Producción científica de la UPV/EHU sobre salud y bienestar

Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre salud y bienestar en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre salud y bienestar en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Mazarico, E; Llurba, E; Cumplido, R; Valls, A; Melchor, JC; Iglesias, M; Cabero, L; Gratacos, E; Gomez-Roig, MD. Neural injury markers in intrauterine growth restriction and their relation to perinatal outcomes. 2017. Pediatric Research, 82, 452-457.
Serrano, S; Huarte, N; Rujas, E; Andreu, D; Nieva, JL; Jimenez, MA. Structure-Related Roles for the Conservation of the HIV-1 Fusion Peptide Sequence Revealed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. 2017. Biochemistry, 56(41), 5503-5511.
Carravilla, P; Cruz, A; Martin-Ugarte, I; Oar-Arteta, IR; Torralba, J; Apellaniz, B; Perez-Gil, J; Requejo-Isidro, J; Huarte, N; Nieva, JL. Effects of HIV-1 gp41-Derived Virucidal Peptides on Virus-like Lipid Membranes. 2017. Biophysical Journal, 113(6), 1301-1310.
Chojnacki, J; Waithe, D; Carravilla, P; Huarte, N; Galiani, S; Enderlein, J; Eggeling, C. Envelope glycoprotein mobility on HIV-1 particles depends on the virus maturation state. 2017. Nature Communications, 8:545.
Carravilla, P; Cruz, A; Oar-Arteta, IR; Perez-Gil, J; Requejo-Isidro, J; Huarte, N; Nieva, JL. MPER-derived virucidal peptides disrupt the HIV-1 lipid envelope functional organization. 2017. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters.
Aguero, F; Forner, A; Valdivieso, A; Blanes, M; Barcena, R; Manzardo, C; Rafecas, A; Castells, L; Abradelo, M; Barrera-Baena, P; Gonzalez-Dieguez, L; Salcedo, M; Serrano, T; Jimenez-Perez, M; Herrero, JI; Gastaca, M; Aguilera, V; Fabregat, J; del Campo, S; Bilbao, I; Romero, CJ; Moreno, A; Rimola, A; Miro, JM. Human immunodeficiency virus-infected liver transplant recipients with incidental hepatocellular carcinoma: A prospective multicenter nationwide cohort study. 2017. Liver Transplantation, 23(5), 645-651.
Rujas, E; Insausti, S; Garcia-Porras, M; Sanchez-Eugenia, R; Tsumoto, K; Nieva, JL; Caaveiro, JMM. Functional Contacts between MPER and the Anti-HIV-1 Broadly Neutralizing Antibody 4E10 Extend into the Core of the Membrane. 2017. Journal of Molecular Biology, 429(8), 1213-1226.
Rujas, E; Caaveiro, JMM; Insausti, S; Garca-Porras, M; Tsumoto, K; Nieva, JL. Peripheral Membrane Interactions Boost the Engagement by an Anti-HIV-1 Broadly Neutralizing Antibody. 2017. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 292, 5571-5583.
Molinos-Albert, LM; Bilbao, E; Agullo, L; Marfil, S; Garcia, E; de la Concepcion, MLR; Izquierdo-Useros, N; Vilaplana, C; Nieto-Garai, JA; Contreras, FX; Floor, M; Cardona, PJ; Martinez-Picado, J; Clotet, B; Villa-Freixa, J; Lorizate, M; Carrillo, J; Blanco, J. Proteoliposomal formulations of an HIV-1 gp41-based miniprotein elicit a lipid-dependent immunodominant response overlapping the 2F5 binding motif. 2017. Scientific Reports, 7: 40800.
Unione, L; Gimeno, A; Valverde, P; Calloni, I; Coelho, H; Mirabella, S; Poveda, A; Arda, A; Jimenez-Barbero, J. Glycans in Infectious Diseases. A Molecular Recognition Perspective. 2017. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 24(36), 4057-4080.
