UPV/EHU Scientific production on health and well-being

Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 3.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
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Academic papers of the UPV/EHU including keywords of the targets of SDG 3.
Source: Web of Science (completed with Scopus)
Search: UPV/EHU Library
Ferreira, V; Albarino, R; Larranaga, A; LeRoy, CJ; Masese, FO; Moretti, MS. Ecosystem services provided by small streams: an overview. 2022. Hydrobiologia.
Zubiaga, I; Justo, R. Multimodal Feature Evaluation and Fusion for Emotional Well-Being Monitorization. 2022. Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. IbPRIA 2022, 13256, 242-254.
Bacigalupe, A; Gonzalez-Rabago, Y; Jimenez-Carrillo, M. Gender inequality and mental health medicalization: Sociocultural determining factors from the analysis of expert perceptions. 2022. Atención Primaria, 54(7), 102378.
Valero, E; Utzet, M; Martin, U. How do the different dimensions of precarious employment affect mental health?. 2022. Gaceta Sanitaria, 36(5), 477-483.
Irigoyen-Otinano, M; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Llorca-Bofi, V; Adrados-Perez, M; Arenas-Pijoan, L; Torterolo, G; Sanchez-Cazalilla, M; Buil, E; Nicolau-Subires, E; Albert-Porcar, C; Ibarra-Pertusa, L; Puigdevall-Ruestes, M. Increase in urgent care for patients with an eating disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic in a Spanish province. 2022. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 15(2), 142-146.
Atienza-Carbonell, B; Guillen, V; Irigoyen-Otinano, M; Balanza-Martinez, V. Screening of substance use and mental health problems among Spanish medical students: A multicenter study. 2022. Journal of Affective Disorders, 311, 391-398.
Aymerich, C; Pedruzo, B; Perez, JL; Laborda, M; Herrero, J; Blanco, J; Mancebo, G; Andres, L; Estevez, O; Fernandez, M; de Pablo, GS; Catalan, A; Gonzalez-Torres, MA. COVID-19 pandemic effects on health worker's mental health: Systematic review and meta-analysis. 2022. European Psychiatry, 65(1), E10.
Luque-Garcia, L; Corrales, A; Lertxundi, A; Diaz, S; Ibarluzea, J. Does exposure to greenness improve children's neuropsychological development and mental health? A Navigation Guide systematic review of observational evidence for associations. 2022. Environmental Research, 206, 112599.
Soubelet-Fagoaga, I; Arnoso-Martinez, M; Elgorriaga-Astondoa, E; Martinez-Moreno, E. Telework and Face-to-Face Work during COVID-19 Confinement: The Predictive Factors of Work-Related Stress from a Holistic Point of View. 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(7), 3837.
Molina-Coloma, V; Salaberria, K; Perez, JI; Kendall-Tackett, K. Traumatic Events, Psychological Symptoms, and Aggression in Male and Female Prisoners. 2022. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 14(3), 480-487.
Macia, P; Goni-Balentziaga, O; Vegas, O; Azkona, G. Professional quality of life among Spanish veterinarians. 2022. Veterinary Record Open, 9(1), e250.
Mondragon, NI; Sancho, NB; Ozamiz-Echevarria, N; Santamaria, MD. The well-being of children in a full lockdown and partial lockdown situation: a comparative perspective. 2022. Children's Geographies.
Mondragon, NI; Munitis, AE; Sancho, NB; Etxebarria, NO. Drawing the COVID-19 pandemic: how do children incorporate the health crisis and its consequences into their everyday thinking?. 2022. Psychology & Health.
Macia, P; Gorbena, S; Barranco, M; Iglesias, N; Iraurgi, I. A global health model integrating psychological variables involved in cancer through a longitudinal study. 2022. Frontiers in Psychology, 13:873849.
Caicedo-Moreno, A; Correa-Chica, A; Lopez-Lopez, W; Castro-Abril, P; Barreto, I; Rodriguez-Romero, JD. The Role of Psychology in Media During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-National Study. 2022. Psychologica Belgica, 62(1), 136-151.
