Blanca María Caballero Iglesias

CV Summary
PhD in Chemical Sciences and Senior Technician in Occupational Risk Prevention, in all 3 specialties’. Associate Professor in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of Bilbao of the UPV/EHU since 1986, and currently Full Professor.
The research activities have been focused on: a) production of liquid fuels by coal liquefaction, and b) recycling and thermochemical valorisation (pyrolysis and gasification) of organic waste, both industrial and urban, and biomass. He has participated in more than 50 research projects and agreements financed by public and private companies, and has published more than 65 papers and contributions to collective works, of which 49 are published in journals included in the Journal Citation Report, in addition to the patent "Method for the treatment of vapours generated in the process of recovery of carbon fibres from composites by pyrolysis". He has presented more than 90 communications at congresses, mostly of then are internationals and is a member of the technical team of an Assessment Group for safety reports on major accidents (Seveso Directive) authorised by the Basque Government's Department of Industry.