8th Conference
Kantatzen Duten Herriak (KDH Vol. 8) | People that sing
Call for Proposals
First publication date: 20/02/2024

Rave & Queer | Erdigunetik at | Transgredir la pista central
The distinction between musical centres and margins has always been central in contemporary music, just as in any social and cultural sphere. Within this framework, the bridges between the alternative and the commercial, as well as the interplay of resistance, provocation, and hegemony, have always been an integral part of its evolution, the logic of musical change, and the way it articulates social meanings. In the 21st century, as the ways in which these distinctions—between the commercial and the alternative, the normative and the transgresive, the powerful and the subaltern—are defined, experienced, contested, and articulated are being reconfigured, the world of music is also reinventing itself. The social and technological reinvention of how music is consumed and how discourses around it are shaped goes hand in hand with a multitude of phenomena, such as the emergence of the urban scene within the commercial mainstream, the relational and symbolic spaces represented by raves, and the various manifestations of queer identities in musical scenes. In the midst of this frenetic pace of change, the ways in which the structuring of social and cultural centres and margins is conceived, lived, and negotiated are constantly being articulated and rearticulated.
At Kantatzen Duten Herriak (KDH), driven by our interest in contemporary sounds and music and their relationship with society, we extend an open call in this eighth edition to speakers, guests, and collaborators to help us explore, from every possible angle, the redefinition of musical centres and margins and their connection to social centres and margins. How do different musical scenes articulate dissidence, queerness, subalternity, and deviation? How do they interact with one another, and how is the dynamic between the commercial centre and alternative or underground margins shifting?
We invite submissions of oral presentations, sound interventions, performative lectures, small-format concerts, and other contributions that engage with the redefinition of the dynamics between centre and margins. This does not exclude other topics related to the themes we always address in these sessions—music, culture, and creativity and their broader relationship with society. Proposals may be submitted either in person or online. As always, participation is free, with no registration fees.
Submissions should be sent to kdh.the@ehu.eus by march the 8th.