‘Materials + Technolgies' Group has a large scientific equipment. Moreover, it is an common user of The Advanced Research Facilities (SGIker) from UPV/EHU mainly Macrobehaviour-Mesostructure-Nanotechnology Unit.

- Atomic Force Microsopy (Multimode 8, Dimension ICON Bruker) - SGIker
- Optical Microscopy (Eclipse 600 Nikon, E80 Nikon) - SGIker
Optical Properties and Spectrophotometry
- Elipsometer (GES5E Sopra-Semilab) - SGIker
- Light Scattering (DLS Brookhaven Instruments)
- Chemiluminescence (MicroBeam)
- Espectrofotometer (X-Rite 962)
- UV-VIS-NIR Spectroscopy (3600 Shimadzu) - SGIker
Visco-elastic, Rheological and Electrical behaviour
- Mechanodynamic Analysis (Eplexor 100N Gabo Qualimeter) - SGIker
- Viscotester iQ)
- Rotational Rheometer (Ares Rheometrics, Ares-G2 TA Instruments) - SGIker
- Viscoanalyzer (Haake Rotovisco RV 20)
- Texture Analyser (Stable Micro Systems, TA.XTPlusC)
- Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy (DRS Novocontrol) - SGIker
- PVT 100 equipment + thermal conductivity (PVT 100 Haake) - SGIker
- Semiconductor Analyzer (4200 SCS Keithley) - SGIker
- Melt Flow index (MFI) Metrotec MFI-100 (TechlabSystems)
Physico-Chemical Characterisation
- Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC 822, DSC 3+ Mettler Toledo) - SGIker
- Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA/SDTA 851, TGA/DSC3+ Mettler-Toledo)
- Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy FT-IR/NIR (Spectrum 3 Perkin Elmer)
- Gel-exclusion Chromatography (Series 200 Perkin Elmer, Ultimate 3000 Thermo Scientific)
- ZetaSizer Ultra (Malvern Panalytical) - SGIker
- Contact Angle (SEO – Phoenix 300 Touch Automatic)
Mechanical Analysis
- Mechanical Tests (Instron - SGIker, MTS)
- Miniature Mechanical Tests (Minimat Rheometrics) - SGIker
- Rebound Resilience for Foam (Bareiss) - SGIker
- Impact Tester, Charpy Type (MTS)
Melt Processing
- Extrusion, Mixing (Rheocord 90, Rheomex CTW100, MiniLab Microcompounder Haake)
- Injection (Plus 250 Battenfeld, MiniJet Haake)
- Hydraulic Press (Santec)
- Hydraulic Press (Specac)
Sample Preparation
- Ultramicrotomy (Ultracut R Leica) - SGIker
- Microtomy (RM2245 Leica) - SGIker
- Pneumatic sample cutting press (Metrotec) - SGIker
- Spin Coating (Specialty Coating Systems, Inc.) - SGIker
- Dip Coating (Nima technology) - SGIker
- Langmuir Blodgett (Nima Technology)
- Freeze dryer (LYOQUEST-85 PLUS Telstar)
- Dissolver (Dispermat Fullbrook Systems)
- Ultrasonication, bath sonicator, reconditioning oven, vacuum ovens, muffles, vacuum and temperature desiccator), mechanical and magnetic stirred, vortex, heating plates, incubators, etc.
- Model ORB - Bench-Top Jacketed Reactor System (Syrris)
- Stainless Steel High Pressure Reactor (PARR 5500)
- Vertical Laminar Flow Cabinets (Cruma 670FL)
Advanced Manufacturing
- 3D Printing-FDM, Voladora (Tumaker)
- 3D Printing-Syringe Extrusion (Tumaker)
- 3D Printing-REGEMAT3D V.1
- Electrospinning, Fluidnatek LE-10 (Bioinicia)