UPV/EHUren osasuna eta ongizateari buruzko ekoizpen zientifikoa

UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak osasuna eta ongizatearen gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
UPV/EHUko IRIen artikulu akademikoak osasuna eta ongizatearen gainean argitalpen zientifikoetan.
Iturria: Web of Science (Scopus bidez osatua)
Bilketa: UPV/EHUko biblioteka
Caballero-Serrano, V; McLaren, B; Carrasco, JC; Alday, JG; Fiallos, L; Amigo, J; Onaindia, M. Traditional ecological knowledge and medicinal plant diversity in Ecuadorian Amazon home gardens. 2019. Global Ecology and Conservation, 17: e00524.
de la Fuente, R; Parra, A; Sanchez-Queija, I; Lizaso, I. Flourishing During Emerging Adulthood from a Gender Perspective. 2019. Journal of Happiness Studies (2019).
Soendergaard, PL; Wolffbrandt, MM; Biering-Sorensen, F; Nordin, M; Schow, T; Arango-Lasprilla, JC; Norup, A. A manual-based family intervention for families living with the consequences of traumatic injury to the brain or spinal cord: a study protocol of a randomized controlled trial. 2019. Trials 20, 646.
Muela, A; Azpiroz, J; Calzada, N; Soroa, G; Aritzeta, A. Leaving A Mark, An Animal-Assisted Intervention Programme for Children Who Have Been Exposed to Gender-Based Violence: A Pilot Study. 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21), 4084.
Miranda-Mendizabal, A; Castellvi, P; Alayo, I; Vilagut, G; Blasco, MJ; Torrent, A; Ballester, L; Almenara, J; Lagares, C; Roca, M; Sese, A; Piqueras, JA; Soto-Sanz, V; Rodriguez-Marin, J; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Cebria, AI; Bruffaerts, R; Auerbach, RP; Mortier, P; Kessler, RC; Alonso, J. Gender commonalities and differences in risk and protective factors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors: A cross-sectional study of Spanish university students. 2019. Depression an Anxiety, 36(4).
Aperribai, L; Alonso-Arbiol, I. The role of mental health variables and coping strategies in premenstrual syndrome. 2019. Health Care for Women International.
Jorcano, A; Lubczynska, MJ; Pierotti, L; Altug, H; Ballester, F; Cesaroni, G; El Marroun, H; Fernandez-Somoano, A; Freire, C; Hanke, W; Hoek, G; Ibarluzea, J; Iniguez, C; Jansen, PW; Lepeule, J; Markevych, I; Polanska, K; Porta, D; Schikowski, T; Slama, R; Standl, M; Tardon, A; Vrijkotte, TGM; von Berg, A; Tiemeier, H; Sunyer, J; Guxens, M. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to air pollution and emotional and aggressive symptoms in children from 8 European birth cohorts. 2019. Environment International, 131, 104927.
Perez-Tejada, J; Labaka, A; Pascual-Sagastizabal, E; Garmendia, L; Iruretagoyena, A; Arregi, A. Predictors of psychological distress in breast cancer survivors: A biopsychosocial approach. 2019. European Journal of Cancer Care, 28(6):e13166.
Callejas, Z; Benghazi, K; Noguera, M; Torres, MI; Justo, R. MENHIR: Mental health monitoring through interactive conversations. 2019. Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 63, 139-142.
Aldaz, E; Aritzeta, A; Galdona, N. The association between alexithymia, emotional intelligence and burnout among nursing assistants working in nursing home settings: A cross-sectional study. 2019. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75(11), 2786-2796.
Etxeberria, I; Urdaneta, E; Galdona, N. Factors associated with health-related quality of life (HRQoL): differential patterns depending on age. 2019. Quality of Life Research, 28, 2221–2231.
Garaigordobil, M; Machimbarrena, JM. Victimization and Perpetration of Bullying/Cyberbullying: Connections with Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Childhood Stress. 2019. Psychosocial Intervention, 28, 67 - 73
Etxeberria, I; Etxebarria, I; Urdaneta, E. Subjective well-being among the oldest old: The role of personality traits. 2019. Personality and Individual Differences, 146, 209-216.