Sagastibeltza, N; Salazar-Ramirez, A; Martinez, R; Jodra, JL; Muguerza, J. Automatic detection of the mental state in responses towards relaxation. 2022. Neural Computing and Applications.
Las-Hayas, C; Mateo-Abad, M; Vergara, I; Izco-Basurko, I; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Gabrielli, S; Mazur, I; Hjemdal, O; Gudmundsdottir, DG; Knoop, HH; Olafsdottir, AS; Fullaondo, A; Gonzalez, N; Mar-Medina, J; Krzyzanowski, D; Morote, R; Anyan, F; Ledertoug, MM; Tidmand, L; Arnfjord, UB; Kaldalons, I; Jonsdottir, BJ; Keenoy, ED. Relevance of well-being, resilience, and health-related quality of life to mental health profiles of European adolescents: results from a cross-sectional analysis of the school-based multinational UPRIGHT project. 2022. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 57, 279-291.
Etxebarria, AA; Carrasco, CL; Rodriguez, IS. Connection as sociability. Mediation of social networks in youth loneliness. 2022. Athenea Digital, 2(3): e3303.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Garcia, SRD; Gorrotxategi, MP; Cornelius-White, JHD. Reducing stigma towards mental disorder in social education students through case studies and problem-based learning. 2022. Behavioral Psychology-Psicología Conductual, 30(2), 465-481.
Mendez, L; Cavalli, S; Pizarro, JJ; Telletxea, S; Castro-Abril, P; Padoan, S; Paez, D. The association between recall of historical events and well-being (La asociacion del recuerdo de eventos historicos con el bienestar). 2022. International Journal of Social Psychology, 37(2), 309-333.
Madi, D; Bobowik, M; Verkuyten, M; Basabe, N. Social intergroup and temporal intrapersonal comparisons: Responses to perceived discrimination and protective mechanisms of eudaimonic well-being. 2022. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 86, 74-84.
Utzet, M; Bacigalupe, A; Navarro, A. Occupational health, frontline workers and COVID-19 lockdown: new gender-related inequalities?. 2022. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 76(6), 537-543.
Perez-Fernandez, JI; Salaberria, K; de Ocenda, AR. Mindfulness-Based Pain Management (MBPM) for Chronic Pain: a Randomized Clinical Trial. 2022. Mindfulness, 13, 3153-3165.
Vazquez-Velazquez, V; Pizarro, JJ; Roman, SS; Fuentes, VS; Martinez, DA; Jurado, HV. Psychological Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Well-being: Comparisons between People with Obesity, with Diabetes and without Diseases. 2022. Clinical Diabetology, 11(3), 183-191.
Urtaran-Laresgoiti, M; Gonzalez-Rabago, Y; Martin, U; Rivadeneyra-Sicilia, A; Morteruel, M. Health and health inequalities impact assessment for non-clinical measures to control COVID-19 in the Basque Country and Navarre (Spain). 2022. Journal of Public Health Research, 11(3).
Idoiaga, N; Legorburu, I; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Lipnicki, DM; Villagrasa, B; Santabarbara, J. Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in University Students during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Meta-Analysis Attending SDG 3 and 4 of the 2030 Agenda. 2022. Sustainability, 14(13), 7914.
Jayo-Montoya, JA; Jurio-Iriarte, B; Aispuru, GR; Villar-Zabala, B; Blanco-Guzman, S; Maldonado-Martin, S. Impact of Aerobic High-Intensity Interval Training Intervention and Mediterranean Diet Recommendations on Health-Related Quality of Life and Lifestyle Modification in Post-Myocardial Infarction Patients: Results From the INTERFARCT Surveys. 2022. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 0(0).
Diez-Solinska, A; Lebena, A; Garmendia, L; Labaka, A; Azkona, G; Perez-Tejada, J; Vegas, O. Chronic social instability stress down-regulates IL-10 and up-regulates CX3CR1 in tumor-bearing and non-tumor-bearing female mice. 2022. Behavioural Brain Research, 435, 114063.
