Alexander López Urionabarrenechea

Short CV
Chemical Engineer and PhD in Environmental Engineering, with international mention and extraordinary award. His research area focuses on obtaining secondary raw materials, alternative fuels and/or energy from the treatment of complex waste, both of industrial and urban origin. He has participated in 15 research projects in national, regional and university competitive calls, being principal investigator in 3 of them, and in 8 private research contracts with companies. In terms of scientific production, he has published 43 articles in peer-reviewed international journals (25 Q1, 18 Q2, 2435 citations, h index=21) and 2 book chapters. In 2022, he was one of the top 2% of the most cited researchers worldwide according to the annual ranking published by Stanford University. In addition, he is the main inventor of a Spanish patent validated in the European Union (Germany, Italy, France) and the United Kingdom. He has also presented 85 communications at national and international symposiums. This scientific production has supposed the recognition of 2 six-year research periods. He is a member of 2 PhD programs: Environmental Engineering, and Engineering of Materials and Sustainable Processes. He has supervised 4 doctoral theses, 2 of them internationals (1 with extraordinary prize), 1 with mention of industrial doctorate and 1 in basque. He currently supervises other 3 doctoral theses. He is a member of the evaluating entity of the Euskoiker Foundation for the evaluation of the safety reports of Basque companies affected by the legislation on serious accidents involving hazardous substances.
In the teaching area, he is associate professor of Environmental Technologies in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the School of Engineering of Bilbao (UPV/EHU), accredited as full professor from 2023. He teaches "Waste Sampling and Analysis" in the Degree in Environmental Engineering, "Waste Management" and "Treatment of Industrial Waste and Contaminated Soil" in the Master Degree in Environmental Management and Engineering, and "Recycling of Materials" in the Master Degree in Advanced Materials Engineering. In the teaching evaluation program of the UPV/EHU DOCENTIAZ he has obtained a rating of 94.92/100 and 86.32/100 in the two calls evaluated.