Ion Agirre Arisketa

Short CV
Ion Agirre-Arisketa, Chemical Engineer from UPV/EHU (2000-2005), holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering from 2011 obtaining outstanding cum laude and the Phd Excellence Award together with the European Doctorate mention. He is member of SUPREN Group since 2004, when he started with his Master Thesis. Since then he has participated in more than 30 projects in the fields of biorefinery, hydrogen, separation processes waste biomass upgrading, modelling or Life Cycle Assesments. Moreover, he has performed two different internships of 6 month each in the “Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands – ECN” where he worked in membrane separation processes. After getting the PhD he got a Postdoc position at the University of Leoben (Austria) where we worked for 15 months in the biomass upgrading field.
In October 2012 he got an Assistant Professor position and since 2017 he is an Associate Professor in the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) where he combines his teaching activities and his work as a researcher. As a professor, he also shows inquisitiveness in improving the teaching quality participating in different innovative learning projects as well as publishing his results in international learning conferences and journal.
All this work was presented in more than 35 international conferences as well as in 19 papers in international JRC journals.