UPV/EHUren kalitatezko hezkuntzari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak kalitatezko hezkuntzaren gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak kalitatezko hezkuntzaren gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
Morales, AA; Rojas, IB; Hernandez, LL. Students' Habits and Values in Elementary Schools with High Level of Effectiveness. 2019. Estudios sobre Educación, 37.
Vicent, N; Luna, U. Heritagization of the (un)known. A heritage project for elementary education teacher training. 2019. Ensayos - Revista de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, 34(1).
Arribas-Galarraga, S; Luis-de Cos, I; Luis-de Cos, G; Urrutia-Gutierrez, S. Cooperative learning: a project of body expression in the degree of elementary education. 2019. Journal of Sport and Health Research, 11(Supl 1), 155-166.
Moliner, L; Cabedo, L; Royo, M; G?mez-P?rez, J; Lopez-Crespo, P; Segarra, M; Guraya, T. On the perceptions of students and professors in the implementation of an inter-university engineering PBL experience. 2019. European Journal of Engineering Education, 44(5), 726-744.
Pereira, MMB. Early academic literacy through project-based learning. 2019. Lenguaje y Textos, 50, 143-154.
Karrera, I; Garmendia, M; Arguinano, A. Inclusion, competences and school performance. The case of Antzuola primary education public school. 2019. Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 23(1), 83-102.
Aginako-Arri, Z; Garmendia-Mujika, M; Bezanilla-Albisua, MJ; Solaberrieta-Mendez, E. Professional skills development in engineering education at the University of the Basque Country: problem or project based on learning?. DYNA, 94, 22-25.
Arruabarrena, R; Sanchez, A; Blanco, JM; Vadillo, JA; Usandizaga, I. Integration of good practices of active methodologies with the reuse of student-generated content. 2019. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16:10.
Folgueiras, P; Gezuraga, M; Higuera, PA. Participatory processes in service-learning. 2019. Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía, 71(3), 115-131.
Alonso, I; Gezuraga, M; Berasategi, N; Legorburu, I. Academic identity in service-learning teaching. A transformative way of being and staying in the university. 2019. Bordón. Revista de Pedagogía, 71(3), 133-150.
Agirreazkuenaga, L. Embedding Sustainable Development Goals in Education. Teachers' Perspective about Education for Sustainability in the Basque Autonomous Community. 2019. Sustainability, 11(5), 1496.
Pena-Cerezo, MA; Artaraz-Minon, M; Tejedor-Nunez, J. Analysis of the Consciousness of University Undergraduates for Sustainable Consumption. 2019. Sustainability, 11(17), 4597.
Alejandro-Cruz, JS; Rio-Belver, RM; Almanza-Arjona, YC; Rodriguez-Andara, A. Towards a Science Map on Sustainability in Higher Education. 2019. Sustainability, 11(13), 3521.
Espinosa, A; Cueto, RM; Paez, D. Reflecting upon the years of political violence in Peru: An experimental study to promote a culture of peace in higher education. 2019. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community.
Quintana, JG; Otegi, JE. Gender equality and analysis of motor communication in physical education tasks. 2019. Movimiento, 25, e25020.
Larrondo, A; Rivero, D. A case study on the incorporation of gender-awareness into the university journalism curriculum in Spain. 2019. Gender and Education, 31(1), 1-14.
Velasco, ASD; Palacios, EG; Llona, AC. The coeducation to debate. Social representations of Early Childhood Education teachers. 2019. Profesorado. Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 23(2), 463-484.
Berasategi, N; Larranaga, N; Garcia, I; Azurmendi, MJ. Perceptions of knowledge and use of languages of indigenous and immigrant students in Basque schools / Percepcion del conocimiento y uso de lenguas entre alumnado autoctono e inmigrante en la escuela vasca. 2019. Culture and Education, 31(4), 716-753.
Garcia-Azkoaga, IM. Didactics of languages and multilingual education: some challenges for the EIB. 2019. Enunciación, 24(1), 45-60.
Sarasqueta, C; Perales, A; Escobar, A; Bare, M; Redondo, M; de Larrea, NF; Briones, E; Piera, JM; Zunzunegui, MV; Quintana, JM; Quintana, JM; Rivas, F; Morales-Suarez, M; Blasco, JA; del Cura, I; Arostegui, I; Bilbao, A; Gonzalez, N; Garcia-Gutierrez, S; Lafuente, I; Aguirre, U; Calzada, MO; Martin, J; Anton-Ladislao, A; Tora, N; Pont, M; del Martinez, MP; Loizate, A; Zabalza, I; Errasti, J; Gimeno, A; Lazaro, S; Comas, M; Enriquez-Navascues, JM; Placer, C; Perales, A; Urkidi, I; Erro, JM; Cormenzana, E; Lacasta, A; Piera, P; Campano, E; Sotelo, AI; Gomez-Abril, S; Medina-Cano, F; Alcaide, J; Del Rey-Moreno, A; Alcantara, MJ; Campo, R; Casalots, A; Pericay, C; Gil, MJ; Pera, M; Collera, P; Espinas, JA; Martinez, M; Espallargues, M; Almazan, C; Dujovne, P; Fernandez-Cebrian, JM; Anula, R; Mayol, J; Cantero, R; Guadalajara, H; Heras, MA; Garcia, D; Morey, M; Colina, A. Impact of age on the use of adjuvant treatments in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: patients with stage III colon or stage II/III rectal cancer. 2019. BMC Cancer, 19: 735.
Lopez-Guede J.M., Ramos-Hernanz J.A., Apiñaniz E., Mesanza A., Delgado R., Graña M. Intra and Intergroup Cooperative Learning in Industrial Informatics Area. 2019. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 771, 586-595.
Aranceta-Bartrina J., Partearroyo T., López-Sobaler A.M., Ortega R.M., Varela-Moreiras G., Serra-Majem L., Pérez-Rodrigo C. Updating the food-based dietary guidelines for the Spanish population: The Spanish society of community nutrition (senc) proposal. 2019. Nutrients, 11(11), 2675.