Roberta Rutigliano
Datu pertsonalak

- Kateogria: Ikerbasque Research Fellow OPIKen
- Bulegoa: 4.126
- Posta elektronikoa:
- ORCID: 0000-0002-8077-027X
Demografoa naiz eta nire ikerketa-lanak familia demografian du oinarri.
Ekonomilaria naiz (Bocconi University, 2009), Demografian Masterra (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2012) eta Gizarte Demografian Doktorea naiz (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 2017). Irakasle laguntzaile gisa lan egin dut Herbeeretako Groningengo Unibertsitatean azken urteotan eta 2022an Ikerbasque, Zientziarako Euskal Fundazioak eskeintzen dituen Research Fellow postuetako bat lortu nuen. Horri esker, 2023ko urtarriletik aurrera OPIKen nabil ikertzaile lanetan. Population Europe-ko aditua naiz, Europako demografia Ikerketa zentro garrantzitsuenen sarea.
Nire ikerketak gurasoen laguntzak ugalkortasun-erabakiak nola moldatzen eta moldatu ahal dituen aztertzen du diru-sarrera altuko herrialdeetan. Ugalkortasuna eta familia dinamika, amen osasuna eta ongizatea, demografia soziala eta belaunaldien arteko hartu-emanak aztertzen ditut. Gaur egun nire ikerketa gai hauetara bideratzen da:
(1) Ugalkortasun-dinamika ugalkortasun baxuaren eta berantiarraren testuinguruan
(2) Aiton-amonen ezaugarriak eta familiartekoen portaera gizarte aurreratuetan
(3) Gizarte-konpromisoa eta emaitza kognitibo zein ez-kognitiboetan dituen ondorioak aurreragoko adinetan.
Argitalpen garrantzitsuenak
Rutigliano, R. (2024): Do grandparents really matter? The effect of regular grandparental childcare on the second-birth transition. European Sociological Review, vol. 40 (5): 772-785. DOI:
Bister L, Eibich P, Rutigliano R, Kühn M, van Hedel K. (2023). Selection into maternity leave length and long-run maternal health in Germany. Journal of Social Policy. Published online 2023:1-20.
Sturm, N, Koops, JC, Rutigliano, R. (2023): The Influence of Partnership Status on Fertility Intentions of Childless Women and Men Across European Countries. European Journal of Population, 39 (20): 1-34. DOI:
Rutigliano, R., Schnor, C., Zilincikova, Z., "Moving closer for the grandchild? Fertility and geographical proximity of mothers and daughters in Belgium", Demography (2023): 10670420. DOI 10.1215/00703370-10670420
Rutigliano, R., Lozano, M.: "Do I want more if you help me? Grandparental support and fertility intentions in Spain", Genus (2022) 78 (13). DOI:
Pessin, L., Rutigliano, R., Haddock Potter M.: "Time, Money, and Parenthood in The United States: How (Grand-)Parent to Adult Children Transfers Shape the Transition to Parenthood ", Journal of Marriage and Family (2021) 84: 101-120. DOI:
Rutigliano, R.: “Counting on Potential Grandparents? Adult Child entry into Parenthood across European Countries”. Demography (2020): 57: 1393-1414. DOI:
Zueras, P., Rutigliano, R, Trias-Llimos, S.: "Marital status, living arrangements, and mortality in middle and older age in Europe" International Journal of Public Health (2020) 65: 627-636. DOI:
Tamagnini, G., Biondi, R., Ricciardi, G., Rutigliano, R., Trias-Llimos, S., Bart Joseph Lamelas, M., Del Giglio M.: "Cardiac Surgery in the Time of the Novel Coronavirus: Why We Should Think to a New Normal" Journal of Cardiac Surgery (2020) 35 (8): 1761-1764. DOI:
Rutigliano, R, Esping-Andersen, G.: “Partnership Choice and Childbearing in Norway and Spain”, European Journal of Population (2018) 34: 367-386. DOI:
Rutigliano, R, (2017): Fertility and Family Ties in times of Demographic changes. PhD Dissertation. Barcelona: Pompeu Fabra University. 224p. Link:
Creighton M., Esping-Andersen G., Rutigliano, R., van Damme M., 2014. (2014): “Is Fertility Influenced by Couple Instability?” in Gøsta Esping-Andersen (ed.) The Fertility Gap in Europe: Singularities of the Spanish Case. Barcelona: Obra Social Fundación “La Caixa". P102-120. Link:
Entregatuak (berrikusketa prozesuan)
Sturm, N., Koops, J., Rutigliano, R. "The influence of partnership status on fertility intentions of childless women and men across European countries", European Jouranl of Population (Accepted)
Rutigliano, R. “Grand-parental fertility dividend? Childcare Arrangements and the Risk of Second Birth in the UK” (Revised and resubmitted)
Gonbidatutako azken hitzaldiak
2021, June: Invited Talk on “The use of Instagram as a learning tool during Corona times” at Education Festival, University of Groningen -Groningen (The Netherlands)
2021, April: Invited Talk on “Demography and women's wellbeing” at ISGlobal, Barcelona Institute for Global Health-Barcelona (Spain)
2020, October: Invited Talk on “Fertility and grandparenthood” at the Center for Social Inequality Studies, Sociology Department, Trento University -Trento (Italy)
2019, December: Invited Talk on “Time, Money, and Parenthood in The United States” at Population Research Institute, Penn State University -State College (USA)
2019, March: Invited talk on “Childbirth, childcare, and well-being: Evidence from the UK” at NIDI Lunch Seminar-Den Hague (The Netherlands)