Oriol, X; Miranda, R; Amutio, A. Correlates of Bullying Victimization and Sexual Harassment: Implications for Life Satisfaction in Late Adolescents. 2019. Journal of School Nursing.
Albaladejo-Blazquez, N; Ferrer-Cascales, R; Ruiz-Robledillo, N; Sanchez-SanSegundo, M; Fernandez-Alcantara, M; Delvecchio, E; Arango-Lasprilla, JC. Health-Related Quality of Life and Mental Health of Adolescents Involved in School Bullying and Homophobic Verbal Content Bullying. 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research Public Health, 16(14), 2622.
Guzman-Gonzalez, M; Rivera-Ottenberger, D; Garrido, L; Contreras, P; Yarnoz-Yaben, S. Factorial Structure, Metric Invariance and Psychometric Properties of the Chilean Version of the Questionnaire of Forgiveness of the Former Partner. 2019. Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnóstico y Evaluación – e Avaliação Psicológica, 52(3), 41-52.
Lertxundi, A; Andiarena, A; Martinez, MD; Ayerdi, M; Murcia, M; Estarlich, M; Guxens, M; Sunyer, J; Julvez, J; Ibarluzea, J. Prenatal exposure to PM2.5 and NO2 and sex-dependent infant cognitive and motor development. 2019. Environmental Research, 174, 114-121.
Alonso, J; Vilagut, G; Mortier, P; Auerbach, RP; Bruffaerts, R; Cuijpers, P; Demyttenaere, K; Ebert, DD; Ennis, E; Gutierrez-Garcia, RA; Green, JG; Hasking, P; Lee, S; Bantjes, J; Nock, MK; Pinder-Amaker, S; Sampson, NA; Zaslavsky, AM; Kessler, RC; Hasking, P; Boyes, M; Kiekens, G; Bruffaerts, R; Mortier, P; Demyttenaere, K; Bootsma, E; Husky, M; Kovess-Masfety, V; Ebert, DD; Berking, M; Franke, M; Kahlke, F; Baumeister, H; Kuchler, AM; Mak, A; Siu, OL; Benjet, C; Borges, G; Medina-Mora, ME; Ramirez, AA; Diaz, AC; Duran, MS; Tarango, GP; Berbena, MAZ; Gonzalez, RG; Gutierrez-Garcia, RA; de la Torre, AEH; Martinez, KIM; Ruiz, SM; Cuijpers, P; Karyotaki, E; O'Neill, S; Bjourson, T; Murray, E; Stein, DJ; Lochner, C; Roos, J; Taljaard, L; Bantjes, J; Saal, W; Alonso, J; Vilagut, G; Alayo, I; Ballester, L; Blasco, GBMJ; Castellvi, P; Cebria, AI; Garcia-Forero, C; Miranda-Mendizabal, A; Pares-Badell, O; Almenara, J; Lagares, C; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Iruin, A; Perez-Vazquez, MT; Iruin, A; Perez-Vazquez, MT; Piqueras, JA; Soto-Sanz, V; Rodriguez-Marin, J; Roca, M; Gili, M; Vives, M; Auerbach, RP; Kessler, RC; Green, JG; Nock, MK; Pinder-Amaker, S; Zaslavsky, AM. The role impairment associated with mental disorder risk profiles in the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. 2019. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(2): e1750.