Arrue M., Unanue S., Merida D. Guided university debate: Effect of a new teaching-learning strategy for undergraduate nursing students. 2017. Nurse Education Today, 59, 26-32.
Esain I., Rodriguez-Larrad A., Bidaurrazaga-Letona I., Gil S.M. Health-related quality of life, handgrip strength and falls during detraining in elderly habitual exercisers. 2017. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 15:226.
Lissek T., Adams M., Adelman J., Ahissar E., Akaaboune M., Akil H., al'Absi M., Arain F., Arango-Lasprilla J.C., Atasoy D., Avila J., Badawi A., Bading H., Baig A.M., Baleriola J., Belmonte C., Bertocchi I., Betz H., Blakemore C., Blanke O., Boehm-Sturm P., Bonhoeffer T., Bonifazi P., Brose N., Campolongo P., Celikel T., Chang C.C., Chang T.-Y., Citri A., Cline H.T., Cortes J.M., Cullen K., Dean K., Delgado-Garcia J.M., Desroches M., Disterhoft J.F., Dowling J.E., Draguhn A., El-Khamisy S.F., El Manira A., Enam S.A., Encinas J.M., Erramuzpe A., Esteban J.A., Fariñas I., Fischer E., Fukunaga I., Gabilondo I., Ganten D., Gidon A., Gomez-Esteban J.C., Greengard P., Grinevich V., Gruart A., Guillemin R., Hariri A.R., Hassan B., Häusser M., Hayashi Y., Hussain N.K., Jabbar A.A., Jaber M., Jahn R., Janahi E.M., Kabbaj M., Kettenmann H., Kindt M., Knafo S., Köhr G., Komai S., Krugers H., Kuhn B., Ghazal N.L., Larkum M.E., London M., Lutz B., Matute C., Martinez-Millan L., Maroun M., McGaugh J., Moustafa A.A., Nasim A., Nave K.-A., Neher E., Nikolich K., Outeiro T., Palmer L.M., Penagarikano O., Perez-Otano I., Pfaff D.W., Poucet B., Rahman A.-U., Ramos-Cabrer P., Rashidy-Pour A., Roberts R.J., Rodrigues S., Sanes J.R., Schaefer A.T., Segal M., Segev I., Shafqat S., Siddiqui N.A., Soreq H., Soriano-García E., Spanagel R., Sprengel R., Stuart G., Südhof T.C., Tønnesen J., Treviño M., Uthman B.M., Venter J.C., Verkhratsky A., Weiss C., Wiesel T.N., Yaksi E., Yizhar O., Young L.J., Young P., Zawia N.H., Zugaza J.L., Hasan M.T. Building Bridges through Science. 2017. Neuron, 96(4), 730-735.
Muela A., Balluerka N., Amiano N., Caldentey M.A., Aliri J. Animal-assisted psychotherapy for young people with behavioural problems in residential care. 2017. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 26(4), O1485-O1494.
De La Rosa I., Oquendo M.A., García G., Stanley B., González-Pinto A., Liu S.-M., Blanco C. Determining if borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder are alternative expressions of the same disorder: Results from the national epidemiologic survey on alcohol and related conditions. 2017. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, 78(8):e994–e999.
Cobos-Campos R., de Larrinoa A.A.F., Moriñigo A.S.L., Parraza N., Barandiaran F.A. Effectiveness of text messaging as an adjuvant to health advice in smoking cessation programs in primary care. A randomized clinical trial. 2017. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 19(8), 901-907.
Arrue M., Unanue S., Merida D. Guided university debate: Effect of a new teaching-learning strategy for undergraduate nursing students. 2017. Nurse Education Today, 59, 26-32.
Arrue M., Ruiz de Alegría B., Zarandona J., Hoyos Cillero I. Effect of a PBL teaching method on learning about nursing care for patients with depression. 2017. Nurse Education Today, 52, 109-115.
