This programme is specifically aimed at people who have a degree or similar qualification in Medicine, who are currently completing their MIR (resident medical intern) training or who have already obtained a medical specialisation.
In addition to preparing an original research project or doctoral thesis, the training activities required are scheduled to be mostly included in the activities organised by the respective Hospital Services and by the hospitals’ Teaching Commissions.
Ficha de Grado
Part-time studies
Duration: 7 - 8 years
Places available: 50
Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year
Ficha de Grado
Full-time studies
Duration: 4 - 5 years
Places available: 10
Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year
Academic queries: ignacio.galonso@ehu.eus
Administrative queries: medicinaycirugia.doke@ehu.eus
Suggestions and requestsResearch teams and research topics
Research teams | Research topics |
Advances in Surgery Group |
Biomaterials Group |
Digestive Hepatic Group |
Endocrine, Metabolic and Nutritional Group |
Maternal and Child Health, Infertility and Cardio-Respiratory Pathology Group |
Microbial Infectious Group |
New Diagnostic and Therapeutical Strategies |
Oncology Group |
Research into Health Services Group |