Auerbach, RP; Mortier, P; Bruffaerts, R; Alonso, J; Benjet, C; Cuijpers, P; Demyttenaere, K; Ebert, DD; Green, JG; Hasking, P; Lee, S; Lochner, C; McLafferty, M; Nock, MK; Petukhova, MV; Pinder-Amaker, S; Rosellini, AJ; Sampson, NA; Vilagut, G; Zaslavsky, AM; Kessler, RC; Hasking, P; Boyes, M; Kiekens, G; Bruffaerts, R; Mortier, P; Demyttenaere, K; Bootsma, E; Husky, M; Kovess-Masfety, V; Ebert, DD; Berking, M; Franke, M; Kahlke, F; Baumeister, H; Kuchler, AM; Mak, A; Siu, OL; Benjet, C; Borges, G; Medina-Mora, ME; Ramirez, AA; Diaz, AC; Duran, MS; Tarango, GP; Berbena, MAZ; Gonzalez, RG; Gutierrez-Garcia, RA; de la Torre, AEH; Martinez, KIM; Ruiz, SM; Cuijpers, P; Karyotaki, E; O'Neill, S; Bjourson, T; Murray, E; Stein, DJ; Lochner, C; Roos, J; Taljaard, L; Bantjes, J; Saal, W; Alonso, J; Vilagut, G; Alayo, I; Ballester, L; Blasco, GBMJ; Castellvi, P; Cebria, AI; Garcia-Forero, C; Miranda-Mendizabal, A; Pares-Badell, O; Almenara, J; Lagares, C; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Iruin, A; Perez-Vazquez, MT; Piqueras, JA; Soto-Sanz, V; Rodriguez-Marin, J; Roca, M; Gili, M; Vives, M; Auerbach, RP; Kessler, RC; Green, JG; Nock, MK; Pinder-Amaker, S; Zaslavsky, AM. Mental disorder comorbidity and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys International College Student initiative. 2019. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(2): e1752.
Bruffaerts, R; Mortier, P; Auerbach, RP; Alonso, J; De la Torre, AEH; Cuijpers, P; Demyttenaere, K; Ebert, DD; Green, JG; Hasking, P; Stein, DJ; Ennis, E; Nock, MK; Pinder-Amaker, S; Sampson, NA; Vilagut, G; Zaslavsky, AM; Kessler, RC; Hasking, P; Boyes, M; Kiekens, G; Bruffaerts, R; Mortier, P; Demyttenaere, K; Bootsma, E; Husky, M; Kovess-Masfety, V; Ebert, DD; Berking, M; Franke, M; Kahlke, F; Baumeister, H; Kuchler, AM; Mak, A; Siu-Oi-Ling; Benjet, C; Borges, G; Medina-Mora, ME; Ramirez, AA; Diaz, AC; Duran, MS; Tarango, GP; Berbena, MAZ; Gonzalez, RG; Gutierrez-Garcia, RA; De la Torre, AEH; Martinez, KIM; Ruiz, SM; Cuijpers, P; Karyotaki, E; O'Neill, S; Bjourson, T; Murray, E; Lochner, C; Roos, J; Taljaard, L; Bantjes, J; Saal, W; Alonso, J; Vilagut, G; Alayo, I; Ballester, L; Blasco, GBMJ; Castellvi, P; Cebria, AI; Garcia-Forero, C; Miranda-Mendizabal, A; Pares-Badell, O; Almenara, J; Lagares, C; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Iruin, A; Perez-Vazquez, MT; Piqueras, JA; Soto-Sanz, V; Rodriguez-Marin, J; Roca, M; Gili, M; Vives, M; Auerbach, RP; Kessler, RC; Green, JG; Nock, MK; Pinder-Amaker, S; Zaslavsky, AM. Lifetime and 12-month treatment for mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors among first year college students. 2019. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(2): e1764.