Gonçalves-Pereira M., González-Fraile E., Santos-Zorrozúa B., Martín-Carrasco M., Fernández-Catalina P., Domínguez-Panchón A.I., Muñoz-Hermoso P., Ballesteros J. Assessment of the consequences of caregiving in psychosis: A psychometric comparison of the Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI) and the Involvement Evaluation Questionnaire (IEQ). 2017. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 15:63.
Salaberria Irízar K., del Valle Sánchez Haro A. Migratory stress and mental health [Estrés migratorio y salud mental]. 2017. Behavioral Psychology/ Psicologia Conductual, 25(2), 419-432.
Birks L., Guxens M., Papadopoulou E., Alexander J., Ballester F., Estarlich M., Gallastegi M., Ha M., Haugen M., Huss A., Kheifets L., Lim H., Olsen J., Santa-Marina L., Sudan M., Vermeulen R., Vrijkotte T., Cardis E., Vrijheid M. Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child behavioral problems in five birth cohorts. 2017. Environment International, 104, 122-131.
Franco C., Amutio A., Mañas I., Gázquez J.J., Pérez-Fuentes M.D.C. Reducing anxiety, geriatric depression and worry in a sample of older adults through a mindfulness training program [Reducción de la ansiedad, la depresión geriátrica y la preocupación en una muestra de adultos mayores a través de un programa de entrenamiento en mindfulness]. 2017. Terapia Psicologica, 35(1).
Gredilla A., Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo S., Gomez-Nubla L., Carrero J.A., de Leão F.B., Madariaga J.M., Silva L.F.O. Are children playgrounds safe play areas? Inorganic analysis and lead isotope ratios for contamination assessment in recreational (Brazilian) parks. 2017. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(31), 24333-24345.
Signes-Pastor A.J., Carey M., Vioque J., Navarrete-Muñoz E.M., Rodríguez-Dehli C., Tardón A., Begoña-Zubero M., Santa-Marina L., Vrijheid M., Casas M., Llop S., Gonzalez-Palacios S., Meharg A.A. Urinary arsenic speciation in children and pregnant women from Spain. 2017. Exposure and Health, 9(2), 105-11.
Tischer C., Gascon M., Fernández-Somoano A., Tardón A., Materola A.L., Ibarluzea J., Ferrero A., Estarlich M., Cirach M., Vrijheid M., Fuertes E., Dalmau-Bueno A., Nieuwenhuijsen M.J., Antó J.M., Sunyer J., Dadvand P. Urban green and grey space in relation to respiratory health in children. 2017. European Respiratory Journal, 49(6).
Llop S., Ballester F., Murcia M., Forns J., Tardon A., Andiarena A., Vioque J., Ibarluzea J., Fernández-Somoano A., Sunyer J., Julvez J., Rebagliato M., Lopez-Espinosa M.-J. Prenatal exposure to mercury and neuropsychological development in young children: The role of fish consumption. 2017. International Journal of Epidemiology, 46(3), 827-838.
Gallastegi M., Jiménez-Zabala A., Santa-Marina L., Aurrekoetxea J.J., Ayerdi M., Ibarluzea J., Kromhout H., González J., Huss A. Exposure to extremely low and intermediate-frequency magnetic and electric fields among children from the INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort. 2017. Environmental Research, 157, 190-197.
Signes-Pastor A.J., Vioque J., Navarrete-Muñoz E.M., Carey M., García de la Hera M., Sunyer J., Casas M., Riaño-Galán I., Tardón A., Llop S., Amorós R., Amiano P., Bilbao J.R., Karagas M.R., Meharg A.A. Concentrations of urinary arsenic species in relation to rice and seafood consumption among children living in Spain. 2017. Environmental Research, 159, 69-75.
Sentís A., Sunyer J., Dalmau-Bueno A., Andiarena A., Ballester F., Cirach M., Estarlich M., Fernández-Somoano A., Ibarluzea J., Íñiguez C., Lertxundi A., Tardón A., Nieuwenhuijsen M., Vrijheid M., Guxens M. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to NO 2 and child attentional function at 4–5 years of age. 2017. Environment International, 106, 170-177.