Chambi-Martinez, CAA; Moraga-Escobar, EI; Peralta-Jimenez, GA; Vera-Calzaretta, A; Barrientos, J; Pihan, R; Klaassen, G; Paez, D. Social Support, Stress and Emotional Symptoms Among LGBTQ plus College Students in Chile. 2022. International Journal of Sexual Health, 34:2, 277-290.
Irigoien, I; Cormand, B; Soler-Artigas, M; Sanchez-Mora, C; Ramos-Quiroga, JA; Arenas, C. New Distance-Based approach for Genome-Wide Association Studies. 2022. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 19(5), 2938-2949.
Erkoreka, L; Zamalloa, I; Rodriguez, S; Munoz, P; Mendizabal, I; Zamalloa, MI; Arrue, A; Zumarraga, M; Gonzalez-Torres, MA. Attachment anxiety as mediator of the relationship between childhood trauma and personality dysfunction in borderline personality disorder. 2022. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 29(2), 501-511.
Gracia-Leiva, M; Ubillos-Landa, S; Puente-Martinez, A; Arias-Rodriguez, G; Nieto-Betancour, L; Tobar-Lasso, MJ; Paez-Rovira, D. A Cross-Cultural Sequential Model of the Association Between Young Spanish and Colombian Women Victims of Power Imbalance and Suicide Risk: The Mediating Role of Dating Violence and Rumination. 2022. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0(0).
Tiscar-Gonzalez, V; Santiago-Garin, J; Moreno-Casbas, T; Zorrilla-Martinez, I; Nonide-Robles, M; Portuondo-Jimenez, J. Perceptions and experiences of 7-8 year old schoolchildren in the Basque Country during the COVID-19 health alert. 2022. Gaceta Sanitaria, 36(1), 19-24.
Dosil-Santamaria, M; Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Mondragon, NI; Reyes-Sosa, H; Santabarbara, J. Emotional State of Mexican University Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(4), 2155.
Juengst, SB; Perrin, PB; Klyce, DW; O'Neil-Pirozzi, TM; Herrera, S; Wright, B; Lengenfelder, J; Lercher, K; Callender, L; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. Caregiver Characteristics of Adults with Acute Traumatic Brain Injury in the United States and Latin America. 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(9), 5717.
Ghasemy, M; Derahvasht, A; Apraiz, JC. Antecedents and consequences of wandering scholars' affect: the case of multi-cultural Malaysia in the internationalization era. 2022. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 14(2), 728-748.
Irigoyen-Otinano, M; Castro-Herranz, S; Romero-Aguit, S; Mingote-Adan, JC; Garrote-Diaz, JM; Matas-Aguilera, V; Lopez-Ordono, GJ; Puigdevall-Ruestes, M; Alberich, S; Gonzalez-Pinto, A. Suicide among physicians: Major risk for women physicians. 2022. Psychiatry Research, 310, 114441.
Li, WH; Kadler, BK; Brindley, JH; Hood, G; Devalia, K; Loy, J; Syn, WK; Alazawi, W. The contribution of daytime sleepiness to impaired quality of life in NAFLD in an ethnically diverse population. 2022. Scientific Reports, 12, 5123.
Butjosa, A; Usall, J; Vila-Badia, R; Mezquida, G; Cuesta, MJ; Rodriguez-Toscano, E; Amoretti, S; Lobo, A; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Espliego, A; Corripio, I; Vieta, E; Baeza, I; Berge, D; Bernardo, M. Impact of traumatic life events on clinical variables of individuals with first-episode psychosis and healthy controls. 2022. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0(0).
Sanchez-Torres, AM; Peralta, V; Gil-Berrozpe, GJ; Mezquida, G; Molina-Garcia, M; Amoretti, S; Lobo, A; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Merchan-Naranjo, J; Corripio, I; Vieta, E; de la Serna, E; Berge, D; Bernardo, M; Cuesta, MJ. The network structure of cognitive deficits in first episode psychosis patients. 2022. Schizophrenia Research, 244, 46-54.