Ebert, DD; Franke, M; Kahlke, F; Kuchler, AM; Bruffaerts, R; Mortier, P; Karyotaki, E; Alonso, J; Cuijpers, P; Berking, M; Auerbach, RP; Kessler, RC; Baumeister, H; Hasking, P; Boyes, M; Kiekens, G; Mortier, P; Demyttenaere, K; Bootsma, E; Husky, M; Kovess-Masfety, V; Ebert, DD; Berking, M; Franke, M; Kahlke, F; Baumeister, H; Kuchler, AM; Mak, A; Benjet, C; Borges, G; Medina-Mora, ME; Ramirez, AA; Diaz, AC; Duran, MS; Tarango, GP; Berbena, MAZ; Gonzalez, RG; Gutierrez-Garcia, RA; de la Torre, AEH; Martinez, KIM; Ruiz, SM; Cuijpers, P; Karyotaki, E; O'Neill, S; Bjourson, T; Murray, E; Stein, DJ; Lochner, C; Roos, J; Taljaard, L; Bantjes, J; Saal, W; Alonso, J; Vilagut, G; Alayo, I; Ballester, L; Blasco, GBMJ; Castellvi, P; Cebria, AI; Garcia-Forero, C; Miranda-Mendizabal, A; Pares-Badell, O; Almenara, J; Lagares, C; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Iruin, A; Perez-Vazquez, MT; Piqueras, JA; Soto-Sanz, V; Rodriguez-Marin, J; Roca, M; Gili, M; Vives, M; Auerbach, RP; Kessler, RC; Green, JG; Nock, MK; Pinder-Amaker, S; Zaslavsky, AM. Increasing intentions to use mental health services among university students. Results of a pilot randomized controlled trial within the World Health Organization's World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. 2019. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(2): e1754.
Ebert, DD; Mortier, P; Kaehlke, F; Bruffaerts, R; Baumeister, H; Auerbach, RP; Alonso, J; Vilagut, G; Martinez, KU; Lochner, C; Cuijpers, P; Kuechler, AM; Green, J; Hasking, P; Lapsley, C; Sampson, NA; Kessler, RC; Boyes, M; Kiekens, G; Baumeister, H; Kaehlke, F; Berking, M; Ramirez, AA; Borges, G; Diaz, AC; Duran, MS; Gonzalez, RG; Gutierrez-Garcia, RA; de la Torre, AEH; Martinez, KIM; Medina-Mora, ME; Zarazua, HM; Tarango, GP; Berbena, MAZ; O'Neill, S; Bjourson, T; Lochner, C; Roos, J; Cur, HB; Taljaard, L; Saal, W; Stein, DJ; Bantjes, J; Almenara, J; Ballester, L; Barbaglia, G; Blasco, MJ; Castellvi, P; Cebria, AI; Echeburua, E; Gabilondo, A; Garcia-Forero, C; Iruin, A; Lagares, C; Miranda-Mendizabal, A; Pares-Badell, O; Perez-Vazquez, MT; Piqueras, JA; Roca, M; Rodriguez-Marin, J; Gili, M; Soto-Sanz, V; Vives, M. Barriers of mental health treatment utilization among first-year college students: First cross-national results from the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. 2019. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, 28(2): e1782.
Ruiz-Iriondo, M; Salaberria, K; Polo-Lopez, R; Iruin, A; Echeburua, E. Preventing cognitive decline in chronic schizophrenia: Long-term effectiveness of integrated psychological therapy and emotional management training. 2019. Psicothema, 31(2), 114-120.
Del Olmo-Romero, F; Gonzalez-Blanco, M; Sarro, S; Gracio, J; Martin-Carrasco, M; Martinez-Cabezon, AC; Perna, G; Pomarol-Clotet, E; Varandas, P; Ballesteros-Rodriguez, J; Rebolleda-Gil, C; Vanni, G; Gonzalez-Fraile, E; Moreno-Alcazar, A; Feria, I; Padilla, PP; Larraz, JA; Treserra, J; Perez, AC; Roy, P; Morais, A; Costa, C; Vilas-Boas, C; Correia, M; Nunes, N; Simoes, R; Carneiro, P; Lander, A; Remirez, J; Arellano, J; Pajares, CV; Rodriguez, A; Huerta, R; Janez, M; Porta, D; Valchera, A; Carbonetti, P. Mental health professionals' attitudes towards mental illness: professional and cultural factors in the INTER NOS study. 2019. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 269, 325–339.
Elgorriaga, E; Ibabe, I; Arnoso, A. Mental Health of Spanish Immigrants in Germany and the UK in Comparison to Non-Immigrants and Migration Protective Factors. 2019. Psychosocial Intervention, 28, 19 - 27.
