Oihana Gordobil Goñi

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Oihana Gordobil completed her Degree in Chemical Engineering in 2011 at the Faculty of Engineering of Gipuzkoa of the University of the Basque Country and obtained the PhD Degree in the field of Renewable Materials Engineering from the same university in 2018.
In 2020, she was incorporated as a Research Associate to the Wood Modification group at Innorenew CoE (Slovenia) and in 2021 she was awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship to carry out the BIO4CARE project which aimed at developing an efficient and lignin-based multifunctional for application in skin care products and sunscreens.
In 2023, she was awarded the Ramón y Cajal Postdoctoral Grant from the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry and she joined the Group 'Materials + Technologies' of the Chemical Engineering and Environmental Department at the Faculty of Engineering of Gipuzkoa, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
Her research line involves the knowledge harvested during her scientific carrier on renewable materials engineering and biorefinery processes with a special emphasis on the sustainable valorization of lignin and transformation of agro-industrial by-products to high added-value ingredients for the development of bio-based ingredients, formulations and materials. Moreover, her research interests also focus on spectroscopy, Multivariate Data Analysis (MDA) and chemometrics related to lignocellulosic materials and their components, to develop alternative analytical methodologies for the classification and prediction of properties.
The quality of her scientific research is supported by 32 peer-reviewed scientific articles in highly ranked international journals in the fields of chemical engineering and material science, gathering 1162 citations in Scopus (h-index 17). She has participated in more than 30 international conferences. Moreover, she has participated in 14 projects (3 as principal investigator) from regional, national, Slovene Government and European calls as well as industrial projects.