Producción científica de la UPV/EHU sobre igualdad de género

Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre igualdad de género en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre igualdad de género en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Llorente, PA; Gorostiza, AIU; Uria, AA. I choose, you choose, the shoose. Orientation and decision making of girls at school. 2017. Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 28(3), 104-119.
Garcia, PM. Looking at the sea from feminist perspective. Community and survival around women workers in the fisheries. 2017. Prisma Social, 19, 183-214.
Rekalde, I; Iglesias, EC. Women in Government Teams at the Spanish University. An Unobtrusive Study. 2017. Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 6(2), 129-146.
Galarza, MLE; Garcia, JMH; Martinez, EI. Equality and gender amongst young Basque people: A crossroads of continuities, conflicts and ruptures. 2017. Athenea Digital, 17(2), 31-55.
Pelaez, DA. Feminicides with a gender perspective. An intersectional analysis of "The Fall". 2017. Investigaciones Feministas, 8(1), 183-201.
Miranda, N; Larrea, I; Muela, A; Barandiaran, A. Preschool Children's Social Play and Involvement in the Outdoor Environment. 2017. Early Education and Development, 28(5), 525-540.
de Cells, ILR; de Bobadilla-Guemez, SF; Alonso-Almeida, MD; Velasco-Balmaseda, E. Women's occupational health and safety management: An issue for corporate social responsibility. 2017. Safety Science, 91, 61-70.
Gezuraga, IO. Judgment on jurisdictional work in treatments of equal treatment and non-discrimination of gender violent men. 2017. Revista General de Derecho Procesal, 42.
Echeburua, E; Amor, PJ; Munoz, JM; Sarasua, B; Zubizarreta, I. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Severity Scale according to DSM-5 criteria: Forensic version (EGS-F). 2017. Anuario de Psicología Jurídica, 27(1), 67-77.
de Elejalde, BGI; Goienola, HM; Uria, AA; Morales, MTV. The meanings given to adolescents relationships from the school community. 2017. Revista Electrónica Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, 20(3), 179-194.
Garcia, PM; Aguado-Pelaez, D. Women's bodies reappropriation in television fiction, analysis of "Orange is the New Black". 2017. Investigaciones Feministas, 8(2), 401-413.
Ubillos-Landa, S; Goiburu-Moreno, E; Puente-Martinez, A; Pizarro-Ruiz, JP; Echeburua-Odriozola, E. Assessment of Distorted Thoughts About Women and Violence of Basque-speaking Secondary School Students. 2017. Revista de Psicodidáctica, 22(1), 1-8.
Artieta-Pinedo, I; Paz-Pascual, C; Grandes, G; Espinosa, M. Framework for the establishment of a feasible, tailored and effective perinatal education programme. 2017. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17:58.
Martinez, MA; Castro, MC; Beristain, CM; Afonso, C. Armed Conflict, Psychosocial Impact and Reparation in Colombia: Women's Voice. 2017. Universitas Psychologica, 16(3).
Garcia, PM. Democratization of the Sea with a Gender Perspective. The Professionalization Process of Women Shellfish Gatherers in Galicia. 2017. Política y Sociedad, 54(2), 365-386.
Goienetxea, UZ. Approaching the empowerment of roma women: an analysis from an intersectional view. 2017. Investigaciones Feministas, 8(1), 203-222.