Fumaz, CR; Larranaga-Eguilegor, M; Mayordomo-Lopez, S; Gomez-Martinez, S; Gonzalez-Garcia, M; Ornellas, A; de Apodaca, MJFR; Remor, E; Ballester-Arnal, R; Lopez-Zuniga, AM; Santos-Miguel, I; Albiol-Soto, M; Ferrer-Lasala, MJ; Fumaz, CR; Gonzalez-Garcia, M; Tuldra-Nino, A; Ferrando-Vilalta, R; Santamaria-Jauregui, JM; Iribarren-Loyarte, JA; de Apodaca, RFR; Pasquau-Liano, F; Tornero-Esteban, C; Roca, B; Canoves-Martinez, L; Lorenzo-Gonzalez, JF; Remor, E; Ubillos-Landa, S; Ruzafa-Martinez, M; Aguirrezabal-Prado, A; Arnoso-Martinez, A; Larranaga-Eguilegor, M; Mayordomo-Lopez, S; de Apodaca, MJFR; Molero, F; Nouvilas-Palleja, E; Perez-Garin, D; Sanjuan-Suarez, P; Gilllario, MD; Madrigal-Vilchez, A; Ballester-Arnal, R; Castro-Calvo, J; Gil-Julia, B; Gimenez-Garcia, C; Gomez-Martinez, S; Ruiz-Palomino, E. Health-related quality of life of people living with HIV infection in Spain: a gender perspective. 2019. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 31(12), 1509-1517.
Castro, MC; Martinez, MA; Abarca, XF. Deliberate Rumination and Positive Reappraisal as Serial Mediators Between Life Impact and Posttraumatic Growth in Victims of State Terrorism in Chile (1973-1990). 2019. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 34(3), 545-561.
Metcalfe, IM; Padilla, IL; Lozano, MD; Gomez, IC; Sobrado, MM; Calvente, MDG. Gender inequalities in the impacts of informal elderly caregiving in Gipuzkoa: CUIDAR-SE study. 2019. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 93.
Diaz, M; Estevez, A; Momene, J; Ozerinjauregi, N. Social support in the relationship between perceived informal caregiver burden and general health of female caregivers. 2019. Ansiedad y Estrés - Anxiety and Stress, 25(1), 20-27.
de la Fuente, A; Chang, EC; Cardenoso, O; Chang, OD. Examining coping strategies used by Spanish female social work students: evidence for the importance of social problem-solving abilities. 2019. Social Work Education, 38(3), 314-329.
Ubillos-Landa, S; Garcia-Otero, R; Puente-Martinez, A. Validation of an instrument for measuring chronic pain in nursing homes. 2019. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 42(1), 19-30.
Gonzalez-Rabago, Y; Martin, U. Health and determinants of health in second generations of international immigrants: Social inequalities in health since childhood?. 2019. Gaceta Sanitaria, 33(2), 156-161.
Morrison, M; Hughes, HY; Naggie, S; Syn, WK. Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Among Individuals with HIV Mono-infection: A Growing Concern?. 2019. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, 64, 3394-3401.
Vasquez-Dominguez, E; Armijos-Jaramillo, VD; Tejera, E; Gonzalez-Diaz, H. Multioutput Perturbation-Theory Machine Learning (PTML) Model of ChEMBL Data for Antiretroviral Compounds. 2019. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 16(10), 4200-4212.
Mei, HB; Han, JL; Fustero, S; Medio-Simon, M; Sedgwick, DM; Santi, C; Ruzziconi, R; Soloshonok, VA. Fluorine-Containing Drugs Approved by the FDA in 2018. 2019. Chemistry. A European Journal, 25(51), 11797-11819.
