Producción científica de la UPV/EHU sobre salud y bienestar

Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre salud y bienestar en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Artículos académicos del PDI de la UPV/EHU sobre salud y bienestar en publicaciones científicas.
Fuente: Web of Science (completado con Scopus)
Recopilación: Biblioteca de la UPV/EHU
Sampedro, J; Smith, SJ; Arto, I; Gonzalez-Eguino, M; Markandya, A; Mulvaney, KM; Pizarro-Irizar, C; Van Dingenen, R. Health co-benefits and mitigation costs as per the Paris Agreement under different technological pathways for energy supply. 2020. Environment International, 136: 105513.
Borrell, LN; Rodriguez-Alvarez, E; Dallo, FJ. Racial/ethnic inequities in the associations of allostatic load with all-cause and cardiovascular-specific mortality risk in US adults. 2020. PLoS ONE 15(2): e0228336.
Subiza-Perez, M; Vozmediano, L; San Juan, C. Green and blue settings as providers of mental health ecosystem services: Comparing urban beaches and parks and building a predictive model of psychological restoration. 2020. Landscape and Urban Planning, 204:103926.
Utzet, M; Llorens, C; Morina, D; Moncada, S. Persistent inequality: evolution of psychosocial exposures at work among the salaried population in Spain between 2005 and 2016. 2020. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.
Valero, E; Martin, U; Bacigalupe, A; Utzet, M. The impact of precarious jobs on mental health: a gender-sensitive literature review. 2020. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.
Santos, D; Mateos-Perez, E; Cantero, M; Gamez-Guadix, M. Cyberbullying in Adolescents: Resilience as a Protective Factor of Mental Health Outcomes. 2020. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, ahead of print.
Aperribai, L; Cortabarria, L; Aguirre, T; Verche, E; Borges, A. Teacher's Physical Activity and Mental Health During Lockdown Due to the COVID-2019 Pandemic. 2020. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 577886.
McKee, GB; Olabarrieta-Landa, L; Perez-Delgadillo, PK; Valdivia-Tangarife, R; Villasenor-Cabrera, T; Ramos-Usuga, D; Perrin, PB; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. Longitudinal Growth Curve Trajectories of Family Dynamics after Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury in Mexico. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8508.
Alzueta, E; Perrin, P; Baker, FC; Caffarra, S; Ramos-Usuga, D; Yuksel, D; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives: A study of psychological correlates across 59 countries. 2020. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
Rasmussen, MS; Arango-Lasprilla, JC; Andelic, N; Nordenmark, TH; Soberg, HL. Mental Health and Family Functioning in Patients and Their Family Members after Traumatic Brain Injury: A Cross-Sectional Study. 2020. Brain Sciences, 10(10), 670.
de Pablo, GS; Vaquerizo-Serrano, J; Catalan, A; Arango, C; Moreno, C; Ferre, F; Shin, JI; Sullivan, S; Brondino, N; Solmi, M; Fusar-Poli, P. Impact of coronavirus syndromes on physical and mental health of health care workers: Systematic review and meta-analysis. 2020. Journal of Affective Disorders, 275, 48-57.
Rubio, A; Oyanedel, JC; Cancino, F; Benavente, L; Cespedes, C; Zisis, C; Paez, D. Social Support and Substance Use as Moderators of the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents. 2020. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 2483.
Iriarte-Roteta, A; Lopez-Dicastillo, O; Mujika, A; Ruiz-Zaldibar, C; Hernantes, N; Bermejo-Martins, E; Pumar-Mendez, MJ. Nurses' role in health promotion and prevention: A critical interpretive synthesis. 2020. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(21-22), 3937-3949.
Bacigalupe, A; Martin, U. Gender inequalities in depression/anxiety and the consumption of psychotropic drugs: Are we medicalising women's mental health?. 2020. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
Romaratezabala, E; Castillo, D; Raya-Gonzalez, J; Rodriguez-Negro, J; Aritzeta, I; Yanci, J. Health and Wellness Status Perception of Half-Marathon Runners: Influence of Age, Sex, Injury, and Training with Qualified Staff. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5649.
