Antonio Moreno Llamas
Personal information

- Category: Postdoctoral researcher
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Graduate in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (2017) and Master's Degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Research (2018) at the University of Murcia. Master's Degree in Teacher Training in Secondary Education (2023) at the Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia. PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (2022) at the University of Murcia, former Fulbright Ruth Lee Kennedy and current Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Researcher. My main interest lies in those factors that promote or limit physical activity in the Spanish and European population and social inequalities in physical activity. My current line of research focuses on social inequalities in lifestyle and health. Currently, I am a member of the Research Group on Social Determinants of Health and Demographic Change - OPIK.
Most relevant publications
- Moreno-Llamas, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., & García-Mayor, J. (2024). Estimating the Reduction of Socioeconomic Inequalities for a More Physically Active Society: A Cross-Sectional Study of the European Union Country Members. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 21(11), 1197-1207. Retrieved Nov 9, 2024, from
- Moreno-Llamas, A., San Sebastián, M., & Gustafsson, P. E. (2024). The transmission of social inequalities through economic difficulties and lifestyle factors on body mass index: An intersectional mediation analysis in the Swedish population. Social Science & Medicine, 360, 117314.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., San Sebastián, M., Gustafsson, P. (2024). Intersectional inequality through economic difficulties and lifestyle on body mass index in Sweden, European Journal of Public Health, Volume 34, Issue Supplement_3, November 2024, ckae144.1008,
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2024. Social inequalities hamper pro-environmental mobility intentions in Europe. Cities. 145, pp.104716.
- García-Mayor, J., Moreno-Llamas, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2023. A decade beyond the economic recession: A study of health-related lifestyles in urban and rural Spain (2006–2017). Nursing & Health Sciences. pp.1-12.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2023. Urban-rural differences in perceived environmental opportunities for physical activity: A 2002-2017 time-trend analysis in Europe. Health Promotion International.
- De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., Moreno-Llamas, A., Mendiola Olivares, J., García-Mayor, J., Torres-Cantero, A., Devine, E.B., 2023. Association between Covid-19 sources of information, beliefs, and vaccination rates: An EU-wide survey. European Journal of Public Health, ckad115.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2023. Moderate Beer Consumption Is Associated with Good Physical and Mental Health Status and Increased Social Support. Nutrients, 15(6), 1519.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2023. The Socioeconomic Paradox of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Europe. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, pp.1-11.
- García-Mayor, J., Moreno-Llamas, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2022. How socioeconomic status affect weight status through health-related lifestyles: a latent class analysis. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, pp.1-15.
- García-Mayor, J., Gouveia, ÉR., Marques, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., Moreno-Llamas, A., França, C., Gouveia, BR., Ihle, A., 2022. Exploring the Role of Physical Activity in Mediating the Association between Educational Level and Health-Related Quality of Life in an Adult Lifespan Sample from Madeira Island. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19: 7608.
- García-Mayor, J., Moreno-Llamas, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2022. Health-related lifestyle of Spanish informal caregivers: Results from two national health surveys. Family Relations, pp.1-15.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2022. How Europeans move: a moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sitting time paradox in the European Union. Public Health 203, pp.1-8.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2021. Gender inequality is associated with gender differences and women participation in physical activity. Journal of Public Health.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2021. Urban-rural differences in trajectories of physical activity in Europe from 2002 to 2017. Health & Place 69, 102570.
- García-Mayor, J., Moreno-Llamas, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2021. High educational attainment redresses the effect of occupational social class on health-related lifestyle: findings from four Spanish national health surveys. Annals of Epidemiology 58, pp.29-37.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2020. Physical activity barriers according to social stratification in Europe. International Journal of Public Health 65, pp.1477–1484.
- Moreno-Llamas, A., García-Mayor, J., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2020. The impact of digital technology development on sitting time across Europe. Technology in Society 63, 101406.
- García-Mayor, J., Moreno-Llamas, A., De la Cruz-Sánchez, E., 2020. Inequalities in the long‐term impact of the economic recession on preventive healthcare use and health‐related lifestyle in Spain (2006–2017). Health & Social Care in the Community, pp.1-14.
Most relevant projects
- Inequalities in Self-perceived General Health, Mental Health, and Health-related Quality of Life among Spanish and US Populations with Chronic Disease. Fulbright Ruth Lee Kennedy 2023-2024. Principal investigator.
- Beneficios funcionales del consume moderado de cerveza en la población adulta española. XXII edición de las becas de investigación Manuel de Oya - Cerveza, Salud y Nutrición. Reseacher.