Of interest

International Conference on Socio-Environmental Footprints (ICSEF): energy, materials, justice and waste.
Dates: 13-14th Jun 2024
Socio-environmental footprints analysis has been a new unavoidable topic for all research brunches. This conference, it is co-organized by the Life Cycle Thinking Research Group at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Medicusmundi Araba and Medicusmundi Gipuzkoa and it is supported by the Basque Agency for Development Cooperation. The goal is to face in the next four research lines the global footprints hidden behind the current economic model, in order to measure and understand how to revert the current ravaging socio-environmental burdens.
- Inscriptions and payments: 1st of November 2023 to 1st of March 2024.
- Last day to submit manuscripts: 15th of March 2024.
- Answers from scientific committee to accept/review/reject: 15th of April 2024.
Abstract: 200 words and graphical abstract (.pdf format). Text: 2000 words, 1 Table and 1 Figure. Maximum 15 references.