Toda, MT; Riol, AA; Cirach, M; Estarlich, M; Fernandez-Somoano, A; Gonzalez-Safont, L; Guxens, M; Julvez, J; Riano-Galan, I; Sunyer, J; Dadvand, P. Residential Surrounding Greenspace and Mental Health in Three Spanish Areas. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5670.
Ballester, L; Alayo, I; Vilagut, G; Almenara, J; Cebria, AI; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Gili, M; Lagares, C; Piqueras, JA; Roca, M; Soto-Sanz, V; Blasco, MJ; Castellvi, P; Mortier, P; Bruffaerts, R; Auerbach, RP; Nock, MK; Kessler, RC; Jordi, A. Mental disorders in Spanish university students: Prevalence, age -of -onset, severe role impairment and mental health treatment. 2020. Journal of Affective Disorders, 273, 604-613.
Ubillos-Landa, S; Hortiguela-Arroyo, M; Gonzalez-Castro, JL; Puente-Martinez, A. The Effects of a Community Animation Program in a Rural Setting on the Participants' Quality of Life. 2020. Applied psychology-Health and Well Being, 12(3), 724-748.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Mondragon, NI; Santamaria, MD; Gorrotxategi, MP. Psychological Symptoms During the Two Stages of Lockdown in Response to the COVID-19 Outbreak: An Investigation in a Sample of Citizens in Northern Spain. 2020. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1491.
Anabitarte, A; Subiza-Perez, M; Ibarluzea, J; Azkona, K; Garcia-Baquero, G; Miralles-Guasch, C; Irazusta, J; Whitworth, KW; Vich, G; Lertxundi, A. Testing the Multiple Pathways of Residential Greenness to Pregnancy Outcomes Model in a Sample of Pregnant Women in the Metropolitan Area of Donostia-San Sebastian. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4520.
Lahera, G; Cid, J; Gonzalez-Pinto, A; Cabrera, A; Mariner, C; Vieta, E; Arango, C; Crespo-Facorro, B. Needs of people with psychosis and their caregivers: «In their own voice». Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 13(2), 80-89.
de Jalon, SG; Chiabai, A; Tague, AM; Artaza, N; de Ayala, A; Quiroga, S; Kruize, H; Suarez, C; Bell, R; Taylor, T. Providing Access to Urban Green Spaces: A Participatory Benefit-Cost Analysis in Spain. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(8), 2818.
Elgorriaga, E; Ibabe, I; Arnoso, A. Intention to return of Spanish emigrant population and associated psychosocial factors (Intencion de retorno de la poblacion emigrante espanola y factores psicosociales asociados). 2020. International Journal of Social Psychology, 35(2), 413-440.
Cobo-Rendon, R; Perez-Villalobos, MV; Paez-Rovira, D; Gracia-Leiva, M. A longitudinal study: Affective wellbeing, psychological wellbeing, self-efficacy and academic performance among first-year undergraduate students. 2020. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 61(4), 518-526.
Muela, A; Aliri, J; Presa, B; Gorostiaga, A. Randomised controlled trial of a treatment adherence programme for prisoners with mental health problems in Spain. 2020. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 30(1), 6-15.
Sansinenea, E; Asla, N; Agirrezabal, A; Fuster-Ruiz-de-Apodaca, MJ; Muela, A; Garaigordobil, M. Being Yourself and Mental Health: Goal Motives, Positive Affect and Self-Acceptance Protect People with HIV from Depressive Symptoms. 2020. Journal of Hapiness Studies, 21, 593-612.
Franco, C; Amutio, A; Manas, I; Sanchez-Sanchez, LC; Mateos-Perez, E. Improving Psychosocial Functioning in Mastectomized Women Through a Mindfulness-Based Program: Flow Meditation. 2020. International Journal of Stress Management, 27(1), 74-81.
