UPV/EHUren itunak helburuak lortzekoari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak itunak helburuak lortzekoaren gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak itunak helburuak lortzekoaren gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
Unceta, K; Gutierrez-Goiria, J. International Cooperation and the Development debate: the shortcomings of theory versus the allure of Agendas. 2018. Revista de Economía Mundial, 50, 107-126.
Charterina, J; Landeta, J; Basterretxea, I. Mediation effects of trust and contracts on knowledge-sharing and product innovation Evidence from the European machine tool industry. 2018. European Journal of Innovation Management, 21(2), 274-293.
Rojo, N; Gomez-de-Balugera, Z; Gallastegui, G; Encinas, D; Durana, N. Implementation of a multidisciplinary activity to foster synergies between students of different bachelor degrees. 12th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED), 2631-2639.
Spyra, M., Kleemann, J., Cetin, N.I., Vázquez Navarrete, C.J., Albert, C., Palacios-Agundez, I., Ametzaga-Arregi, I., La Rosa, D., Rozas-Vásquez, D., Adem Esmail, B., Picchi, P., Geneletti, D., König, H.J., Koo, H.M., Kopperoinen, L., Fürst, C. The ecosystem services concept: a new Esperanto to facilitate participatory planning processes?. 2018. Landscape Ecology, 34(7), 1715-1735.