Anna Giné
Datu pertsonalak

- Cateogry: OPIK collaborating researcher
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I am a Nurse and Anthropologist. My growing interest in Social Determinants of Health led me to study a Master's degree in Medical Anthropology and International Health, and a another one in Public Health. I am interested in the implementation of policies that have an impact on the health and well-being of populations. In 2021 I defended my doctoral thesis on health equity policies, Moving forward Health Equity: Implementation Research on Governance for Health Equity at local level.
Bacigalupe A, Cabezas-Rodríguez A, Giné-March A, Jiménez-Carrillo M. (2022): Mujeres y pandemia por COVID-19: evidencias en torno a su invisibilidad política, mediática y científica. En: López Rodríguez RM, Soriano Villarroel. Informe Salud y Género 2022: aproximación multidisciplinar a la pandemia por COVID-19. Madrid: Ministerio de Sanidad; 2022. p. 13-36. Enlace:
Giné March A, Morteruel Arizcuren M, Martín Roncero U. (2022): Incorporando las narrativas y las percepciones en los diagnósticos de salud locales: el caso de Bilbao. Gaceta Sanitaria, 2022;36(2):193-5. Spanish. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2020.10.002.
Bacigalupe A, Cabezas-Rodríguez A, Giné-March A, Jiménez Carrillo M. (2022): Invisibilidad de género en la gestión de la COVID-19: ¿quién toma las decisiones políticas durante la pandemia? Gaceta Sanitaria, 2022; 36(2):156-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.gaceta.2021.02.005.
Alzaga,EV; Roncero,UM; Dominguez-Rodriguez,A; Bacigalupe,A; Cabezas,A; Giné, A; Morteruel,M; Jimenez,M; Utzet,M; González-Rábago,Y. (2020): Covid-19 and child health: confinement and its impact according to child professionals. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 2020;94:e202007064.
Most relevant projects
- Plan de Salud para Bilbao. Cityhall of Bilbao (2017-2019).
- Participation in national and international workshops and conferences.
- Professor at the Master's degree in Health Promotion and Community Health (2018-2019)