Producción científica de la UPV/EHU sobre igualdad de género

Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre igualdad de género en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre igualdad de género en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Martínez, EC. Were there missing girls in Biscay? Sex ratios in Northern Spain, 1550-1899. 2023. Investigaciones de Historia Económica, 19(3), 13-24.
Miguel, SR; Rojas, IB; Larrea, VA. Coeducation and Prevention of Gender Violence Projects in Secondary School. 2023. Profesorado, Revista de Currículum y Formación del Profesorado, 27(2), 309-329.
Cazarin, R; Davila, A. Between speech and silence: the transformation of gender roles in spaces of religious-secular activism. 2023. Disparidades. Revista de Antropología, 78(1), e006.
Puigvert, L; Racionero-Plaza, S; de Aguileta, GL; Tellado, I; Molina, S; Pulido-Rodríguez, MA; Ugalde, L; Flecha, R. Disdainful Hookups: a Powerful Social Determinant of Health. 2023. Journal of Urban Health-Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 100, 870-877.
Vinagre-González, AM; Puente-López, E; Aguilar-Cárceles, MM; Aparicio-García, ME; Loinaz, I. Differences Between Men and Women in the Acceptance of Gender Roles and Stereotypes in Intimate Partner Violence. 2023. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología y Salud, 14(2), 75-82.
Reyes-Sosa, H; Martínez-Cueva, S; Mondragón, NI. Rape Culture, Revictimization, and Social Representations: Images and Discourses on Sexual and Violent Crimes in the Digital Sphere in Mexico. 2023. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 38(1-2), 847-871.
Urrutxi, LD; Gelabert, SV; Mayán, TN; Aguilar, JJB. Analysing educational contexts in the response to students with Rare Diseases. 2023. Educatio Siglo XXI, 41(3), 75-98.
Antunes, S; Cornago, N; Lecours, A. Frontrunners but different games? Comparing Catalan and Basque paradiplomacy towards the EU. 2023. Territory, Politics, Governance.
Maseda, A; Iturralde, T; Aparicio, G; Cooper, SY. Building bridges between gender and family business literature to advance women's empowerment. 2023. Gender in Management, 38(8), 1029-1074.
Rotaeche, PF; Mondragon, NI; Albóniga-Mayor, JJ. Comparing social representations of feminism among education and engineering majors: Insights for developing feminist pedagogies. 2023. Feminism & Psychology, 33(2), 256-275.
Zabala, J; Conejero, S; Pascual, A; Zumeta, LN; Pizarro, JJ; Alonso-Arbiol, I. Korrika, running in collective effervescence through the Basque Country: A model of collective processes and their positive psychological effects. 2023. Frontiers in Psychology, 14:1095763.
Hernandez-Arenaz, I; Iriberri, N. Gender differences in alternating-offer bargaining: an experimental study. 2023. Experimental Economics, 26, 879-914.
Mendia Azkue I. A Review of the European Union’s Gender Approach in Its Support for the Colombian Peace Process. 2023. Rethinking Peace and Conflict Studies, Part F5, 209-234.
Martínez-Tola E.; de la Cal Barredo L. Strategies and values towards co-responsibility in care in european countries [Estrategias y valores hacia la corresponsabilidad en los cuidados en países europeos]. 2023. Revista de Economia Mundial, 63, 45-65.
Elizondo A.; Silvestre M. Gender-Sensitive Parliaments: An Evidence-Based Case Study of the Basque Parliament [Parlamentos sensibles al género: evidencias desde el caso del Parlamento Vasco]. 2023. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 184, 47-64.
Velasco-Balmaseda E.; de Celis I.L.-R.; Izaguirre N.E. Corporate social responsibility as a framework for gender equality: Mapping of gender equality standards for sustainable development. 2023. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management.
Novo-Arbona A. The impact of intergovernmental relations in COVID management on women’s leadership; [El impacto de las relaciones intergubernamentales en la gestión de la COVID sobre el liderazgo de las mujeres]. 2023. Papers, 108(3).
Artetxe O.; Darretxe L.; Idoiaga N.; Galarza L. Single Mothers as a Result of Gender-Based Violence; [Familias Monomarentales Derivadas de Violencia de Género]. 2023. Generos, 12(2), 201-237.
Alonso I.A. Sexual consent in the Spanish Criminal Code: shadows of its political and legal construction through the Law on the Comprehensive Guarantee of Sexual Freedom; [El consentimiento sexual en el Código Penal español: indefiniciones y sombras de su construcción político-jurídica a través de la Ley de garantía integral de la libertad sexual]. 2023. Onati Socio-Legal Series, 13(S1), S318-S346.
Novo-Arbona A.; Peña-Fernández S.; Martínez-Odriozola L.; Jiménez-Martín E.; Eguskiza-Sesumaga L. Media and violence against women in the Basque Country: a self-regulation case study. 2023. Feminist Media Studies, 23(7), 3291-3307.
Martínez Ruíz A.; Maroño Boedo M.J.; Guereca Gala A.; Escontrela Rodríguez B.A.; Bergese S.D. Zero Emissions. A shared responsibility. Gas capture and recycling project at the Cruces University Hospital (Spain) [Emisiones Zero. Una responsabilidad compartida. Proyecto captura de gases y reciclado en el Hospital Universitario de Cruces]. 2023. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 97:e202301001.