UPV/EHUren kalitatezko hezkuntzari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak kalitatezko hezkuntzaren gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak kalitatezko hezkuntzaren gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
Cruz-Iglesias, E; Gil-Molina, P; Rekalde-Rodriguez, I. A Navigation Chart for Sustainability for the Ocean i3 Educational Project. 2022. Sustainability, 14(8), 4764.
Jauregui, PMA; Rekalde-Rodriguez, I; Iglesias, EC. Educating Cities Faced with School Segregation: Walking Towards Sustainable Development. 2022. Teoría de la Educación,34(2), 209-235.
Barcena, JO; Hortiguela-Alcala, D; Bidaurrazaga-Letona, I; Isasti, LMZ. Effects of a cooperative learning based intervention on the physical self-concept of pre-service Physical Education teachers. 2022. Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 44, 827-836.
Gurrutxaga, IA; Muguruza, IA; Etxegoien, CG. Gender Really Matters in Group Work: A Visibilization and Politicization Teaching Sequence. 2022. Journal of Political Science Education.
Quintana, NB; Andonegui, AR; Berasaluce, JP; de la Serna, AL. Digital Escape Room for the Development of Collaborative Learning in Higher Education. 2022. Education in the Knowledge Society, 23:e27126.
Masneri, S; Dominguez, A; Sanz, M; Tamayo, I; Zorrilla, M; Larranaga, M; Arruarte, A. Collaborative Multi-user Augmented Reality Solutions in the Classroom. 2022. Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education. ICL 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 390, 1004-1011.
Aguirre, JA; Alcaraz, AB; Ramon, JM. Statistics by Projects in the Primary Education Degree: A Case Study. 2022. Enseñanza de las Ciencias, 40(1), 125-142.
Jaime, A; Blanco, JM; Dominguez, C; Arruabarrena, R. Creation and Sharing of Lessons Learned by Blogging in the Context of Project-Based Learning. 2022. IEEE Access, 10, 114346-114354.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Garcia, SRD; Gorrotxategi, MP; Cornelius-White, JHD. Reducing stigma towards mental disorder in social education students through case studies and problem-based learning. 2022. Behavioral Psychology-Psicología Conductual, 30(2), 465-481.
Carinanos-Ayala, S; Arrue, M; Zarandona, J. Teaching and learning about dementia care among undergraduate nursing students: A scoping review. 2022. Nurse Education in Practice, 61, 103326.
Olaskoaga-Larrauri, J; Guerenabarrena-Cortazar, L; Cilleruelo-Carrasco, E. The gaps in education for sustainable development in engineering and architecture studies in Spain. 2022. DYNA, 97(5), 480-483.
Etxebarria, B; Sanchez, F; Rojo, N; Barona, A. Multiple Intelligence Informed Resources for Addressing Sustainable Development Goals in Management Engineering. 2022. Sustainability, 14(14), 8439.
Rodriguez-Loinaz, G; Ametzaga-Arregi, I; Palacios-Agundez, I. ICT tools and citizen science: a pathway to promote science learning and Education for Sustainable Development in schools. 2022. Journal of Biological Education.
Rodriguez-Loinaz, G; Palacios-Agundez, I. Teaching ecosystem services: a pathway to improve students' argumentation in favour of nature conservation and sustainable development?. 2022. Journal of Biological Education.
Zielinski, T; Kotynska-Zielinska, I; Garcia-Soto, C. A Blueprint for Ocean Literacy: EU4Ocean. 2022. Sustainability, 14(2), 926.
Bonatxea, IA; Gutierrez-Goiria, J; Vazquez-De Francisco, MJ; Sianes, A. Is the global reporting initiative suitable to account for university social responsibility? Evidence from European institutions. 2022. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 23(4), 831-847.
Melnikova, L; Gilsanz, A. Frugal Innovation: Meta-Analysis of Bibliographic Relationships and Identification of Research Trends for the Period 2010-2021. 2022. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management.