Duran-Aguero, S; Vinueza-Veloz, MF; Gonzalez-Medina, G; Carpio-Arias, V; Rios-Castillo, I; Cavagnari, BM; Nava-Gonzalez, EJ; Camacho-Lopez, S; Cordon-Arrivillaga, K; Nunez-Martinez, B; Meza-Miranda, ER; Ortiz, A; Perez-Armijo, P; Bejarano-Roncancio, JJ; Ivankovich-Guillen, S; Mauricio-Alza, S; Landaeta-Diaz, L. Psychological factors of diet quality among rural populations of Latin America during the COVID-19 pandemic: a cress-sectional study. 2022. Rural and Remote Health, 22: 6909.
Ertl, MM; Trapp, SK; Alzueta, E; Baker, FC; Perrin, PB; Caffarra, S; Yuksel, D; Ramos-Usuga, D; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. Trauma-Related Distress During the COVID-19 Pandemic In 59 Countries. 2022. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(3), 306-334.
Quesque, F; Coutrot, A; Cox, S; de Souza, LC; Baez, S; Cardona, JF; Mulet-Perreault, H; Flanagan, E; Neely-Prado, A; Clarens, MF; Cassimiro, L; Musa, G; Kemp, J; Botzung, A; Philippi, N; Cosseddu, M; Trujillo-Llano, C; Grisales-Cardenas, JS; Fittipaldi, S; Guimet, NM; Calandri, IL; Crivelli, L; Sedeno, L; Garcia, AM; Moreno, F; Indakoetxea, B; Benussi, A; Moura, MVB; Santamaria-Garcia, H; Matallana, D; Pryanishnikova, G; Morozova, A; Iakovleva, O; Veryugina, N; Levin, O; Zhao, LN; Liang, JH; Duning, T; Lebouvier, T; Pasquier, F; Huepe, D; Barandiaran, M; Johnen, A; Lyashenko, E; Allegri, RF; Borroni, B; Blanc, F; Wang, F; Yassuda, MS; Lillo, P; Teixeira, AL; Caramelli, P; Hudon, C; Slachevsky, A; Ibanez, A; Hornberger, M; Bertoux, M. Does Culture Shape Our Understanding of Others' Thoughts and Emotions? An Investigation Across 12 Countries. 2022. Neuropsychology, 36(7), 664-682.
Washif, JA; Farooq, A; Krug, I; Pyne, DB; Verhagen, E; Taylor, L; Wong, D; Mujika, I; Cortis, C; Haddad, M; Ahmadian, O; Al Jufaili, M; Al-Horani, RA; Al-Mohannadi, AS; Aloui, A; Ammar, A; Arifi, F; Aziz, AR; Batuev, M; Beaven, CM; Beneke, R; Bici, A; Bishnoi, P; Bogwasi, L; Bok, D; Boukhris, O; Boullosa, D; Bragazzi, N; Brito, J; Cartagena, RPP; Chaouachi, A; Cheung, SS; Chtourou, H; Cosma, G; Debevec, T; DeLang, MD; Dellal, A; Donmez, G; Driss, T; Duque, JDP; Eirale, C; Elloumi, M; Foster, C; Franchini, E; Fusco, A; Galy, O; Gastin, PB; Gill, N; Girard, O; Gregov, C; Halson, S; Hammouda, O; Hanzlikova, I; Hassanmirzaei, B; Haugen, T; Hebert-Losier, K; Helu, HM; Herrera-Valenzuela, T; Hettinga, FJ; Holtzhausen, L; Hue, O; Dello Iacono, A; Ihalainen, JK; James, C; van Rensburg, DCJ; Joseph, S; Kamoun, K; Khaled, M; Khalladi, K; Kim, KJ; Kok, LY; MacMillan, L; Mataruna-Dos-Santos, LJ; Matsunaga, R; Memishi, S; Millet, GP; Moussa-Chamari, I; Musa, DI; Nguyen, HMT; Nikolaidis, PT; Owen, A; Padulo, J; Pagaduan, JC; Perera, NP; Perez-Gomez, J; Pillay, L; Popa, A; Pudasaini, A; Rabbani, A; Rahayu, T; Romdhani, M; Salamh, P; Sarkar, AS; Schillinger, A; Seiler, S; Setyawati, H; Shrestha, N; Suraya, F; Tabben, M; Trabelsi, K; Urhausen, A; Valtonen, M; Weber, J; Whiteley, R; Zrane, A; Zerguini, Y; Zmijewski, P; Sandbakk, O; Ben Saad, H; Chamari, K. Training During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of 12,526 Athletes from 142 Countries and Six Continents. 2022. Sports Medicine, 52, 933-948.
