The University of the Basque Country defends unreservedly the rights of people in need of international protection
UPV/EHU’s program for refugees and asylum seekers

The UPV/EHU, in coherence with the agreement unanimously adopted by its Governing Council (1 October , 2015) (pdf, 3.1 MB), assumes an unmitigated defense of the rights of asylum seekers and refugees.
In this agreement, and in order to materialize the objectives agreed upon at the General Assembly of Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) on September 7th, 2015, it undertook to carry out different actions for the care of refugees in the Basque Autonomous Community. These actions are framed in four lines of action:
- Help in the process of regularization of the academic situation and access to the university
- Assistance in covering special needs at the university level
- Promotion of awareness and debate
- Financial and material aid to university students who are beneficiaries of international protection through a fund of the University of the Basque Country endowed with 20,000 euros. Since 2018/19 academic year, asylum seekers, beneficiaries of international protection or stateless persons can request exemption from the payment of univrsity fees. This exemption was published in the ORDER of June 20, 2018, of the Minister of Education, which sets the prices to be paid for public higher education services of the University of the Basque Country for the academic year 2018-2019 and the conditions for the benefit of exemptions and reductions are defined. It has has been maintained for successive courses.
The administrative unit in charge of coordinating these lines of action is the UPV/EHU's Development Cooperation Office.