Producción científica de la UPV/EHU sobre cambio climático

Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre “Cambio Climático” en publicaciones científicas
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre “Cambio Climático” en publicaciones científicas
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Mehmood, K; Garcia, EC; Schirrmann, M; Ladd, B; Kammann, C; Wrage-Monnig, N; Siebe, C; Estavillo, JM; Fuertes-Mendizabal, T; Cayuela, M; Sigua, G; Spokas, K; Cowie, AL; Novak, J; Ippolito, JA; Borchard, N. Biochar research activities and their relation to development and environmental quality. A meta-analysis. 2017. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 37:22.
Polo-Cavia, N; Boyero, L; Martin-Beyer, B; Barmuta, LA; Bosch, J. Joint effects of rising temperature and the presence of introduced predatory fish on montane amphibian populations. 2017. Animal Conservation, 20(2), 128-134.
Querol, X; Gangoiti, G; Mantilla, E; Alastuey, A; Minguillon, MC; Amato, F; Reche, C; Viana, M; Moreno, T; Karanasiou, A; Rivas, I; Perez, N; Ripoll, A; Brines, M; Ealo, M; Pandolfi, M; Lee, HK; Eun, HR; Park, YH; Escudero, M; Beddows, D; Harrison, RM; Bertrand, A; Marchand, N; Lyasota, A; Codina, B; Olid, M; Udina, M; Jimenez-Esteve, B; Soler, MR; Alonso, L; Millan, M; Ahn, KH. Phenomenology of high-ozone episodes in NE Spain. 2017. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17(4), 2817-2838.
Camarero, L; Bacardit, M; de Diego, A; Arana, G. Decadal trends in atmospheric deposition in a high elevation station: Effects of climate and pollution on the long-range flux of metals and trace elements over SW Europe. 2017. Atmospheric Environment, 167, 542-552.
Horvat, V; Heras, P; Garcia-Mijangos, I; Biurrun, I. Intensive forest management affects bryophyte diversity in the western Pyrenean silver fir-beech forests. 2017. Biological Conservation, 215, 81-91.
Gallego-Alvarez, I; Ortas, E; Vicente-Villardon, JL; Etxeberria, IA. Institutional Constraints, Stakeholder Pressure and Corporate Environmental Reporting Policies. 2017. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(6), 807-825.
Gonzalez-Samperiz, P; Aranbarri, J; Perez-Sanz, A; Gil-Romera, G; Moreno, A; Leunda, M; Sevilla-Callejo, M; Corella, JP; Morellon, M; Oliva, B; Valero-Garces, B. Environmental and climate change in the southern Central Pyrenees since the Last Glacial Maximum: A view from the lake records. 2017. Catena, 149, 668-688.
Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Capellan-Perez, I; Arto, I; Ansuategi, A; Markandya, A. Industrial and terrestrial carbon leakage under climate policy fragmentation. 2017. Climate Policy, 17, S148-S169.
Garcia-Artola, A; Cearreta, A; Irabien, MJ. Recent Agricultural Occupation and Environmental Regeneration of Salt Marshes in Northern Spain. 2017. Coastal Wetlands: Alteration and Remediation, 21, 47-79.
Wagner, V; Chytry, M; Jimenez-Alfaro, B; Pergl, J; Hennekens, S; Biurrun, I; Knollova, I; Berg, C; Vassilev, K; Rodwell, JS; Skvorc, Z; Jandt, U; Ewald, J; Jansen, F; Tsiripidis, I; Botta-Dukat, Z; Casella, L; Attorre, F; Rasomavicius, V; Custerevska, R; Schaminee, JHJ; Brunet, J; Lenoir, J; Svenning, JC; Kacki, Z; Petrasova-Sibikova, M; Silc, U; Garcia-Mijangos, I; Campos, JA; Fernandez-Gonzalez, F; Wohlgemuth, T; Onyshchenko, V; Pysek, P. Alien plant invasions in European woodlands. 2017. Diversity and Distributions, 23(9), 969-981.
Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Neumann, MB; Arto, I; Capellan-Perez, I; Faria, SH. Mitigation implications of an ice-free summer in the Arctic Ocean. 2017. Earth's Future, 5(1), 59-66.
Ghefiri, K; Bouallegue, S; Garrido, I; Garrido, AJ; Haggege, J. Complementary Power Control for Doubly Fed Induction Generator-Based Tidal Stream Turbine Generation Plants. 2017. Energies, 10(7), 862.
Abadie, LM; de Murieta, ES; Galarraga, I. Investing in adaptation: Flood risk and real option application to Bilbao. 2017. Environmental Modelling & Software, 95, 76-89.