Cosin-Tomas, M; Cilleros-Portet, A; Aguilar-Lacasana, S; Fernandez-Jimenez, N; Bustamante, M. Prenatal Maternal Smoke, DNA Methylation, and Multi-omics of Tissues and Child Health. 2022. Current Environmental Health Reports, 9, 502-512.
Basea, MBD; Carsin, AE; Abellan, A; Cobo, I; Lertxundi, A; Marin, N; -Blasco, RS; Ibarluzea, J; Vrijheid, M; Sunyer, J; Casas, M; Garcia-Aymerich, J. Gestational phthalate exposure and lung function during childhood: A prospective population-based study. 2022. Environmental Pollution, 312, 119833.
Fernandez-Jimenez, N; Fore, R; Cilleros-Portet, A; Lepeule, J; Perron, P; Kvist, T; Tian, FY; Lesseur, C; Binder, AM; Lozano, M; Martorell-Marugan, J; Loke, YJ; Bakulski, KM; Zhu, YH; Forhan, A; Sammallahti, S; Everson, TM; Chen, J; Michels, KB; Belmonte, T; Carmona-Saez, P; Halliday, J; Fallin, MD; LaSalle, JM; Tost, J; Czamara, D; Fernandez, MF; Gomez-Martin, A; Craig, JM; Gonzalez-Alzaga, B; Schmidt, RJ; Dou, JF; Muggli, E; Lacasana, M; Vrijheid, M; Marsit, CJ; Karagas, MR; Raikkonen, K; Bouchard, L; Heude, B; Santa-Marina, L; Bustamante, M; Hivert, MF; Bilbao, JR. A meta-analysis of pre-pregnancy maternal body mass index and placental DNA methylation identifies 27 CpG sites with implications for mother-child health. 2022. Communications Biology, 5:1313.
Aviles, MAR; Beriain, ID. COVID-19, the Immune System, and Organic Disability. 2022. Asian Bioethics Review.
Pineiro, MDB. Legislative Reports on Navarre. Second half of 2020 and year 2021. 2022. Revista de Llengua i Dret, Journal of Language and Law, 77, 202-205.
Escribano-Ott, I; Calleja-Gonzalez, J; Mielgo-Ayuso, J. Ergo-Nutritional Intervention in Basketball: A Systematic Review. 2022. Nutrients, 14(3), 638.
Vesga, AG; Vequi-Suplicy, C; Torralba, J; Garcia-Porras, M; Carravilla, P; Nieva, JL; Requejo-Isidro, J. Antibody-epitope interactions mediated by lipid membranes in HIV: a study using FCS and single molecule tracking. 2022. Biophysical Journal, 121(3), 405A.
Rujas, E; Cui, H; Burnie, J; Aschner, CB; Zhao, TT; Insausti, S; Muthuraman, K; Semesi, A; Ophel, J; Nieva, JL; Seaman, MS; Guzzo, C; Treanor, B; Julien, JP. Engineering pan-HIV-1 neutralization potency through multispecific antibody avidity. 2022. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(4), e2112887119.
Nieto-Garai, JA; Contreras, FX; Arboleya, A; Lorizate, M. Role of Protein-Lipid Interactions in Viral Entry. 2022. Advanced Biology, 6(3), 2101264.