Carravilla, P; Chojnacki, J; Rujas, E; Insausti, S; Largo, E; Waithe, D; Apellaniz, B; Sicard, T; Darre, L; Oar-Arteta, IR; Domene, C; Julien, JP; Requejo-Isidro, J; Eggeling, C; Nieva, JL. Anti-HIV antibody-lipid interactions enhance affinity for the native Env glycoprotein as revealed by single virion STED microscopy. 2019. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters.
Garcia, A; Torralba, J; Apellaniz, B; Carravilla, P; Nieva, JL; Requejo-Isidro, J. Binding affinity of membrane -inserted epitope to HIV-1 antibody and its dependency on lipids quantified by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. 2019. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters.
Insausti, S; Rujas, E; Leaman, DP; Carravilla, P; Chojnacki, J; Ortigosa-Pascual, L; Zhang, L; Eggeling, C; Zwick, MB; Nieva, JL. Interactions through the membrane-accommodation surface improve the biological function of broadly neutralizing HIV-1 antibody 10E8. 2019. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters.
Torralba, J; de la Arada, I; Largo, E; Rujas, E; Insausti, S; Carravilla, P; Garcia-Porras, M; Arrondo, JLR; Nieva, JL; Apellaniz, B. Lipid bilayer stabilization for the correct exposure of MPER epitope in peptide-liposome vaccines targeting the gp41 subunit of HIV-1 Env. 2019. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters.
Vesga, AG; Torralba, J; Apellaniz, B; Carravilla, P; Nieva, JL; Requejo-Isidro, J. Binding affinity of membrane-inserted epitope to HIV-1 antibody and its dependency on lipids quantified by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. 2019. European Biophysics Journal with Biophysics Letters.
Martinez, JD; Valverde, P; Delgado, S; Romano, C; Linclau, B; Reichardt, NC; Oscarson, S; Arda, A; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Canada, FJ. Unraveling Sugar Binding Modes to DC-SIGN by Employing Fluorinated Carbohydrates. 2019. Molecules, 24(12), 2337.
Garcia-Godoy, MJ; Lopez-Camacho, E; Garcia-Nieto, J; Del Serb, J; Nebro, AJ; Aldana-Montes, JF. Bio-inspired optimization for the molecular docking problem: State of the art, recent results and perspectives. 2019. Applied Soft Computing, 79, 30-45.
Perez-Urdiales, I; Goicolea, I; San Sebastian, M; Irazusta, A; Linander, I. Sub-Saharan African immigrant women's experiences of (lack of) access to appropriate healthcare in the public health system in the Basque Country, Spain. 2019. International Journal for Equity in Health, 18: 59.
Mielgo-Ayuso, J; Calleja-Gonzalez, J; Marques-Jimenez, D; Caballero-Garcia, A; Cordova, A; Fernandez-Lazaro, D. Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Athletic Performance in Soccer Players: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. 2019. Nutrients, 11(4), 757.
Martinez, L; Milanic, M; Malaina, I; Alvarez, C; Perez, MB; de la Fuente, IM. Weighted lambda superstrings applied to vaccine design. 2019. PLoS ONE, 14(2): e0211714.
Mielgo-Ayuso, J; Calleja-Gonzalez, J; Del Coso, J; Urdampilleta, A; Leon-Guereno, P; Fernandez-Lazaro, D. Caffeine Supplementation and Physical Performance, Muscle Damage and Perception of Fatigue in Soccer Players: A Systematic Review. 2019. Nutrients, 11(2), 440.
Carravilla, P; Chojnacki, J; Rujas, E; Insausti, S; Largo, E; Waithe, D; Apellaniz, B; Sicard, T; Julien, JP; Eggeling, C; Nieva, JL. Molecular recognition of the native HIV-1 MPER revealed by STED microscopy of single virions. 2019. Nature Communications, 10: 78.
Vicente, D; Basterretxea, M; de la Caba, I; Sancho, R; Lopez-Olaizola, M; Cilia, G. Low antimicrobial resistance rates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex between 2000 and 2015 in Gipuzkoa, northern Spain. 2019. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica, 37(9), 574-579.