Pascual, U; Palomo, I; Adams, WM; Chan, KMA; Daw, TM; Garmendia, E; Gomez-Baggethun, E; de Groot, RS; Mace, GM; Martin-Lopez, B; Phelps, J. Off-stage ecosystem service burdens: A blind spot for global sustainability. 2017. Environmental Research Letters, 12(7).
Alkorta, I; Epelde, L; Garbisu, C. Environmental parameters altered by climate change affect the activity of soil microorganisms involved in bioremediation. 2017. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 364(19).
Madrigal-Gonzalez, J; Herrero, A; Ruiz-Benito, P; Zavala, MA. Resilience to drought in a dry forest: Insights from demographic rates. 2017. Forest Ecology and Management, 389, 167-175.
Arroita, M; Flores, L; Larranaga, A; Martinez, A; Martinez-Santos, M; Pereda, O; Ruiz-Romera, E; Solagaistua, L; Elosegi, A. Water abstraction impacts stream ecosystem functioning via wetted-channel contraction. 2017. Freshwater Biology, 62(2), 243-257.
Fini, A; Tattini, M; Esteban, R. Editorial: Plants' Responses to Novel Environmental Pressures. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:2000.
Fernandez-Marin, B; Hernandez, A; Garcia-Plazaola, JI; Esteban, R; Miguez, F; Artetxe, U; Gomez-Sagasti, MT. Photoprotective Strategies of Mediterranean Plants in Relation to Morphological Traits and Natural Environmental Pressure: A Meta-Analytical Approach. 2017. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1051.
Muller, P; Slominski, P. The Politics of Learning: Developing an Emissions Trading Scheme in Australia. 2017. Global Environmental Politics, 17(3), 51-68.
Lekube, J; Garrido, AJ; Garrido, I. Rotational Speed Optimization in Oscillating Water Column Wave Power Plants Based on Maximum Power Point Tracking. 2017. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 14(2), 681-691.
de Alegria, I; Fernandez-Sainz, A; Alvarez, I; Basanez, A; del-Rio, B. Carbon prices: Were they an obstacle to the launching of emission abatement projects in Spain in the Kyoto Protocol period?. 2017. Journal of Cleaner Production, 148, 857-865.
Abadie, LM; Goicoechea, N; Galarraga, I. Carbon risk and optimal retrofitting in cement plants: An application of stochastic modelling, MonteCarlo simulation and Real Options Analysis. 2017. Journal of Cleaner Production, 142, 3117-3130.
Garcia-Muros, X; Markandya, A; Romero-Jordan, D; Gonzalez-Eguino, M. The distributional effects of carbon-based food taxes. 2017. Journal of Cleaner Production, 140, 996-1006.
Garcia-Muros, X; Burguillo, M; Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Romero-Jordan, D. Local air pollution and global climate change taxes: a distributional analysis for the case of Spain. 2017. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 60(3), 419-436.
Sanchez-Espana, J; Mata, MP; Vegas, J; Morellon, M; Rodriguez, JA; Salazar, A; Yusta, I; Chaos, A; Perez-Martinez, C; Navas, A. Anthropogenic and climatic factors enhancing hypolimnetic anoxia in a temperate mountain lake. 2017. Journal of Hydrology, 555, 832-850.
Meaurio, M; Zabaleta, A; Boithias, L; Epelde, AM; Sauvage, S; Sanchez-Perez, JM; Srinivasan, R; Antiguedad, I. Assessing the hydrological response from an ensemble of CMIP5 climate projections in the transition zone of the Atlantic region (Bay of Biscay). 2017. Journal of Hydrology, 548, 46-62.
Bustamante, M; Tajadura, J; Diez, I; Saiz-Salinas, JI. The potential role of habitat-forming seaweeds in modeling benthic ecosystem properties. 2017. Journal of Sea Research, 130, 123-133.
Muguerza, N; Diez, I; Quintano, E; Bustamante, M; Gorostiaga, JM. Structural impoverishment of the subtidal vegetation of southeastern Bay of Biscay from 1991 to 2013 in the context of climate change. 2017. Journal of Sea Research, 130, 166-179.
Quintano, E; Diez, I; Muguerza, N; Figueroa, FL; Gorostiaga, JM. Bed structure (frond bleaching, density and biomass) of the red alga Gelidium corneum under different irradiance levels. 2017. Journal of Sea Research, 130, 180-188.
Boyero, L; Pearson, RG. Global-scale coordinated networks as a tool for exploring the functioning of stream ecosystems. 2017. Limnetica, 36 (2), 557-565.
Morozova, SM; Shaplov, AS; Lozinskaya, EI; Mecerreyes, D; Sardon, H; Zulfiqar, S; Suarez-Garcia, F; Vygodskii, YS. Ionic Polyurethanes as a New Family of Poly(ionic liquid)s for Efficient CO2 Capture. 2017. Macromolecules, 50(7), 2814-2824.