Insausti, S; Garcia-Porras, M; Torralba, J; Morillo, I; Ramos-Caballero, A; de la Arada, I; Apellaniz, B; Caaveiro, JMM; Carravilla, P; Eggeling, C; Rujas, E; Nieva, JL. Functional Delineation of a Protein-Membrane Interaction Hotspot Site on the HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibody 10E8. 2022. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(18), 10767.
Torralba, J; de la Arada, I; Partida-Hanon, A; Rujas, E; Arribas, M; Insausti, S; Valotteau, C; Valle, J; Andreu, D; Caaveiro, JMM; Jimenez, MA; Apellaniz, B; Redondo-Morata, L; Nieva, JL. Molecular recognition of a membrane-anchored HIV-1 pan-neutralizing epitope. 2022. Communications Biology, 5: 1265.
Burgos, J; Viribay, A; Fernandez-Lazaro, D; Calleja-Gonzalez, J; Gonzalez-Santos, J; Mielgo-Ayuso, J. Combined Effects of Citrulline Plus Nitrate-Rich Beetroot Extract Co-Supplementation on Maximal and Endurance-Strength and Aerobic Power in Trained Male Triathletes: A Randomized Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. 2022. Nutrients, 14(1), 40.
Viribay, A; Fernandez-Landa, J; Castaneda-Babarro, A; Collado, PS; Fernandez-Lazaro, D; Mielgo-Ayuso, J. Effects of Citrulline Supplementation on Different Aerobic Exercise Performance Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2022. Nutrients, 14(17), 3479.
Hernando, S; Nikolakopoulou, P; Voulgaris, D; Hernandez, RM; Igartua, M; Herland, A. Dual effect of TAT functionalized DHAH lipid nanoparticles with neurotrophic factors in human BBB and microglia cultures. 2022. Fluids and Barriers of the CNS,19: 22.
Costa, RFE; Leao, MLB; Sant'Ana, MSP; Mesquita, RA; Gomez, RS; Santos-Silva, AR; Khurram, SA; Tailor, A; Schouwstra, CM; Robinson, L; van Heerden, WFP; Tomasi, RA; Gorrino, R; de Prato, RSF; Taylor, AM; Urizar, JMA; de Mendoza, ILI; Radhakrisnan, R; Chandrashekar, C; Choi, SW; Thomson, P; Pontes, HAR; Fonseca, FP. Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Frequency in Young Patients from Referral Centers Around the World. 2022. Head and Neck Pathology, 16, 755-762.
Dubey, AK; Gupta, VK; Kujawska, M; Orive, G; Kim, NY; Li, CZ; Mishra, YK; Kaushik, A. Exploring nano-enabled CRISPR-Cas-powered strategies for efficient diagnostics and treatment of infectious diseases. 2022. Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 12, 833-864.
Canive, M; Badia-Bringue, G; Alonso-Hearn, M. The Upregulation of Cathepsin G Is Associated with Resistance to Bovine Paratuberculosis. 2022. Animals, 12(21), 3038.
Liu, J; Lin, WK; Sorochinsky, AE; Butler, G; Landa, A; Han, JL; Soloshonok, VA. Successful trifluoromethoxy-containing pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals. 2022. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 257-258, 109978.
Riestra, S; Taxonera, C; Zabana, Y; Carpio, D; Chaparro, M; Barrio, J; Rivero, M; Lopez-Sanroman, A; Esteve, M; de Francisco, R; Bastida, G; Garcia-Lopez, S; Manosa, M; Martin-Arranz, MD; Perez-Calle, JL; Guardiola, J; Munoz, F; Arranz, L; Cabriada, JL; Garcia-Sepulcre, MF; Navarro, M; Montoro-Huguet, MA; Ricart, E; Bermejo, F; Calvet, X; Piqueras, M; Garcia-Planella, E; Marquez, L; Minguez, M; Van Domselar, M; Bujanda, L; Aldeguer, X; Sicilia, B; Iglesias, E; Alcain, G; Perez-Martinez, I; Rolle, V; Castano-Garcia, A; Gisbert, JP; Domenech, E. Performance of Screening Strategies for Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Results from the ENEIDA Registry of GETECCU. 2022. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(13), 3915.
