Esther Acha

Short CV
Chemical Engineer in 2006 and PhD with international mention in Advanced Materials Engineering from the UPV/EHU in 2013, with a 6-month pre-doctoral stay at the Energy Research Center of the Netherlands (ECN, The Netherlands) and two post-doctoral stays at the ECN (2 months) and at the Norwegian Science and Technology University NTNU (Norway) (3 months). She has been a lecturer in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering and Environment of the UPV/EHU since 2010, and permanent lecturer since 2018. She has collaborated in 28 research projects both with companies and with regional and national public subsidies. The lines of research developed throughout these projects have been: energy recovery of ASR waste by combustion, obtaining secondary raw materials, alternative fuels and energy by thermal treatment of waste, improvement of reactions by adsorption displacement, production and purification of hydrogen and heterogeneous catalytic processes. The results have led to 22 publications in international JCR indexed journals and he has participated in more than 30 contributions to national and international conferences. She has supervised 1 doctoral thesis, another one in its final phase and two in development, 20 final degree projects, and has tutored 9 students in company internships.