Madrigal-Gonzalez, J; Ballesteros-Canovas, JA; Herrero, A; Ruiz-Benito, P; Stoffel, M; Lucas-Borja, ME; Andivia, E; Sancho-Garcia, C; Zavala, MA. Forest productivity in southwestern Europe is controlled by coupled North Atlantic and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations. 2017. Nature Communications, 8.
Abrego, N; Dunson, D; Halme, P; Salcedo, I; Ovaskainen, O. Wood-inhabiting fungi with tight associations with other species have declined as a response to forest management. 2017. Oikos, 126(2).
Marigomez, I; Mugica, M; Izagirre, U; Sokolova, IM. Chronic environmental stress enhances tolerance to seasonal gradual warming in marine mussels. 2017. PLoS ONE 12(3): e0174359.
Arranz-Otaegui, A; Lopez-Saez, JA; Araus, JL; Portillo, M; Balbo, A; Iriarte, E; Gourichon, L; Braemer, F; Zapata, L; Ibanez, JJ. Landscape transformations at the dawn of agriculture in southern Syria (10.7-9.9 ka cal. BP): Plant-specific responses to the impact of human activities and climate change. 2017. Quaternary Science Reviews, 158, 145-163.
Bueno, G; Hoyos, D; Capellan-Perez, I. Evaluating the environmental performance of the high speed rail project in the Basque Country, Spain. 2017. Research in Transportation Economics, 62, 44-56.
Martinez, A; Kominoski, JS; Larranaga, A. Leaf-litter leachate concentration promotes heterotrophy in freshwater biofilms: Understanding consequences of water scarcity. 2017. Science of The Total Environment, 599-600, 1677-1684.
Monroy, S; Martinez, A; Lopez-Rojo, N; Perez-Calpe, AV; Basaguren, A; Pozo, J. Structural and functional recovery of macroinvertebrate communities and leaf litter decomposition after a marked drought: Does vegetation type matter?. 2017. Science of The Total Environment, 599-600, 1241-1250.
Cronin, TM; Dwyer, GS; Cayerly, EK; Farmer, J; DeNinno, LH; Rodriguez-Lazaro, J; Gemery, L. Enhanced Arctic Amplification Began at the Mid-Brunhes Event similar to 400,000 years ago. 2017. Scientific Reports, 7.
Martinez-Braceras, N; Payros, A; Miniati, F; Arostegi, J; Franceschetti, G. Contrasting environmental effects of astronomically driven climate change on three Eocene hemipelagic successions from the Basque-Cantabrian Basin. 2017. Sedimenttology, 64(4), 960-986.
Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Olabe, A; Ribera, T. New Coal-Fired Plants Jeopardise Paris Agreement. 2017. Sustainability, 9(2), 168.
Higashi,A.;Nagai,S.;Seone,S.;Ueki,S. A hypervariable mitochondrial protein coding sequence associated with geographical origin in a cosmopolitan bloom-forming alga, Heterosigma akashiwo. 2017. Biology Letters, 13(4).
Abadie,LM.;Goicoechea,N.;Galarraga,I. Adapting the shipping sector to stricter emissions regulations: Fuel switching or installing a scrubber?. 2017. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 57, 237-250.
Monioudi,I.;Velegrakis,AF.;Chatzipavlis,AE.;Rigos,A.;Karambas,T.;Vousdoukas,MI.;Hasiotis,T.;Koukourouvli,N.;Peduzzi,P.;Manoutsoglou,E.;Poulos,SE.;Collins,MB. Assessment of island beach erosion due to sea level rise: the case of the Aegean archipelago (Eastern Mediterranean). 2017. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 17(3), 449-466.
Kammann,C; Ippolito,J.; Hagemann,N.; Borchard,N.; Cayuela,ML.;Estavillo,JM.;Fuertes-Mendizabal,T.;Jeffery,S.;Kern,J;Novak,J.;Rasse,D.;Saarnio,S.;Schmidt,HP.;Spokas,K.;Wrage-Monnig,N. Biochar As A Tool to Reduce the Agricultural Greenhouse-Gas Burden - Knowns, Unknowns and Future Research Needs. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management 25(2).
Chueca,LJ.;Gomez-Moliner,BJ.;Fores,M.;Madeira,MJ. Biogeography and radiation of the land snail genus Xerocrassa (Geomitridae) in the Balearic Islands. 2017. Journal of Biogeography, 44(4), 760-772.
Sampedro,J.;Arto,I.;Gonzalez-Eguino,M. Implications of switching fossil fuel subsidies to solar: A case study for the European Union. 2017. Sustainability, 10(1), 50.
Pascual,U.; et al. Valuing nature's contributions to people: the IPBES approach. 2017. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 26-27, 7-16.