Utzet, M; Valero, E; Mosquera, I; Martin, U. Employment precariousness and mental health, understanding a complex reality: a systematic review. 2020. International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health, 33(5), 569-598.
Molinuevo, AZ. «No sé si lo nombre»: unas notas en torno a la presencia del mal de madre en los textos teatrales del siglo XVII. 2020. Atalanta. Revista de las Letras Barrocas, 8(1), 103-129.
Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N; Dosil-Santamaria, M; Picaza-Gorrochategui, M; Idoiaga-Mondragon, N. Stress, anxiety, and depression levels in the initial stage of the COVID-19 outbreak in a population sample in the northern Spain. 2020. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 36(4).
Garcia-Guerrero, MA; Gomez, PS; Lasa, JP; Zapirain, JP; Zabala, EE; Bernal, VG; del Pozo, NO. Effect of psychiatric symptoms and quality of life on cognitive performance in HCV patients. 2020. Revista de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, 13(1), 22-30.
Garaigordobil, M; Larrain, E. Bullying and cyberbullying in LGBT adolescents: Prevalence and effects on mental health. 2020. Comunicar, 62, 79-90.
de la Fuente, R; Parra, A; Sanchez-Queija, I; Lizaso, I. Flourishing During Emerging Adulthood from a Gender Perspective. 2020. Journal of Hapiness Studies, 21, 2889–2908.
Aperribai, L; Alonso-Arbiol, I. The role of mental health variables and coping strategies in premenstrual syndrome. 2020. Health Care for Women International, 41(3), 368-379.
O'Connor, G; Julvez, J; Fernandez-Barres, S; Navarrete-Munoz, EM; Murcia, M; Tardon, A; Galan, IR; Amiano, P; Ibarluzea, J; Garcia-Esteban, R; Vrijheid, M; Sunyer, J; Romaguera, D. Association of Lifestyle Factors and Neuropsychological Development of 4-Year-Old Children. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(16), 5668.
Alzaga, EV; Roncero, UM; Dominguez-Rodriguez, A; Bacigalupe, A; Cabezas, A; Gine, A; Morteruel, M; Jimenez, M; Utzet, M; Gonzalez-Rabago, Y. Covid-19 and child health: confinement and its impact according to child professionals. 2020. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 94:e202007064.
Han, JL; Remete, AM; Dobson, LS; Kiss, L; Izawa, K; Moriwaki, H; Soloshonok, VA; O'Hagan, D. Next generation organofluorine containing blockbuster drugs. 2020. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 239, 109639.
Aguilera, A; Trastoy, R; Rodriguez-Frias, F; Munoz-Bellido, JL; Melon, S; Suarez, A; Orduna, A; Viciana, I; Bernal, S; Garcia-Bujalance, S; Montiel, N; Molina, JM; Basaras, M; Fernandez-Cuenca, F; Garcia-Arata, I; Reina, G; Ocete, MD; Fuentes, A; Navarro-de la Cruz, D; Nieto, L; de Castro, AB; Buti, M; Alvarez, M; Garcia, F. GEHEP 010 study: Prevalence and distribution of hepatitis B virus genotypes in Spain (2000-2016). 2020. Journal of Infection, 81(4), 600-606.
Rujas, E; Insausti, S; Leaman, DP; Carravilla, P; Gonzalez-Resines, S; Monceaux, V; Sanchez-Eugenia, R; Garcia-Porras, M; Iloro, I; Zhang, L; Elortza, F; Julien, JP; Saez-Cirion, A; Zwick, MB; Eggeling, C; Ojida, A; Domene, C; Caaveiro, JMM; Nieva, JL. Affinity for the Interface Underpins Potency of Antibodies Operating In Membrane Environments. 2020. Cell Reports, 32(7), 108037.
