Nere Viar-Antuñano

Short CV
Nerea Viar-Antuñano, Industrial Engineer from UPV/EHU (2016), holds a PhD in Engineering of Materials and Sustainable Processes from 2021 obtaining outstanding cum laude together with the European Doctorate mention. To obtain the European mention for the PhD, she performed an internship of 6 months at the Dipartamento di Chimica Industriale at the University of Bologna (Italy).
She is member of SUPREN Group since 2016, when she started with her PhD Thesis. Since then she has participated in different projects in the fields of biorefinery concept, working on the development of new catalytic systems to obtain value-added renewable chemical products. This work was presented in 8 international conferences as well as in 5 papers in international JRC journals.
In September 2021 she got an Assistant Professor position in the Engineering Faculty of Bilbao (UPV/EHU) where she combines her teaching activities and her work as a researcher. As a professor, she has participated in various Educational Innovation Proyects that have allowed her to publish in different conferences.