UPV/EHU Scientific production on Quality Education

Scientific production of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 4.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Scientific production of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 4.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Fernandez, IL; Dosil-Santamaria, M; Mondragon, NI; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N. Teachers' Involvement in Inclusive Education: Attitudes of Future Teachers. 2023. Education Sciences 13(9), 851.
Bárcena, JO; Alcalá, DH; García, LM; Isasti, LMZ. Influence of the types of grouping on the social competence of future physical education teachers when implementing cooperative learning. 2023. Movimiento 29, p. e29009.
Gurrutxaga, IA; Muguruza, IA; Etxegoien, CG. Gender Really Matters in Group Work: A Visibilization and Politicization Teaching Sequence. 2023. Journal of Political Science Education 19:1, 66-82.
Glaister, C; Griggs, V; Gonzalez, OM; Hussain, M. Informal collaborative learning (ICL) - student perspectives on the role of informal collaborative learning ICL in higher education. 2023. Teaching in Higher Education.
Buenestado-Fernández, M; García-Ruiz, R; Jiménez-Iglesias, E; Jorge, A. Educational use of connectivity in childhood and adolescence: a systematic literature review. 2023. Psychology, Society & Education 15(3), 19-30.
Domínguez, A; Cabrero, A; Simoes, B; Chiazzese, G; Farella, M; Arrigo, M; Seta, L; Chifari, A; Tosto, C; Goei, SL; Mangina, E; Masneri, S. Collaborative Augmented Reality Tools for Behavioral Lessons. 2023. Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition. ICL 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 633.
Santiago-Garabieta, M; Zubiri-Esnaola, H; García-Carrión, R; Gairal-Casadó, R. Inclusivity, friendship and language learning: boosting collaboration in interactive groups. 2023. Educational Research 65:2, 189-203.
Soroa, M; Karrera, I. Bringing social diversity closer to pre-service primary school teachers: Study on an inclusive training experience. 2023. Revista Interuniversitaria De Formación Del Profesorado. Continuación De La Antigua Revista De Escuelas Normales 98(37.1).
Campo, L; Galindo-Domínguez, H; Bezanilla, MJ; Fernández-Nogueira, D; Poblete, M. Methodologies for Fostering Critical Thinking Skills from University Students' Points of View. 2023. Education Sciences 13(2), 132.
Portillo-Blanco, A; Gutierrez-Berraondo, J; Trombetti, L; Zuza, K; Sirmakessis, S; Moriconi, A; Iturbe-Zabalo, E; Barelli, L; Pasqua, S. Innovative teaching methods in engineering education: the STEAM- Active project. 2023 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE).
Lopez-Gazpio, I. Bridging Theory and Practice: An Innovative Approach to Android Programming Education through Nutritional Application Development and Problem-Based Learning. 2023. Applied Sciences 13(22), 12140.
Prado, ELD; Morales, MTV; Calle-Molina, MT. Review about the psychosocial benefits that recipients obtain from Service-Learning in Physical Activity and Sport. 2023. Bordón. Revista De Pedagogía 75(1), 111–126.
Okariz, A; Huebra, M; Sarasola, A; Ibarretxe, J; Bidegain, G; Zubimendi, JL. Gamifying Physics Laboratory Work Increases Motivation and Enhances Acquisition of the Skills Required for Application of the Scientific Method. 2023. Education Sciences 13(3), 302.
Alonso, RK; Velez, A; Martínez-Monteagudo, MC. Interventions for the Development of Intrinsic Motivation in University Online Education: Systematic Review-Enhancing the 4th Sustainable Development Goal. 2023. Sustainability 15(13), 9862.
Vélez, A; Alonso, RK; Rico-González, M. Business Simulation Games for the Development of Intrinsic Motivation-Boosting Sustainability: Systematic Review. 2023. Sustainability 15(21), 15483.