Torralba, J; de la Arada, I; Carravilla, P; Insausti, S; Rujas, E; Largo, E; Eggeling, C; Arrondo, JLR; Apellaniz, B; Nieva, JL. Cholesterol Constrains the Antigenic Configuration of the Membrane-Proximal Neutralizing HIV-1 Epitope. 2020. ACS Infectious Diseases, 6(8), 2155-2168.
Valverde, P; Martinez, JD; Canada, FJ; Arda, A; Jimenez-Barbero, J. Molecular Recognition in C-Type Lectins: The Cases of DC-SIGN, Langerin, MGL, and L-Sectin. 2020. ChemBioChem, 21(21), 2999-3025.
Fernandez-Lazaro, D; Mielgo-Ayuso, J; Martinez, AC; Seco-Calvo, J. Iron and Physical Activity: Bioavailability Enhancers, Properties of Black Pepper (Bioperine(R)) and Potential Applications. 2020. Nutrients, 12(6), 1886.
Viribay, A; Burgos, J; Fernandez-Landa, J; Seco-Calvo, J; Mielgo-Ayuso, J. Effects of Arginine Supplementation on Athletic Performance Based on Energy Metabolism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2020. Nutrients, 12(5), 1300.
Carravilla, P; Nieva, JL; Eggeling, C. Fluorescence Microscopy of the HIV-1 Envelope. 2020. Viruses, 12(3), 348.
Nieva, JL; Rujas, E; Insausti, S; Leaman, DP; Carravilla, P; Sanchez-Eugenia, R; Zhang, L; Garcia-Porras, M; Eggeling, C; Julien, JP; Ojida, A; Zwick, MB; Caaveiro, JM. Strengthening Interactions with the Membrane Interface through Grafted Aromatic Compounds Produces Extremely Potent HIV-1 Neutralizing Antibodies. 2020. Biophysical Journal, 118(3):240a-241a.
Carravilla, P; Darre, L; Oar-Arteta, IR; Vesga, AG; Rujas, E; de las Heras-Martinez, G; Domene, C; Nieva, JL; Requejo-Isidro, J. The Bilayer Collective Properties Govern the Interaction of an HIV-1 Antibody with the Viral Membrane. 2020. Biophysical Journal, 118(1), 44-56.
Fernandez-Landa, J; Fernandez-Lazaro, D; Calleja-Gonzalez, J; Caballero-Garcia, A; Cordova Martinez, A; Leon-Guereno, P; Mielgo-Ayuso, J. Effect of Ten Weeks of Creatine Monohydrate Plus HMB Supplementation on Athletic Performance Tests in Elite Male Endurance Athletes. 2020. Nutrients, 12(1), 193.
Fernandez-Landa, J; Fernandez-Lazaro, D; Calleja-Gonzalez, J; Caballero-Garcia, A; Cordova, A; Leon-Guereno, P; Mielgo-Ayuso, J. Long-Term Effect of Combination of Creatine Monohydrate Plus beta-Hydroxy beta-Methylbutyrate (HMB) on Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage and Anabolic/Catabolic Hormones in Elite Male Endurance Athletes. 2020. Biomolecules, 10(1), 140.
Mei, HB; Remete, AM; Zou, YP; Moriwaki, H; Fustero, S; Kiss, L; Soloshonok, VA; Han, JL. Fluorine-containing drugs approved by the FDA in 2019. 2020. Chinese Chemical Letters, 31(09), 2401-2413.
Rodrigo-Unzueta, A; Ghirardello, M; Urresti, S; Delso, I; Giganti, D; Anso, I; Trastoy, B; Comino, N; Tersa, M; D'Angelo, C; Cifuente, JO; Marina, A; Liebau, J; Maler, L; Chenal, A; Albesa-Jove, D; Merino, P; Guerin, ME. Dissecting the Structural and Chemical Determinants of the Open-to-Closed Motion in the Mannosyltransferase PimA from Mycobacteria. 2020. Biochemistry, 59, 32, 2934–2945.