De Miguel, MS; Orkaizagirre-Gomara, A; Izagirre-Otaegi, A; de Elguea-Diaz, FJO; Badiola-Etxaburu, I; Gomez-Gastiasoro, A. Development, Application and Evaluation of an Active Learning Methodology for Health Science Students, Oriented towards Equity and Cultural Diversity in the Treatment and Care of Geriatric Patients. 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(21), 14573.
Abreu, A; Bourgois, E; Gristwood, A; Trouble, R; Acinas, SG; Bork, P; Boss, E; Bowler, C; Budinich, M; Chaffron, S; de Vargas, C; Delmont, TO; Eveillard, D; Guidi, L; Iudicone, D; Kandels, S; Morlon, H; Lombard, F; Pepperkok, R; Karlusich, JJP; Piganeau, G; Regimbeau, A; Sommeria-Klein, G; Stemmann, L; Sullivan, MB; Sunagawa, S; Wincker, P; Zablocki, O; Arendt, D; Bilic, J; Finn, R; Heard, E; Rouse, B; Vamathevan, J; Casotti, R; Cancio, I; Cunliffe, M; Kervella, AE; Kooistra, WHCF; Obst, M; Pade, N; Power, DM; Santi, I; Tsagaraki, TM; Vanaverbeke, J. Priorities for ocean microbiome research. 2022. Nature Microbiology, 7, 937-947.
Agirreazkuenaga, L. Environmental and sustainability education: A critical analysis of evaluation instruments through a research-practice partnership. 2022. Environmental Education Research, 28(5), 695-714.
Zinkunegi-Goitia, O; Rekalde-Rodriguez, I. Employability within an Education for Sustainability Framework: The Ocean i3 Case Study. 2022. Education Sciences, 12(4), 277.
Hoyos, D; Garcia-Enriquez, J; Gonzalez, P; Orbe, S; Esteban, MV; Gonzalez, C; Madoz, A; Oguiza, A; Regulez, M; Virto, J; Zarraga, A; Zubia, M. Integrating the SDGs into econometrics teaching: An application of the education-research-sustainability learning approach. 2022. 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'22), 815-822.
Biota, I; Dosil-Santamaria, M; Mondragon, NI; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N. Analyzing University Students' Perceptions Regarding Mainstream Pornography and Its Link to SDG5. 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(13), 8055.
Etxebarria, A; Iglesias, A; Eguskiza, N; Unamuno, L. An Educational Project Based on the YouTuber Phenomenon for the Development of a Minority Language. 2022. Sustainability, 14(10), 6242.
Martinez-Perez, N; Telleria-Aramburu, N; Insua, P; Hernandez, I; Telletxea, S; Ansotegui, L; Rebato, E; Basabe, N; de Pancorbo, MM; Rocandio, A; Arroyo-Izaga, M. On-campus food purchase behaviors, choice determinants, and opinions on food availability in a Spanish university community. 2022. Nutrition, 103-104, 111789.
Roskam, I; Gallee, L; Aguiar, J; Akgun, E; Arena, A; Arikan, G; Aunola, K; Bader, M; Barham, EJ; Besson, E; Beyers, W; Boujut, E; Brianda, ME; Brytek-Matera, A; Carbonneau, N; Cesar, F; Chen, BB; Dorard, G; Elias, LCD; Dunsmuir, S; Egorova, N; Favez, N; Fontaine, AM; Foran, H; Fricke, J; Furutani, K; Gannage, M; Gaspar, M; Godbout, L; Goldenberg, A; Gross, JJ; Gurza, MA; Hashmi, MA; Helmy, M; Huynh, MT; Kaneza, E; Kawamoto, T; Kellou, N; Medjahdi, O; Knezevic, G; Lazarevic, LB; Le Vigouroux, S; Lebert-Charron, A; Leme, V; Lin, GX; MacCann, C; Manrique-Millones, D; Matias, M; Miranda-Orrego, MI; Miscioscia, M; Morgades-Bamba, C; Mousavi, SF; Moutassem-Mimouni, B; Muntean, A; Murphy, H; Ndayizigiye, A; Tenkue, JN; Olderbak, S; Ornawka, S; Oyarce-Cadiz, D; Perez-Diaz, PA; Petrides, KV; Pineda-Marin, C; Prikhidko, A; Salinas-Quiroz, F; Sanchez-Rodriguez, R; Sarrionandia, A; Scola, C; Simonelli, A; Soenens, B; Sorbring, E; Sorkkila, M; Schrooyen, C; Stanculescu, E; Starchenkova, E; Szczygiel, D; Tri, TMT; Tremblay, M; Ustundag-Budak, AM; Pacheco, MV; van Bakel, H; Verhofstadt, L; Wendland, J; Yotanyamaneewong, S; Mikolajczak, M. Gender Equality and Maternal Burnout: A 40-Country Study. 2022. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 53(2), 157-178.