Gil-Moreno, J; Rico-González, M. The Effects of Physical Education on Preschoolers' Emotional Intelligence: A Systematic Review. 2023. Sustainability 15(13), 10632
Sáez, IA; Domínguez, BM; Urrutxi, LD. Socioeducational Inclusion of Childhood, Innovation and Participatory Research. 2023. Profesorado, Revista De Currículum Y Formación Del Profesorado 27(1), 399-424.
de-los-Aires-Solis, AJ; Gonzalez-Quintial, F. A wood-wood joining system suitable for digital fabrication and its application in the design of a wood-only spatial module. 2023. Frontiers of Architectural Research 12(3), 523-540.
Alberdi, G; Magro, E; Aranguren, MJ; Begiristain-Zubillaga, M. A seed towards a sustainable food system in healthcare institutions: the case of the Basque Country. 2023. Regional Studies, Regional Science 10:1, 273-293.
Ajamil, EG; Azurmendi, IV; Expósito, GPD; Cortázar, AF. A gender perspective analysis of the influence of Visual Culture on children's drawings in Primary Education. 2023. Observar. Revista Electrónica De Didáctica De Las Artes (17), 116-135.
Miguel, SR; Rojas, IB; Larrea, VA. Coeducation and Prevention of Gender Violence Projects in Secondary School. 2023. Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado 27(2), 309-329.
Hernandez, TL; Gomez, RG; Abajo, JM; Morales, MTV. Current situation of coeducation at school: non- sexist use of language and didactic materials. 2023. Contextos Educativos. Revista de Educación (32), 347-367.
Ezeiza, A. Return to virtual forums as sociodiscursive context for the development of university academic writing. 2023. Perspectiva Educacional 62(2), 140- 164.
Bastarrica, MO; Morales, MTV; Martínez-Abajo, J; López-Vélez, AL. University Service-Learning in school Physical Education: A Systematic Review. 2023. Retos. Nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación 48, 128-137.
Barandica, IA; Beldarrain, NO; Mayol, BD; Dainese, R. Keys to develop inclusive learning contexts for students with rare diseases. 2023. Educatio Siglo XXI 41(3), 31-50.
Masneri, S.; Domínguez, A.; Sanz, M.; Zorrilla, M.; Larrañaga, M.; Arruarte, A. cleAR: an interoperable architecture for multi-user AR-based school curricula. 2023. Virtual Reality 27, 1813-1825.
Ferrero, A.M.; Álvarez Sainz, M.. Attitudes of university students towards traditional face-to-face learning systems and learning with ICT. 2023. E-Learning and Digital Media 0(0).
Jauregui, P.A.; Iglesias, E.C.; Urdin, J.A.; Martín, J.M.L. Diversity Awareness and Attention to Diversity in Basic Vocational Training: Cooperation for Inclusion [Sensibilización docente y atención a la diversidad en la Formación Profesional Básica: Cooperar para incluir]. 2023. Siglo Cero 54(1), 25-42.
Buenestado-Fernández, M.; García-Ruiz, R.; Jiménez-Iglesias, E.; Jorge, A. Educational use of connectivity in childhood and adolescence: a systematic literature review [Aprovechamiento educativo de la conectividad en infancia y adolescencia: una revisión sistemática de literatura]. 2023. Psychology, Society and Education 15(3), 19-30.
Azurza O.; Zubia I.; Arruti P.Azurza, Olatz (57211292254); Zubia, Itziar (6506972915); Arruti, Puy (6506836879)57211292254; 6506972915; 6506836879. Applying Project-Based Learning in Electrical Engineering: A 6 Year-long Experience. 2023. EAEEIE 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering.
Anasagasti, J.; Berciano, A.; Izagirre, A. A comparison of the effects of different methodologies on the statistics learning profiles of prospective primary education teachers from a gender perspective. 2023. Journal on Mathematics Education 14(4), 741-756.
Mikhridinova, N.; Ngereja, B.J.; Hussein, B.; Van Petegem W.; Otegi-Olaso, J.R.; Wolff, C. Competence-Based Support for Project-Based Learning in Virtual Settings. 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 634.
Gasco-Txabarri, J.; Zuazagoitia, D. Introduction to Research-Based Practice: A Study of Students in the Early Childhood Education Teaching Degree Programme. 2023. Journal of Educational and Social Research 13(2), 26.