Nocedo-Mena, D; Garza-Gonzalez, E; Gonzalez-Ferrara, M; Camacho-Corona, MD. Antibacterial Activity of Cissus incisa Extracts against Multidrug- Resistant Bacteria. 2020. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 20(4), 318-323.
Orive, G; Lertxundi, U; Barcelo, D. Early SARS-CoV-2 outbreak detection by sewage -based epidemiology. 2020. Science of the Total Environment, 732:139298.
Barquera, R; Lamnidis, TC; Lankapalli, AK; Kocher, A; Hernandez-Zaragoza, DI; Nelson, EA; Zamora-Herrera, AC; Ramallo, P; Bernal-Felipe, N; Immel, A; Bos, K; Acuna-Alonzo, V; Barbieri, C; Roberts, P; Herbig, A; Kuhnert, D; Marquez-Morfin, L; Krause, J. Origin and Health Status of First-Generation Africans from Early Colonial Mexico. 2020. Current Biology, 30(11), 2078-2091.e11.
Ortega-Tenezaca, B; Quevedo-Tumailli, V; Bediaga, H; Collados, J; Arrasate, S; Madariaga, G; Munteanu, CR; Cordeiro, MNDS; Gonzalez-Diaz, H. PTML Multi-Label Algorithms: Models, Software, and Applications. 2020. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 20(25), 2326-2337.
Marcos-Delgado, A., López-García, E., Martínez-González, M.A., Salas-Salvadó, J., Corella, D., Fitó, M., Romaguera, D., Vioque, J., Alonso-Gómez, A.M., Wärnberg, J., Martínez, J.A., Serra-Majem, L., Estruch, R., Fernández-García, J.C., Lapetra, J., Pintó, X., Tur, J.A., López-Miranda, J., Cano-Ibañez, N., Delgado-Rodríguez, M., Matía-Martín, P., Daimiel, L., Carriedo, E., Vidal, J., Vázquez, C., Ros, E., Lozano-Oloriz, E., Bulló, M., Sorlí, J.V., Zomeño, M.D., Fiol, M., González-Palacios, S., Sorto-Sánchez, C., Pérez-Farinós, N., Goñi-Ruiz, N., Sanchez-Villegas, A., Muñoz-Garach, A., Santos-Lozano, J.M., Galera, A., Bouzas, C., Toledo, E., Babio, N., González, J.I., del Val-García, J.L., Moñino, M., Martínez-Vergaran, M.C., Goicolea-Güemez, L., Galilea-Zabalza, I., Basora, J., Muñoz, M.A., Builf, P., Fernández-Villa, T.Health-related quality of life in individuals with metabolic syndrome: A cross-sectional study [Calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en individuos con síndrome metabólico: un estudio descriptivo]. 2020. Semergen, 46(8), 524-537.
Salazar de Pablo, G., De Micheli, A., Nieman, D.H., Correll, C.U., Kessing, L.V., Pfennig, A., Bechdolf, A., Borgwardt, S., Arango, C., van Amelsvoort, T., Vieta, E., Solmi, M., Oliver, D., Catalan, A., Verdino, V., Di Maggio, L., Bonoldi, I., Vaquerizo-Serrano, J., Baccaredda Boy, O., Provenzani, U., Ruzzi, F., Calorio, F., Nosari, G., Di Marco, B., Famularo, I., Molteni, S., Filosi, E., Mensi, M., Balottin, U., Politi, P., Shin, J.I., Fusar-Poli, P. Universal and selective interventions to promote good mental health in young people: Systematic review and meta-analysis. 2020. European Neuropsychopharmacology, 41, 28-39.
Bengoa-Vergniory, N., Faggiani, E., Ramos-Gonzalez, P., Kirkiz, E., Connor-Robson, N., Brown, L.V., Siddique, I., Li, Z., Vingill, S., Cioroch, M., Cavaliere, F., Threlfell, S., Roberts, B., Schrader, T., Klärner, F.-G., Cragg, S., Dehay, B., Bitan, G., Matute, C., Bezard, E., Wade-Martins, R. CLR01 protects dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in mouse models of Parkinson’s disease. 2020. Nature Communications, 11:4885.
