UPV/EHUren aldaketa klimatikoari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including the keyword “climate change”.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
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Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including the keyword “climate change”.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Barrutia, JM; Echebarria, C. Drivers of exploitative and explorative innovation in a collaborative public-sector context. 2019. Public Management Review, 21(3), 446-472.
Burgoa, A; Hernandez, R; Vilas, JL. Toward superior applications of thermoplastic elastomer blends: double T-g increase and improved ductility. 2019. Polymer International, 68(6), 1130-1139.
Casado-Amezua, P; Araujo, R; Barbara, I; Bermejo, R; Borja, A; Diez, I; Fernandez, C; Gorostiaga, JM; Guinda, X; Hernandez, I; Juanes, JA; Pena, V; Peteiro, C; Puente, A; Quintana, I; Tuya, F; Viejo, RM; Altamirano, M; Gallardo, T; Martinez, B. Distributional shifts of canopy-forming seaweeds from the Atlantic coast of Southern Europe. 2019. Biodiversity and Conservation, 28(5), 1151-1172.
Cursach, JA; Arriagada, A; Rau, JR; Ojeda, J; Bizama, G; Becerra, A. Predicting the potential distribution of the endemic seabird Pelecanus thagus in the Humboldt Current Large Marine Ecosystem under different climate change scenarios. 2019. PeerJ, 7:e7642.
Elguezabal, P; Lopez, A; Blanco, JM; Chica, JA. New concept of solar collector integrated into a sandwich panel as an active façade; CFD based parametric assessment and case study. 2019. DYNA, 94(6), 691-697.
Exley, C; Guerriero, G; Lopez, X. Silicic acid: The omniscient molecule. 2019. Science of The Total Environment, 665, 432-437.
Fernandez-Loras, A; Boyero, L; Correa-Araneda, F; Tejedo, M; Hettyey, A; Bosch, J. Infection with Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis lowers heat tolerance of tadpole hosts and cannot be cleared by brief exposure to CTmax. 2019. PLoS ONE, 14(4): e0216090.
Ferreira, V; Boyero, L; Calvo, C; Correa, F; Figueroa, R; Goncalves, JF; Goyenola, G; Graca, MAS; Hepp, LU; Kariuki, S; Lopez-Rodriguez, A; Mazzeo, N; M'Erimba, C; Monroy, S; Peil, A; Pozo, J; Rezende, R; Teixeira-de-Mello, F. A Global Assessment of the Effects of Eucalyptus Plantations on Stream Ecosystem Functioning. 2019. Ecosystems, 22(3), 629-642.
Garcia-Escarzaga, A; Gutierrez-Zugasti, I; Cobo, A; Cuenca-Solana, D; Martin-Chivelet, J; Roberts, P; Gonzalez-Morales, MR. Stable oxygen isotope analysis of Phorcus lineatus (da Costa, 1778) as a proxy for foraging seasonality during the Mesolithic in northern Iberia. 2019. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 11(10), 5631-5644.
Gurrutxaga, M. Health geography: applications in regional and urban planning. Estudios Geográficos, 80(286): e007.
Iriarte, E; del Val, M; de Lagran, IGM; Rojo-Guerra, MA; Tejedor-Rodriguez, C; Garcia-Gazodaz, J; Sesma-Sesma, J. Paleoenvironmental context of the Los Cascajos Neolithic site (Los Arcos, Navarre): Chemostratigraphy of the Holocene sedimentary sequence of the Odron river. 2019. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 71(2), 261-273.
Kazak, JK; Castro, DG; Swiader, M; Szewranski, S. Decision Support System in Public Transport Planning for Promoting Urban Adaptation to Climate Change. 2019. IOP Conferences Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 471, 112007.
Landeira-Dabarca, A; Perez, J; Graca, MAS; Boyero, L. Joint effects of temperature and litter quality on detritivore-mediated breakdown in streams. 2019. Aquatic Sciences, 81:1.
Lopez, I; Ibarra, E; Matallana, A; Andreu, J; Kortabarria, I. Next generation electric drives for HEV/EV propulsion systems: Technology, trends and challenges. 2019. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 114, 109336.
Lopez-Moreno, JI; Alonso-Gonzalez, E; Monserrat, O; Del Rio, LM; Otero, J; Lapazaran, J; Luzi, G; Dematteis, N; Serreta, A; Rico, I; Serrano-Canadas, E; Bartolome, M; Moreno, A; Buisan, S; Revuelto, J. Ground-based remote-sensing techniques for diagnosis of the current state and recent evolution of the Monte Perdido Glacier, Spanish Pyrenees. 2019. Journal of Glaciology, 65(249), 85-100.