Agrawal, R; Weng, RC; Fonollosa, A; Giralt, L; Artaraz, J; Yang, PZ; Huang, FF; Tan, BY; Schmetterer, L; Sen, A; Gupta, V; Xin, W. Outcome Measures for Disease Monitoring in Intraocular Inflammatory and Infectious Diseases (OCTOMERIA): Understanding the Choroid in Uveitis with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). 2022. Ocular Immunology and Inflammation.
Salas-Coronas, J; Perez, AP; Roure, S; Peinador, CS; Larregola, LS; Izquierdo, JA; Bocanegra, C; Hortelano, MGL; Vazquez, EG; Morinigo, HM; Galparsoro, HA. Consensus document for the management of schistosomiasis in Primary Care. 2022. Atención Primaria, 54(8), 102408.
Ugarriza, I; Reyes, E; Prieto, L; Uria, U; Carrillo, L; Vicario, JL. An Approach to the Synthesis of a Hepatitis C Virus Inhibitor through a Proline-Catalyzed 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Using Acrolein. 2022. Synthesis-Stuttgart, 54(4), 1101-1107.
Goscianska, J; Freund, R; Wuttke, S. Nanoscience versus Viruses: The SARS-CoV-2 Case. 2022. Advanced Functional Materials, 32(14), 2107826.
de Filippis, R; Kane, JM; Kuzo, N; Spina, E; De Sarro, G; de Leon, J; De Fazio, P; Schoretsanitis, G. Screening the European pharmacovigilance database for reports of clozapine-related DRESS syndrome: 47 novel cases. 2022. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 60, 25-37.
Izquierdo-Sanchez, L; Lamarca, A; La Casta, A; Buettner, S; Utpatel, K; Klumpen, HJ; Adeva, J; Vogel, A; Lleo, A; Fabris, L; Ponz-Sarvise, M; Brustia, R; Cardinale, V; Braconi, C; Vidili, G; Jamieson, NB; Macias, RI; Jonas, JP; Marzioni, M; Holowko, W; Folseraas, T; Kupcinskas, J; Sparchez, Z; Krawczyk, M; Krupa, L; Scripcariu, V; Grazi, GL; Landa-Magdalena, A; Ijzermans, JN; Evert, K; Erdmann, JI; Lopez-Lopez, F; Saborowski, A; Scheiter, A; Santos-Laso, A; Carpino, G; Andersen, JB; Marin, JJ; Alvaro, D; Bujanda, L; Forner, A; Valle, JW; Koerkamp, BG; Banales, JM. Cholangiocarcinoma landscape in Europe: Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic insights from the ENSCCA Registry. 2022. Journal of Hepatology, 76(5), 1109-1121.
Andreu-Bernabeu, Á.; Díaz-Caneja, C.M.; Costas, J.; De Hoyos, L.; Stella, C.; Gurriarán, X.; Alloza, C.; Fañanás, L.; Bobes, J.; González-Pinto, A.; Crespo-Facorro, B.; Martorell, L.; Vilella, E.; Muntané, G.; Nacher, J.; Molto, M.D.; Aguilar, E.J.; Parellada, M.; Arango, C.; González-Peñas, J. Polygenic contribution to the relationship of loneliness and social isolation with schizophrenia. 2022. Nature Communications,13:51.
Cebolla, A.; Galiana, L.; Navarrete, J.; Alvear, D.; Garrote, E.; Sansó, N.; Carmona, J.V.; Juan, M.; Blasco, M.L. Wellbeing Training Based on Contemplative Practices in a Sample of Intensive Care and Homecare Professionals: A Pilot and Feasibility Non-Randomized Clinical Trial. 2022. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(20), 13137.
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