Hidalgo, M.D., Balluerka, N., Gorostiaga, A., Espada, J.P., Santed, M.Á., Padilla, J.L., Gómez-Benito, J. The psychological consequences of covid-19 and lockdown in the Spanish population: An exploratory sequential design. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(22), 8578.
Cariello, A.N., Perrin, P.B., Rodríguez-Agudelo, Y., Plaza, S.L.O., Quijano-Martinez, M.C., Arango-Lasprilla, J.C. A multi-site study of traumatic brain injury in mexico and colombia: Longitudinal mediational and cross-lagged models of family dynamics, coping, and health-related quality of life. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6045.
Babarro, I., Andiarena, A., Fano, E., Lertxundi, N., Vrijheid, M., Julvez, J., Barreto, F.B., Fossati, S., Ibarluzea, J. Risk and protective factors for bullying at 11 years of age in a spanish birth cohort study. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(12), 4428.
García-Mendoza, M.D.C., Parra, Á., Sánchez-Queija, I., Arranz Freijo, E.B. Emotional autonomy and adjustment among emerging adults: The moderating role of family relationships. 2020. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 61(3), 380-387.
Onandia-Hinchado, I., Diaz-Orueta, U. Health Related Quality of Life and Cognitive Decline in Older Populations: Preliminary Results From NeuroDemeNPsia Study. 2020. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 39(6), 618-626.
Gracia-Leiva, M., Puente-Martínez, A., Ubillos-Landa, S., González-Castro, J.L., Páez-Rovira, D. Off-and online heterosexual dating violence, perceived attachment to parents and peers and suicide risk in young women. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,17(9), 3174.
González-Castro, J.L., Landa, S.U., Martínez, A.P., Perea, M.V. The role of emotional intelligence and sociocultural adjustment on migrants’ self-reported mental well-being in Spain: A 14 month follow-up study. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(4), 1206.
Garaigordobil, M., Mollo-torrico, J.P., Machimbarrena, J.M., Páez, D. Cyberaggression in adolescents of Bolivia: Connection with psychopathological symptoms, adaptive and predictor variables. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(3), 1022.
Bacigalupe, A., Cabezas, A., Bueno, M.B., Martín, U. Gender as a determinant of mental health and its medicalization. SESPAS Report 2020 [El género como determinante de la salud mental y su medicalización. Informe SESPAS 2020]. 2020. Gaceta Sanitaria, 34(1), 61-67.
Martín Roncero, U., González-Rábago, Y. Unwanted loneliness, health and social inequalities throughout the life cycle [Soledad no deseada, salud y desigualdades sociales a lo largo del ciclo vital]. 2020. Gaceta Sanitaria.
Dosil Santamaría, M., Ozamiz-Etxebarria, N., Redondo Rodríguez, I., Jaureguizar Alboniga-Mayor, J., Picaza Gorrotxategi, M. Psychological impact of COVID-19 on a sample of Spanish health professionals [Impacto psicológico de la COVID-19 en una muestra de profesionales sanitarios españoles]. 2020. Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental.
Catalan, A., Salazar de Pablo, G., Vaquerizo Serrano, J., Mosillo, P., Baldwin, H., Fernández-Rivas, A., Moreno, C., Arango, C., Correll, C.U., Bonoldi, I., Fusar-Poli, P. Annual Research Review: Prevention of psychosis in adolescents – systematic review and meta-analysis of advances in detection, prognosis and intervention. 2020. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines.
Santa-Marina, L., Lertxundi, N., Andiarena, A., Irizar, A., Sunyer, J., Molinuevo, A., Llop, S., Julvez, J., Beneito, A., Ibarluzea, J., Imaz, L., Ferrin, M. Maternal ferritin levels during pregnancy and ADHD symptoms in 4-year-old children: Results from the INMA–infancia y medio ambiente (environment and childhood) prospective birth cohort study. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(21), 7704.