Lopez-Moreno, JI; Navarro-Serrano, F; Azorin-Molina, C; Sanchez-Navarrete, P; Alonso-Gonzalez, E; Rico, I; Moran-Tejeda, E; Buisan, S; Revuelto, J; Pons, M; Vicente-Serrano, SM. Air and wet bulb temperature lapse rates and their impact on snowmaking in a Pyrenean ski resort. 2019. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 135(3-4), 1361-1373.
Lupiola, AG. The Challenges of Energy Security and Climate Change: towards a Sustainable European Economy. 2019. Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 60, 305-339.
Marce, R; Obrador, B; Gomez-Gener, L; Catalan, N; Koschorreck, M; Arce, MI; Singer, G; von Schiller, D. Emissions from dry inland waters are a blind spot in the global carbon cycle. 2019. Earth-Science Review, 188, 240-248.
Marino, D; Moran, JF. Can Ammonium Stress Be Positive for Plant Performance?. 2019. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10:1103.
Milligan, R; Etxebarria, S; Muneer, T; Gago, EJ. Driven Performance of Electric Vehicles in Edinburgh and Its Environs. 2019. Energies, 12(16), 3074.
Montanchez, I; Ogayar, E; Plagaro, AH; Esteve-Codina, A; Gomez-Garrido, J; Orruno, M; Arana, I; Kaberdin, VR. Analysis of Vibrio harveyi adaptation in sea water microcosms at elevated temperature provides insights into the putative mechanisms of its persistence and spread in the time of global warming. 2019. Scientific Reports, 9: 289.
Mutiloa, IA; Alejandro, JAA; Ibarzabal, JA. Methodology of selection of tree species for urban shading in the eastern part of the Cantabrian coast. 2019. Informes de la Construcción, 71(556): e322.
Nellepalli, P; Tome, LC; Vijayakrishna, K; Marrucho, IM. Imidazolium-Based Copoly(Ionic Liquid) Membranes for CO2/N-2 Separation. 2019. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 58(5), 2017-2026.
Pay, MT; Gangoiti, G; Guevara, M; Napelenok, S; Querol, X; Jorba, O; Garcia-Pando, CP. Ozone source apportionment during peak summer events over southwestern Europe. 2019. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(8), 5467-5494.
Pozo, B; Garate, JI; Araujo, JA; Ferreiro, S. Energy Harvesting Technologies and Equivalent Electronic Structural Models-Review. 2019. Electronics, 8(5), 486.
Shumilova, O; Zak, D; Datry, T; von Schiller, D; Corti, R; Foulquier, A; Obrador, B; Tockner, K; Allan, DC; Altermatt, F; Arce, MI; Arnon, S; Banas, D; Banegas-Medina, A; Beller, E; Blanchette, ML; Blanco-Libreros, JF; Blessing, J; Boechat, IG; Boersma, K; Bogan, MT; Bonada, N; Bond, NR; Brintrup, K; Bruder, A; Burrows, R; Cancellario, T; Carlson, SM; Cauvy-Fraunie, S; Cid, N; Danger, M; de Freitas Terra, B; De Girolamo, AM; del Campo, R; Dyer, F; Elosegi, A; Faye, E; Febria, C; Figueroa, R; Four, B; Gessner, MO; Gnohossou, P; Cerezo, RG; Gomez-Gener, L; Graca, MAS; Guareschi, S; Gucker, B; Hwan, JL; Kubheka, S; Langhans, SD; Leigh, C; Little, CJ; Lorenz, S; Marshall, J; McIntosh, A; Mendoza-Lera, C; Meyer, EI; Milisa, M; Mlambo, MC; Moleon, M; Negus, P; Niyogi, D; Papatheodoulou, A; Pardo, I; Paril, P; Pesic, V; Rodriguez-Lozano, P; Rolls, RJ; Sanchez-Montoya, MM; Savic, A; Steward, A; Stubbington, R; Taleb, A; Vander Vorste, R; Waltham, N; Zoppini, A; Zarfl, C. Simulating rewetting events in intermittent rivers and ephemeral streams: A global analysis of leached nutrients and organic matter. 2019. Global Change Biology, 25(5), 1591-1611.