Perales-Fernandez-de-Gamboa, A; Apaolaza-Llorente, D; Orcasitas-Vicandi, M. Fostering intercultural competence in a university classroom: working on historical empathy through the work the thing around your neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Aadichie. Aula de Encuentro, 24(1), 169-190.
De Miguel, MS; Orkaizagirre-Gomara, A; Izagirre-Otaegi, A; de Elguea-Diaz, FJO; Badiola-Etxaburu, I; Gomez-Gastiasoro, A. Antecedents and consequences of wandering scholars' affect: the case of multi-cultural Malaysia in the internationalization era. 2022. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14(2), 728-748.
Gutiérrez, S.U.; Luis-De Cos, I.; Luis-De Cos, G.; Arribas-Galarraga, S. Emotional intelligence in physical education through cooperative learning: differences between women and men [Inteligencia emocional en educación física a través del aprendizaje cooperativo: diferencias entre mujeres y hombres]. 2022. Journal of Sport and Health Research, 14(1), 69-80.
Urquidi, S.B.; Munitis, A.E.; Sanchez, K.A. Social Education Degree Student Facing Interdisciplinary Work: Challenges and opportunities for the development of good teaching [El alumnado del grado de educación social ante el trabajo interdisciplinar: retos y oportunidades para el desarrollo de una buena docencia]. 2022. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review /Revista Internacional de Tecnología, Ciencia y Sociedad, 11, 1-14.
Arcos-Alonso, A.; Garcia-Alvarez, M.; Azpuru, A.G. Macroeconomics and active methodologies in higher education: A possible pairing and a possible binomial. 2022. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(1), 193-204.
Etxaniz, J. From analysis to the product. How to start the Telecommunications Engineering Degree with a global perspective in electronics. 2022. 15th International Conference of Technology, Learning and Teaching of Electronics, TAEE 2022 - Proceedings.
Idoiaga, N.; Legorburu, I.; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N.; Lipnicki, D.M.; Villagrasa, B.; Santabárbara, J. Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Meta-Analysis Attending SDG 3 and 4 of the 2030 Agenda. 2022. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(13), 7914.
Rekalde-Rodríguez, I.; Gil-Molina, P.; Cruz Iglesias, E. Institutional teaching choreographies in education for sustainability in times of pandemic: the Ocean i3 project. 2022. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Maldonado-Carranza, J.; Otegi-Olaso, J.R. Digital Sustainability Canvas as an Assessment Tool for Digital Transformation Projects in Education. 2022. 2022 IEEE European Technology and Engineering Management Summit, E-TEMS 2022 - Conference Proceedings, 12-17.
Velez, M.A.; Rentería, A.L.; Gastón, A.O.; Gurrutxaga, I.A. Gender Inequalities in University Teaching Practice: An Innovative Project at the University of the Basque Country. 2022. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 22(10), 212-223.
Bergroth, M.; Llompart, J.; Pepiot, N.; van der Worp, K.; Dražnik, T.; Sierens, S. Identifying space for mainstreaming multilingual pedagogies in European initial teacher education policies. 2022. European Educational Research Journal, 21(5), 801-821.