Fossati, S., Valvi, D., Martinez, D., Cirach, M., Estarlich, M., Fernández-Somoano, A., Guxens, M., Iñiguez, C., Irizar, A., Lertxundi, A., Nieuwenhuijsen, M., Tamayo, I., Vioque, J., Tardón, A., Sunyer, J., Vrijheid, M. Prenatal air pollution exposure and growth and cardio-metabolic risk in preschoolers. 2020. Environment International, 138:105619.
Andiarena, A., Irizar, A., Molinuevo, A., Urbieta, N., Babarro, I., Subiza-Pérez, M., Santa-Marina, L., Ibarluzea, J., Lertxundi, A. Prenatal manganese exposure and long-term neuropsychological development at 4 years of age in a population-based birth cohort. 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(5), 1665.
Martín-Martíez, J.P., Calleja-González, J., Sala, J.C.A., Gómez-Pomares, S., Carlos-Vivas, J., Pérez-Gómez, J. Short-term branched-chain amino acid supplementation does not enhance vertical jump in professional volleyball players. A double-blind, controlled, randomized study [La suplementación con bcaa no mejora el salto vertical en los jugadores de voleibol profesionales. Estudio doble ciego, controlado y aleatorizado]. 2020. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 37(5), 887-1092.
Brull, A., Zubizarreta, A., Cabanes, I., Rodriguez-Larrad, A. Sensorized tip for monitoring people with multiple sclerosis that require assistive devices for walking. 2020. Sensors, 20(15), 4329.
Erkoreka, A. Safe Villages during the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic in Spain and Portugal. 2020. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, 61(2), E137-E142.
Palacios, F., Alonso, C. Parasitic infectious diseases. 2020. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 193:112230.
Orive, G., Lertxundi, U. Mass drug administration: time to consider drug pollution?. 2020. The Lancet, 395(10230), P1112-1113.
Rivera, P., Vargas, A., Pastor, A., Boronat, A., López-Gambero, A.J., Sánchez-Marín, L., Medina-Vera, D., Serrano, A., Pavón, F.J., de la Torre, R., Agirregoitia, E., Lucena, M.I., Rodríguez de Fonseca, F., Decara, J., Suárez, J. Differential hepatoprotective role of the cannabinoid CB1 and CB2 receptors in paracetamol‐induced liver injury. 2020. British Journal of Pharmacology, 177(14), 3309-3326.
Álvarez García, F.J., Cilleruelo Ortega, M.J., Álvarez Aldeán, J., Garcés-Sánchez, M., García Sánchez, N., Garrote Llanos, E., Hernández Merino, Á., Iofrío de Arce, A., Merino Moína, M., Montesdeoca Melián, A., Navarro Gómez, M.L., Ruiz-Contreras, J. Immunisation schedule of the Spanish Association of Paediatrics: 2020 recommendations [Calendario de vacunaciones de la Asociación Española de Pediatría: recomendaciones 2020]. 2020. Anales de Pediatría, 92(1), 52.e1-52.e10.
Takeuchi, M., Vidigal, P.T., Guerra, M.T., Hundt, M.A., Robert, M.E., Olave-Martinez, M., Aoki, S., Khamphaya, T., Kersten, R., Kruglov, E., de la Rosa Rodriguez, R., Banales, J.M., Nathanson, M.H., Weerachayaphorn, J. Neutrophils interact with cholangiocytes to cause cholestatic changes in alcoholic hepatitis. 2020. Gut.
Tous-Espelosín M, Gorostegi-Anduaga I, Corres P, MartinezAguirre-Betolaza A, Maldonado-Martín S. Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life after Different Aerobic Exercise Programs in Physically Inactive Adults with Overweight/Obesity and Primary Hypertension: Data from the EXERDIET-HTA Study. 2020. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 17(24):9349.
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