Smeti, E; von Schiller, D; Karaouzas, I; Laschou, S; Vardakas, L; Sabater, S; Tornes, E; Monllor-Alcaraz, LS; Guillem-Argiles, N; Martinez, E; Barcelo, D; de Alda, ML; Kalogianni, E; Elosegi, A; Skoulikidis, N. Multiple stressor effects on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a Mediterranean temporary river. 2019. Science of The Total Environment, 647, 1179-1187.
Sporbert, M; Bruelheide, H; Seidler, G; Keil, P; Jandt, U; Austrheim, G; Biurrun, I; Campos, JA; Carni, A; Chytry, M; Csiky, J; De Bie, E; Dengler, J; Golub, V; Grytnes, JA; Indreica, A; Jansen, F; Jirousek, M; Lenoir, J; Luoto, M; Marceno, C; Moeslund, JE; Perez-Haase, A; Rusina, S; Vandvik, V; Vassilev, K; Welk, E. Assessing sampling coverage of species distribution in biodiversity databases. 2019. Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(4), 620-632.
Stephan, P; Verdin, F; Arnaud-Fassetta, G; Bertrand, F; Eynaud, F; Garcia-Artola, A; Bosq, M; Culioli, C; Suanez, S; Coutelier, C; Bertran, P; Costa, S. Holocene coastal changes along the Gironde estuary (SW France): new insights from the North Médoc peninsula beach/dune system. 2019. Quaternaire, 30(1), 47-75.
Unda-Calvo, J; Ruiz-Romera, E; de Vallejuelo, SFO; Martinez-Santos, M; Gredilla, A. Evaluating the role of particle size on urban environmental geochemistry of metals in surface sediments. 2019. Science of The Total Environment, 646, 121-133.
Urrutia-Azcona, K; Stendorf-Sorensen, S; Molina-Costa, P; Flores-Abascal, I. Smart Zero Carbon City: key factors towards smart urban decarbonisation. 2019. DYNA, 94(6), 676-683.
Valero-Garces, BL; Gonzalez-Samperiz, P; Gil-Romera, G; Benito, BM; Moreno, A; Oliva-Urcia, B; Aranbarri, J; Garcia-Prieto, E; Frugone, M; Morellon, M; Arnold, LJ; Demuro, M; Hardiman, M; Blockley, SPE; Lane, CS. A multi-dating approach to age-modelling long continental records: The 135 ka El Canizar de Villarquemado sequence (NE Spain). 2019. Quaternary Geochronology, 54, 101006.
Vecera, M; Divisek, J; Lenoir, J; Jimenez-Alfaro, B; Biurrun, I; Knollova, I; Agrillo, E; Campos, JA; Carni, A; Jimenez, GC; Cuk, M; Dimopoulos, P; Ewald, J; Fernandez-Gonzalez, F; Gegout, JC; Indreica, A; Jandt, U; Jansen, F; Kacki, Z; Rasomavicius, V; Reznickova, M; Rodwell, JS; Schaminee, JHJ; Silc, U; Svenning, JC; Swacha, G; Vassilev, K; Venanzoni, R; Willner, W; Wohlgemuth, T; Chytry, M. Alpha diversity of vascular plants in European forests. 2019. Journal of Biogeography, 46(9), 1919-1935.
de Blas M., Ibáñez P., García J.A., Gómez M.C., Navazo M., Alonso L., Durana N., Iza J., Gangoiti G., de Cámara E.S. Summertime high resolution variability of atmospheric formaldehyde and non-methane volatile organic compounds in a rural background area. 2019. Science of the Total Environment, 647, 862-877.
Laza I.M., Hervella M., Neira Zubieta M., de-la-Rúa C. Environmental factors modulated ancient mitochondrial DNA variability and the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the Basque Country. 2019. Scientific Reports, 9:20380.
Markandya A., De Cian E., Drouet L., Polanco-Martínez J.M., Bosello F. Building Risk into the Mitigation/Adaptation Decisions simulated by Integrated Assessment Models. 2019. Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(4), 1687-1721.
Montánchez I., Kaberdin V.R. Vibrio harveyi: A brief survey of general characteristics and recent epidemiological traits associated with climate change. 2019. Marine Environmental Research, 104850.
M'Zoughi F., Bouallegue S., Garrido A.J., Garrido I., Ayadi M. Fuzzy gain scheduled pi-based airflow control of an oscillating water column in wave power generation plants. 2019 IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 44(4), 1058-1076.