Rico-González, M. Developing Emotional Intelligence through Physical Education: A Systematic Review. 2023. Perceptual and Motor Skills 130(3):1286-1323.
Elosua, P.; Aguado, D.; Fonseca-Pedrero, E.; Abad, F.J.; Santamaría, P. New Trends in Digital Technology-Based Psychological and Educational Assessment [Nuevas Tendencias en Evaluación Psicológica y Educativa Apoyada en Tecnologías Digitales]. 2023. Psicothema 35(1):50-57.
Idoiaga Mondragon, N.; Beloki, N.; Yarritu, I.; Zarrazquin, I.; Artano, K. Active methodologies in Higher Education: reasons to use them (or not) from the voices of faculty teaching staff. 2023. Higher Education.
Lopez-Guede, J.M.; del Valle, J.; Zulueta, E.; Fernandez-Gamiz, U.; Ramos-Hernanz, J.; Estevez, J.; Graña, M. Educational Innovation Project in the Field of Informatics. 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 748.
Arias-Badia, B.; Hermosa-Ramírez, I.; Ogea, M.; Oliver, M.; Segura, D.; Tamayo, A.; Torner, S. The UNIVAC project: implementing the user journey approach in accessibility research at university. 2023. International Conference on Higher Education Advances, 1459 -1465.
Yarritu, I.; Idoiaga Mondragon, N.; Axpe Saez, I.; Arriaga, C. The representation of sustainability among university teachers: knowing the present to change the future. 2023. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Ibarra-Berastegi, G.; Ulazia, A.; Saenz, J.; Serras, P.; Esnaola, G. Problems-based Learning in Higher Education Under Regular and COVID19 Pandemic Conditions: An Educational Experience. 2023. EDUNINE 2023 - 7th IEEE World Engineering Education Conference: Reimaging Engineering - Toward the Next Generation of Engineering Education, Merging Technologies in a Connected World, Proceedings.
Leal, Filho W.; Ribeiro, P.C.C.; Setti, A.F.F.; Azam, F.M.S.; Abubakar, I.R.; Castillo-Apraiz, J.; Tamayo, U.; Özuyar, P.G.; Frizzo, K.; Borsari, B. Toward food waste reduction at universities. 2023. Environment, Development and Sustainability.
Bilbao, J.; Bravo, E.; Garcia, O.; Rebollar, C. Education and sustainability: a model for different engineering degrees. 2023. International Journal on Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering 15(2), 62-68.
Pastor-García, M.I.; Martínez-Martínez, I.; Rodríguez-Barquero, A.F. Teaching Macroeconomics and Political Science in Higher Education Using the Sustainable Development Goals. 2023. Policy and Practice 36.
Cancio, I. Marine Biological Stations: 150 years seeking knowledge by the sea. 2023. Cahiers de Biologie Marine 64:77-93.
Idoiaga Mondragon, N.; Yarritu, I.; Saez de Cámara, E.; Beloki, N.; Vozmediano, L. The challenge of education for sustainability in higher education: key themes and competences within the University of the Basque Country. 2023. Frontiers in Psychology 14:1158636.
Albás, L.; Vicent, N.; Gillate, I.; Ibañez-Etxeberria, A. Terrorism and politically motivated violence in the recent history of the Basque Country. Descriptive study of what teachers in training know. 2023. Critical Studies on Terrorism 16:4, 767-787.
Velasco, A.S.C.; Arregi-Orue, J.I.; Onaidia, L.A.; Arriola, J.J.L. Teacher training for social sciences education and a democratic citizenship in a postconflict society. The case of the Basque Country. 2023. Journal of Social Science Education 22(3).
Quilaqueo, D., R.; Riquelme, E., M.; Paez, D.; Mera-Lemp, M.J. Dual educational rationality and acculturation in Mapuche people in Chile. 2023. Frontiers in Psychology 14:1112778.
Labaka, A.; Zamakola, A.; Arrue, M.; Arrieta, H. Evaluating gender awareness, gender-related health knowledge and patient pain legitimation among nursing students: A quasi-experimental study. 2023. Nurse Education in Practice 72, 103790.