L., Leigh, C., Zhang, Q., Marcé, R. Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems. 2020. Nature Communications, 11, 2126.
Nikas, A., Lieu, J., Sorman, A., Gambhir, A., Turhan, E., Baptista, B.V., Doukas, H. The desirability of transitions in demand: Incorporating behavioural and societal transformations into energy modelling. 2020. Energy Research and Social Science, 70, 101780.
Hultman, N.E., Clarke, L., Frisch, C., Kennedy, K., McJeon, H., Cyrs, T., Hansel, P., Bodnar, P., Manion, M., Edwards, M.R., Cui, R., Bowman, C., Lund, J., Westphal, M.I., Clapper, A., Jaeger, J., Sen, A., Lou, J., Saha, D., Jaglom, W., Calhoun, K., Igusky, K., deWeese, J., Hammoud, K., Altimirano, J.C., Dennis, M., Henderson, C., Zwicker, G., O’Neill, J. Fusing subnational with national climate action is central to decarbonization: the case of the United States. 2020. Nature Communications, 11, 5255.
Sporbert, M., Keil, P., Seidler, G., Bruelheide, H., Jandt, U., Aćić, S., Biurrun, I., Campos, J.A., Čarni, A., Chytrý, M., Ćušterevska, R., Dengler, J., Golub, V., Jansen, F., Kuzemko, A., Lenoir, J., Marcenò, C., Moeslund, J.E., Pérez-Haase, A., Rūsiņa, S., Šilc, U., Tsiripidris, I., Vandvik, V., Vasilev, K., Virtanen, R., Welk, E. Testing macroecological abundance patterns: The relationship between local abundance and range size, range position and climatic suitability among European vascular plants. 2020. Journal of Biogeography, 47(10), 2210-2222.
González-Sampériz, P., Gil-Romera, G., García-Prieto, E., Aranbarri, J., Moreno, A., Morellón, M., Sevilla-Callejo, M., Leunda, M., Santos, L., Franco-Múgica, F., Andrade, A., Carrión, J.S., Valero-Garcés, B.L. Strong continentality and effective moisture drove unforeseen vegetation dynamics since the last interglacial at inland Mediterranean areas: The Villarquemado sequence in NE Iberia. 2020. Quaternary Science Reviews, 242, 106425.
Conversi, D. The Ultimate Challenge: Nationalism and Climate Change. 2020. Nationalities Papers, 48(4), 625-636.
Martínez-De-Alegría, I., Zarrabeitia-Bilbao, E., Fernández-Sainz, A., Álvarez-Meaza, I. Drivers of construction and refurbishment of buildings that meet the Passive House (PH) standard in Spain [Impulsores de la construcción y rehabilitación de edificios que cumplen con el estándar Passive House (PH) en España]. 2020. Dyna (Spain), 95(3), 327-332.
Guede, I., Zuluaga, M.C., Ortega, L.A., Alonso-Olazabal, A., Murelaga, X., Garcia Camino, I., Iacumin, P. Social structuration in medieval rural society based on stable isotope analysis of dietary habits and mobility patterns: San Juan de Momoitio (Biscay, north Iberian Peninsula). 2020. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 31, 102300.
Baca, M., Popović, D., Baca, K., Lemanik, A., Doan, K., Horáček, I., López-García, J.M., Bañuls-Cardona, S., Pazonyi, P., Desclaux, E., Crégut-Bonnoure, E., Berto, C., Lenardić, J.M., Miękina, B., Murelaga, X., Cuenca-Bescós, G., Krajcarz, M., Marković, Z., Petculescu, A., Wilczyński, J., Knul, M.V., Stewart, J.R., Nadachowski, A. Diverse responses of common vole (Microtus arvalis) populations to Late Glacial and Early Holocene climate changes – Evidence from ancient DNA. 2020. Quaternary Science Reviews, 233, 106239.
Sampedro, J., Smith, S.J., Arto, I., González-Eguino, M., Markandya, A., Mulvaney, K.M., Pizarro-Irizar, C., Van Dingenen, R. Health co-benefits and mitigation costs as per the Paris Agreement under different technological pathways for energy supply. 2020. Environment International, 136, 105513.
Senosiain, J.L. Urban regreeneration: Green urban infrastructure as a response to climate change mitigation and adaptation. 2020. International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 15(1), 33-38.
Gazol, A., Hereş, A.-M., Curiel Yuste, J. Land-use practices (coppices and dehesas) and management intensity modulate responses of Holm oak growth to drought. 2020. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 108235.
Aguirre, M., Hamzehlou, S., González, E., Leiza, J.R. Renewable feedstocks in emulsion polymerization: Coating and adhesive applications. 2020. Advances in Chemical Engineering, 56(1), 139-186.
Arrizabalaga, A., Iriarte-Chiapusso, M.-J., Garcia-Ibaibarriaga, N. Gravettian and Solutrean in the Basque Crossroads: Climate changes and human adaptations in the western Pyrenees. 2020. Quaternary International.
Colloff, M.J., Wise, R.M., Palomo, I., Lavorel, S., Pascual, U. Nature’s contribution to adaptation: insights from examples of the transformation of social-ecological systems. 2020. Ecosystems and People, 16(1), 137-150.