Tan, JPK; Tan, J; Park, N; Xu, KJ; Chan, ED; Yang, C; Piunova, VA; Ji, ZK; Lim, A; Shao, JD; Bai, A; Bai, XY; Mantione, D; Sardon, H; Yang, YY; Hedrick, JL. Upcycling Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Refuse to Advanced Therapeutics for the Treatment of Nosocomial and Mycobacterial Infections. 2019. Macromolecules, 52(20), 7878-7885
Valverde, P; Delgado, S; Martinez, JD; Vendeville, JB; Malassis, J; Linclau, B; Reichardt, NC; Canada, FJ; Jimenez-Barbero, J; Arda, A. Molecular Insights into DC-SIGN Binding to Self-Antigens: The Interaction with the Blood Group A/B Antigens. 2019. ACS Chemical Biology, 14(7), 1660-1671.
Krishna-Subramanian, S; Singer, S; Armaka, M; Banales, JM; Holzer, K; Schirmacher, P; Walczak, H; Kollias, G; Pasparakis, M; Kondylis, V. RIPK1 and death receptor signaling drive biliary damage and early liver tumorigenesis in mice with chronic hepatobiliary injury. 2019. Cell Death & Differentiation, 26, 2710-2726.
Verdoux, H; Quiles, C; de Leon, J. Clinical determinants of fever in clozapine users and implications for treatment management: A narrative review. 2019. Schizophrenia Research, 211, 1-9.
Banales, JM; Inarrairaegui, M; Arbelaiz, A; Milkiewicz, P; Muntane, J; Munoz-Bellvis, L; La Casta, A; Gonzalez, LM; Arretxe, E; Alonso, C; Martinez-Arranz, I; Lapitz, A; Santos-Laso, A; Avila, MA; Martinez-Chantar, ML; Bujanda, L; Marin, JJG; Sangro, B; Macias, RIR. Serum Metabolites as Diagnostic Biomarkers for Cholangiocarcinoma, Hepatocellular Carcinoma, and Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. 2019. Hepatology, 70(2), 547-562.
Manka, P; Zeller, A; Syn, WK. Fibrosis in Chronic Liver Disease: An Update on Diagnostic and Treatment Modalities. 2019. Drugs, 79, 903-927.
Torrecilla, J; Gomez-Aguado, I; Vicente-Pascual, M; del Pozo-Rodriguez, A; Solinis, MA; Rodriguez-Gascon, A. MMP-9 Downregulation with Lipid Nanoparticles for Inhibiting Corneal Neovascularization by Gene Silencing. 2019. Nanomaterials, 9(4), 631.
Franca, A; Lima, ACM; Guerra, MT; Weerachayaphorn, J; dos Santos, ML; Njei, B; Robert, M; Lima, CX; Vidigal, PVT; Banales, JM; Ananthanarayanam, M; Leite, MF; Nathanson, MH. Effects of Endotoxin on Type 3 Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptor in Human Cholangiocytes. 2019. Hepatology, 69(2), 817-830.
Gorostiaga A., Aliri J., Balluerka N., Lameirinhas J. Parenting styles and internalizing symptoms in adolescence: a systematic literature review. 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(17), 3192.
González-Cabrera J., Tourón J., Machimbarrena J.M., Gutiérrez-Ortega M., Álvarez-Bardón A., Garaigordobil M. Cyberbullying in gifted students: Prevalence and psychological well-being in a Spanish sample. 2019. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(12), 2173.
Subiza-Pérez M., Vozmediano L., San Juan C. Pretest-posttest field studies on psychological restoration: a descriptive review and reflections for the future. 2019. Landscape Research, 44(4), 493 505.
Zwiebel S., Rayapati A.O., de Leon J. Catatonia Following Abrupt Cessation of Oxcarbazepine in a Patient With Prader-Willi Syndrome. 2019. Psychosomatics, 60(3), 311-315.
Pereira J., Díaz Ó. Using Health Chatbots for Behavior Change: A Mapping Study. 2019. Journal of Medical Systems, 43:135.
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